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22WRF vs 22WMR

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I found this statement on another forum (tried to search here first of course), "The WRF has a shorter case, and is lower powered, but it can be shot in a .22 WMR firearm". Reason I ask is because while cleaning up my ammo locker, I finally looked at some of the stuff my dad had. I have 300 rounds of 22 WMR that I believe my bother has the rifle for in VA. Dad left it to him when he passed and somehow I got the ammo. I have plenty of toys that fire the LR, but if I can find something to shoot both WRF and WMR that would be nice. Found some 22MAG laying around also. Need to learn up on this stuff. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

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On the hunt for a 22 mag rifle now. Will have more free time Monday as the wife is at work and kiddo is at school. Dolomite, the stuff I have is in a thin cardboard package with one brick having 1986 and the other 1994 as a prominate date shown on the package. If I can figure out how to post a picture from an iPad I'd do it (maybe tap talk?). Guess I can get the other camera out and try that way.

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Just for future reference, in case you get a WMR handgun and like shooting the WRF ammo, be aware that some new WRF ammo will have 'not for use in revolvers' or some such printed on the label. The CCI WRF ammo I bought at Sportsman's Warehouse recently had that disclaimer. My understanding is that the disclaimer applies to WRF revolvers and not WMR revolvers. I read up on it and found that some older WRF revolvers wouldn't handle some WRF rounds. IIRC, it was because some manufacturers used .22LR barrels on the WRF revolvers. The CCI WRF ammo uses a jacketed bullet (and not a lead or washed lead that could more easily conform to a smaller-than-spec barrel), hence the warning. My understanding is that, as WMR ammo usually uses a jacketed bullet, anyway - and as any revolver that can shoot WMR is going to have a barrel that can handle WMR ammo, the WRF should be fine in those firearms, too.

Also, again in case you decide you like the WRF ammo and can't easily come by it in the future, Winchester Dynapoint is a WMR loading that is intended to more closely match the old WRF load. It is one of the few WMR loads (actually the only one of which I am aware) that uses a washed/plated bullet instead of a true jacketed bullet and it is loaded to lower velocities than most WMR ammo - kind of between WMR and WRF velocity wise.

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