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Miller: NRA vs. Bloomberg

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Looks like Bloomberg is raising the stakes. He just pledged to start is own super PAC and $15 million to get it rolling. They said they will get the support they need just a little at a time, so they can fight the NRA.


I think Mayor Bloomingidiot is feeling a bit left out.

You see, he knows that Obummer has been the greatest thing for firearm and ammunition sales the industry has ever seen.

Knowing he can almost certainly never surpass that, he has decided to become the number recruiter that the NRA, GOA, USCCA and state firearms associations have ever had. ;)

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Guest ThePunisher

I'm curios as to how many votes Romney receives per each gun sold the last 4 years, and how many goes to Obama. I'm guessing a 9 to 1 ratio in Romney's favor.

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I would bet the brady campaign would sell out to him for that much, save him the trouble of making a whole new one. They could call it the Bloomin' Brady Campaign.

The Blooming Brady Bunch or Eight is enough. :D

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Kamandadt Bloomberg is the "Gift that keeps on giving....!!" Maybee it will break him. HEHEHE!!


Der Kamandant is in the Wayne Falkland hotel talking to Mr. Thompson as we speak. Directive 4473 is on the way!

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I think Mayor Bloomingidiot is feeling a bit left out.

I think it's because Washington DC is now considering doing a big soda ban so he has to one-up them.

And just as Jason said, this guy will go broke before he accomplishes this goal, so I say bring it on

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