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Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works

Guest peacexxl

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Wow. If that analysis is valid, Zimmerman is gonna wind up with a large black husband.

Hope he used frequency domain analysis, because a telephone line scrambles the time relationships. I need to read what the guy is selling. Biometric sounds like a marketing term.

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Robert, if you want to paint me as being driven by fear, that’s fine.

In the post I was replying to you insinuated that the prosecutor should make their decision to indite or not to indite based on what the mob would do (chiding QuiteDan because it wouldn't be "his" neighborhood burned if Zimmerman wasn't prosecuted). I said nothing in my post about you being "afraid". However, given your reply, I must have hit close to the mark.

I am driven by intelligence, common sense and a desire for justice.

Perhaps; but I've seen no evidence to support that assertion.

I fear no man.
You may or may not fear a "man" but you do seem to be afraid of considering any information about this incident that contradicts your closed-minded opinion about it.
And I have no fear that I will make a foolish mistake that puts me in the situation that Zimmerman was in.
It's been my experience that when someone thinks "it can't happen to me"/"I would never do that"; they usually find out they are wrong.
I think fear is why you so desperately want to see Zimmerman not prosecuted. I think you want to believe that you can take your gun out and kill anymore that scares you. You live in the wrong state for that.
Well, I'm beginning to think that you don't really do much thinking; at least not critical thinking.

Moving on, while you may believe your knowledge, not just of what happened in this case but what everyone else involved was thinking, may be perfect (at least in your own, closed mind); you, Mr. ex-cop don't know s**t about me or my motivations.

You also obviously don't know what's been said in this thread because I challenge you to cite even one post where I have said Zimmerman shouldn't be prosecuted; I WANT him prosecuted if and ONLY IF the evidence shows he should be; not because of fear of a mob and certainly not because some know-it-alls thinks Zimmerman should be.

This isn’t about duty to retreat and it isn’t about race.
I've never said it was nor did I say anything of the kind in my post you are replying to.
This is about a little man that believed carrying a gun made all things equal.
There is that perfect knowledge again...must be nice to be so "special" that way.
I am not naive;...
I know very well that we have a legal system and not a justice system.
....yeah...keep saying that...there might be one or two people on TGO that hasn't already hear you say that even though you say it about every third post you make.
But I hold out a little bit of hope that because of the spotlight that has been put on this case our system will do what’s right. I very well may be disappointed.
Yeah...of course in your mind, doing "what's right" means that the system agrees with your already formed and closed-minded opinion. :bowrofl:
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Guest 6.8 AR

Wow. If that analysis is valid, Zimmerman is gonna wind up with a large black husband.

Hope he used frequency domain analysis, because a telephone line scrambles the time relationships. I need to read what the guy is selling. Biometric sounds like a marketing term.

It says he compared it to Zimmerman only. I wonder if he has a sample of Martin to compare it to?

I don't think I'd rush to judgement too fast.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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I listened to it again and it sounds like cones, but that doesn"t make any sence unless he tripped over one. If he did say coons he is pronouncing it in a way I have never heard, and I have been in construction for almost 40 years.

I lived in Central Florida when I was in the third grade (Dad was in construction also) I remember him talking about people wearing heavy winter coats in 65 degree temps down there.

Joe W.

I couldn't possibly tell what Zimmerman said under his breath. Sanford PD originally had it in the transcript as "unintelligible", which I think it is. Even with it being super enhanced I don't see it being used by prosecution.

As far as 62 degrees being cold, yeah, in Florida it is. I spent the first 20 years of my life in central Florida. 62 degrees is jacket weather. In Tennessee it's shorts weather.

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It says he compared it to Zimmerman only. I wonder if he has a sample of Martin to compare it to?

I don't think I'd rush to judgement too fast.

No Trayvon audio available. Looks like the software is pretty good, especially for 95 bucks. I'm thinking the defense will have to come up with their own expert to counter it. Looks like Owen has a pretty good stack of credentials,


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It says he compared it to Zimmerman only. I wonder if he has a sample of Martin to compare it to?

I don't think I'd rush to judgement too fast.

Probably good advice. If it proves valid, a self defense claim is gonna be a TOUGH sell.

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Is voice analysis like this admissible in Florida courts? I may be wrong but I don't think getting this kind of evidence in is a slam dunk is it?

And if it is admitted; I wonder what an impartial jury will think about an expert's opinion compared to at least some of the eyewitnesses who claim it was Zimmerman screaming for help?

I feel sorry for anyone who would have to sit on that jury!

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Is voice analysis like this admissible in Florida courts? I may be wrong but I don't think getting this kind of evidence in is a slam dunk is it?

And if it is admitted; I wonder what an impartial jury will think about an expert's opinion compared to at least some of the eyewitnesses who claim it was Zimmerman screaming for help?

I feel sorry for anyone who would have to sit on that jury!

Don't know. Owen got a murder conviction in another state. If it does manage to discredit an eye witness, I would think things would get a lot bumpier for Z. I don't have any real preferences in the case, as long as it's fair.

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No slam dunk, but if they can prove Trayvon was yelling for help that means Zimmerman’s credibility is gone.

I haven’t heard anyone ID Zimmerman. I may be wrong but all I have heard is them identify clothing color. That’s not a good ID.

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Voice experts say 911 tape supports Trayvon Martin

The voice crying for help in the background of a 911 call moments before the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was not that of shooter George Zimmerman, experts in voice identification tell the Orland Sentinel.

Tom Owen, forensic consultant for Owen Forensic Services, used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman, the Sentinel says. Another expert utilizing different techniques came to the same conclusion, the Sentinel reports/


The Sentinel said that Ed Primeau, a Michigan-based audio engineer and forensics expert, used audio enhancement and human analysis and came to the same conclusion.

"I believe that's Trayvon Martin in the background, without a doubt," Primeau told the newspaper. "That's a young man screaming."


Can anyone tell me now why I shouldn't doubt those so-called voice experts? Could the media be exaggerating or distorting their analysis or could they feel pressure or threatened to side with Martin? One is a link to MSNBC and we know how one sided and biased they are, and we know they would resort to distortion, (BIG FAT LIES), to futher their political agenda. I would be quicker to trust PRAVDA or ALJEZRA than MSNBC or NBC. NBC is the most untrustworthy of the big MARXIST MEDIA agencys but CBS and ABC are not far behind.

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audio enhancement and human analysis = put it through a mixer, play with it until it sounds like what you want it to.

Valid voiceprint analysis is possible, but it would require the original tapes, rather than the compressed, digitized files available through the internet.

Edited by Mark@Sea
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Can anyone tell me now why I shouldn't doubt those so-called voice experts? Could the media be exaggerating or distorting their analysis or could they feel pressure or threatened to side with Martin?

That could be true of anything. George Zimmerman does not dispute he shot an unarmed 17 year old kid, and he has had creditable death threats. How much pressure do you think is on him?

Zimmerman yelling for help has been the cornerstone of those arguing he was justified in killing the kid. What if it wasn’t him? Do you want to just throw it out or have a jury decide?

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audio enhancement and human analysis = put it through a mixer, play with it until it sounds like what you want it to.

Valid voiceprint analysis is possible, but it would require the original tapes, rather than the compressed, digitized files available through the internet.

Yep. It wasn't official. The Orlando Sentinal contacted the experts. Don't know if they got copies of the original tapes. It's possible that they did. I don't think you wanna hang somebody's life on something that went through a low bitrate CODEC, but it's damn near impossible to avoid them. If anything went thru a cell phone, then it went through an especially ugly CODEC.

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Don't forget to hit the Hooters by the race track. Highly recommended

I've been to the one by the airport, I-drive and downtown, but the only racetrack Hooters I've been to is the one in Daytona. It'll be hard to convince the wife to take the family since my 6 month old will certainly be trying to latch on to our waitress and somehow my son already knows the word "boobies".... somehow...

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I've been to the one by the airport, I-drive and downtown, but the only racetrack Hooters I've been to is the one in Daytona. It'll be hard to convince the wife to take the family since my 6 month old will certainly be trying to latch on to our waitress and somehow my son already knows the word "boobies".... somehow...

You're right. All those places look the same to me :pleased:

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Yep. It wasn't official. The Orlando Sentinal contacted the experts. Don't know if they got copies of the original tapes. It's possible that they did. I don't think you wanna hang somebody's life on something that went through a low bitrate CODEC, but it's damn near impossible to avoid them. If anything went thru a cell phone, then it went through an especially ugly CODEC.

True. Experts can be wrong and experts can be discredited. That is why defense and prosecution bring different experts. Just ask the folks convicted with some of the coroners expert testimonies around here. ;)

Edited by Smith
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Do they still use tape? I would think these would be digital audio files.

Don't know. I designed the audio side of some 911 center gear, and there was a "recorder" output, even though there were a bunch of digital channels running in and out of a PC. The city of LA bought 200 of them. I never saw the software, or the entire lashup, but did wonder why there was a dedicated recorder output. They had all the hardware necessary to record it on the PC. It's probably some uncompressed digital format. I still call it tape.

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True. Experts can be wrong and experts can be discredited. That is why defense and prosecution bring different experts. Just ask the folks convicted with some of the coroners expert testimonies around here. ;)

Let's don't forget some of the "firearms experts" that have shown up in court. It can still be powerful stuff when Z's story and evidence are as feeble as they are.

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Can anyone tell me now why I shouldn't doubt those so-called voice experts? Could the media be exaggerating or distorting their analysis or could they feel pressure or threatened to side with Martin? One is a link to MSNBC and we know how one sided and biased they are, and we know they would resort to distortion, (BIG FAT LIES), to futher their political agenda. I would be quicker to trust PRAVDA or ALJEZRA than MSNBC or NBC. NBC is the most untrustworthy of the big MARXIST MEDIA agencys but CBS and ABC are not far behind.

I'm sure DaveTN believes those experts and once DaveTN has spoken no one else should dare reach a different conclusion or even wait to see if additional information comes out. :rofl:

On a more serious, the prosecution (assuming there are charges made against Zimmerman and it goes to trial) has to get the analysis into the courtroom; as I noted above, I don't know how FL courts have ruled on such evidence in other trials (or if it ever has). If the analysis doesn't get allowed into the trial then there can be no effect on the credibility of eye-witnesses testimony that says it was Zimmerman screaming for help because the jury will never hear the analysis that claims otherwise. If it does get in, then the jury is going to have to decide who is truly credible and who isn't (which is as it should be).

Edited by RobertNashville
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