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About FJCrusing

  • Birthday 08/28/1978

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  • Location
    Franklin, TN
  • Gender


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P365
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Sig P320

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  1. I'm an RMEF Member and just live down the road from Sycamore Farms. I'll likely make plans to attend. Thanks for the info!
  2. Welcome aboard and to this great state.
  3. Honest question. Is it really worth paying $14.50 entrance fee to go look at overpriced ammo & guns? What's the draw anymore? Haven't been to a gun show in years.
  4. Bought a John Deere Z515 (60") Zero Turn a few months ago and couldn't be happier. Can mow an acre in about 40 minutes. Had a John Deere riding mower prior to that and it would easily take 1.5 hours.
  5. So would a Sig Grip Module per say require a S/N under those rules!? That's insanity if so. Like the mention above, trying to fix a problem that does not exist.
  6. The Sig P220 10mm magazines have a capacity of 10. It's my woods carry gun with a GunfightersINC Kenai chest holster. The Sig P220 10mm comes in a few different flavors. Legion, Emperor Scorpion, Nitron, Stainless, Hunter. I know the Legion and Hunter are still in production, not so sure about the others.
  7. "Louisville has seen a surge of violent crime. According to police statistics, murders, rapes and robberies were up more than 81% above the five-year averages in January and February. This followed a 2020 where police retirements and resignations were at a five-year high after Taylor's death. Approximately 15% of the police force left during that time." Starting to sound familiar in more and more cities lately.
  8. Have owned a Glock 20 Gen4 and had the slide milled for RMR. Several years later my wife bought me a Sig P220 Legion 10mm and I never shot the Glock 20 again and sold it. Huge difference. I would recommend checking into some of the various Sig P220's in 10mm. Much more pleasant to shoot than the tupperware variety.
  9. Ironically as I have evolved in my firearm ownership over the years I have started to seek out and purchase more wood stock firearms. Have already purchased one for my son who is just around the corner from starting to use it for deer hunting. It all starts with our kids and youth to pass on and to ensure our 2nd Amendment rights survive. I work with several millennials and they are all pro gun or grew up around guns surprisingly. If you want to ensure survival of the 2nd Amendment take your kids, your friends, etc. out shooting and show them proper methods, safety, shooting practices and such. I have introduced several new gun owners and hunters over the years and continue to do so (kids and adults). It’s the only way the 2nd Amendment will confine to survive. The NRA and politicians are far from a guarantee to just sit back and do nothing. Do your part. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Called one in last Saturday and missed the shot. Still in disbelief. I had packed up and planned to go this morning but woke up and saw all the trees blowing sideways at 15-20MPH and 36 degrees and went back to bed. Anyone else make it out today? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Remington 870 Shurshot 12 gauge with 3.5" Win. XR Longbeards. Been happy with #5 shot. Using an Indian Creek Choke. Haven't been seeing many turkeys on my hunting property but they usually show themselves on opening day.
  12. @TGO David Merry Christmas to you and your family! And to all of the good people on TGO!


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