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New Gun Shop In Old Hickory

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Was told about a new gun shop yesterday, so I went for a visit.

The Nashville Gun Company in the Old Hickory area. Going East on Old Hickory Blvd, about 3/4 of a mile past the crappy looking OHB Bridge; which needs to be weeded and trimmed. It actually has greenery on the spires of the towers now.

Anyway, I digress, on the right side in the little building that has been a pharamacy, beer joint and smoke shop, and everything else over the last few years; and just before the turnoff to the old Dupont buildings.

So I stopped in to look it over. It's a kinda small shop, run by Reese Ervin, and he's still getting set up. But the young man took the time to talk to me and show me some of his inventory. Very personalable, friendly, and seems quite knowledgeable on the new and past weaponry. Showed me the new Sig P938, yes that's 938, as he has one(?) in stock. It looks and feels pretty nice and was tempting, but really not for me.

Has a really good selection of long guns well displayed on the walls and will have, when he gets them all out, a pretty good inventory of handguns.

Don't know about his hours of operation as I didn't ask, but I'd assume pretty much like others in the area, but you can call at 615-294-5806 (yes I got his phone number as I was impressed) to find out.

I believe he does some on-line sales on some of the auctions, and Reese tells me he does travel to some guns shows.

Do you think I'm promoting him? Well you'd be right. I'm a customer. I did make a purchase while there, but that's another story.

But do try and check him and the shop out. I think you'll like the experience.

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Just to clarify for newbies to the Nashville area, Old Hickory (OHB) runs in a large circle around Nashville, so it usually helps to mention which city/suburb you're speaking of. I and others may have caught it by the mention of the bridge, but there are also many bridges on OHB. Thanks. :)

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I stopped by there one day this week. He was prepping for a show in Knoxville but had a couple of Sig 1911 Scoprions, decent collection of EBRs on the wall.

Hope he does very well. I'll stop back in next week if I'm in the area and check it out

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