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Any wine drinkers

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Will start saving them. I don't drink much of that devil's brew :stir: but the wife has been known to have a taste now and then. :popcorn:

Ya want the corks with them?

No corks needed, just rinse (so they don't stink up your house)

What about these bottles?


If that's a screw bottle, then no can't use them. Sorry

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Dang - wish you'd posted this last week before I took everything to the recycling center - I could have fixed you up with about 10 cases that I'd been saving up for a friend in Kansas over the past five years or so. (He quit making wine last year, but didn't tell me until last month when I told him I was gonna' bring 'em all with me when I come up in September.) :-\

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Dang - wish you'd posted this last week before I took everything to the recycling center - I could have fixed you up with about 10 cases that I'd been saving up for a friend in Kansas over the past five years or so. (He quit making wine last year, but didn't tell me until last month when I told him I was gonna' bring 'em all with me when I come up in September.) :-\

Dang, that sucks.

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I am curious why you can't use bottles with screw top caps.

A friend of mine in Indiana makes wine, he typically uses screw tops or plastic half gallon jugs ( like juice or milk comes in.)

What kind of wine are you making? My preference is locust blossom.

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I am curious why you can't use bottles with screw top caps.

A friend of mine in Indiana makes wine, he typically uses screw tops or plastic half gallon jugs ( like juice or milk comes in.)

What kind of wine are you making? My preference is locust blossom.

Bottle with screw caps won't keep as well as corks sine that seal has already been broken. Plastic "jugs " are the absolute wrong thing to use, they are not designed for alcohol. You will get some leeching.

I've done red garage, white grape, pear, apple, peach (which I didn't like but its young), Cal rose 'e. Right now I have a second vatch of apple another pear, and cherry pomegranate.

My brother got me started in this but I can see buying quart mason jars for 8 bucks a case when I can get bottles used for free or sometimes 3 bucks a case.

Edited by dralarms
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I have never had any problem with his screw tops or plastic jugs, LOL but typically what he gives me does not last very long anyway.

I under stand, I forgot strawberry and raspberry wines I just finished.

My apple is every ones favorite I'm trying to make enough so some can age so I can see what it taste like in a few months.

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I have seen some blackberry wine re-ferment as it sat bottled. It would start bubbling all over again.

I had a bit of some pokeberry wine he made. tasted slightly sour but Dan claimed that it helped arthritis and stiff joints.

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I have seen some blackberry wine re-ferment as it sat bottled. It would start bubbling all over again.

I had a bit of some pokeberry wine he made. tasted slightly sour but Dan claimed that it helped arthritis and stiff joints.

That's why you make sure its done before bottling.

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Which Apple recipe are you using? I'm getting ready to start a new batch and was contemplating which recipe(s) to use. I've got a stash of about 6 1-gallon wine bottles I want to experiment with a few recipes. I've also got a 5-gallon carboy (from a plastic water bottle, less than perfect I know, but I'm going to try it) that I want to do a larger batch in.

You sent me a pdf with recipes in it. Any recommendations from there?

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Guest nysos

I've only got about 10 empty bottles right now (a couple might have the screw on caps). I generally throw away bottles of wines that I already have an empty one of. I use it as a method of trying to remember a wine I like, but - I will start saving every bottle for you if you let me try some of your wine, though.

There is a guy I work with that him and his wife are decent wine drinkers and they have a huge collection of bottles that I doubt they would part with, but I will ask if I can have any duplicate bottles.

PM me whenever you are in the Knoxville area and they are yours.

Edited by nysos
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Is this going to be a regular need? We have a lot of full wine bottle since the wife is pregnant but after May/June we will start up again. So, if you need them on an ongoing basis we can help.

Aren't you near Bristol?

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