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Secession petition

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Poorly worded, but here it is:

[url="https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/peacefully-grant-state-tennessee-withdraw-united-states-america-and-create-its-own-new-government/7xsNwkJ8"]We the People[/url]
[b] [/b]

we petition the obama administration to:

[b] Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.[/b]

Helping the people of Tennessee.

As with previous White House petitions, requires registration. It's not as if they don't know where to find me (or so they think.)

[url="http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/11/white-house-website-deluged-with-secession-petitions-from-19-states/2/"]Daily Caller[/url] says 20 states with similar petitions, som of them well written. (/edit) Edited by ttocswob
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Guest No Ammo
I have to admit that this move fascinates me, and leaves me wondering what may be next. Certainly there have been whispers and open talk among political pundits via the news media that a civil war is imminent.

Retired Army Reserve Colonel Lawrence Sellin writes, ”America is on the verge of fragmentation and civil conflict because its citizens have lost control of their government and lost faith in its political institutions.”

There is no doubt that America is at a crossroads. Just how we navigate this intersection could well define the path of the world forever. source – PolicyMic

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[quote name='No Ammo' timestamp='1352739430' post='844316']
18 States Petition The Obama White House To Withdraw From Union

State numbers are listed below:


The population of Texas is over 25 million. They have less than 10,000 signatures. They have a ways to go.
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Guest The Dude
[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352740718' post='844326']
The population of Texas is over 25 million. They have less than 10,000 signatures. They have a ways to go.

According to the link on the white house site, they have over 18,000, and need less than 6500 to make the 25,000 quota.
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A better solution would be for the "state" to take back its full states rights and opt out of all the blackmail federal programs, laws and regulations.

Stop collecting federal taxes and sending it to Washington.

If it's not granted to the Federal Government in the Constitution, it's the states and peoples alone.
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Guest The Dude
[quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352742359' post='844343']
And then what?

Dont know. You seem to have all the answers. You tell me. I was simply correcting your mis-informed post.
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Guest The Dude
[quote name='atlas3025' timestamp='1352743298' post='844350']
Uhm, Abraham Lincoln determined that States do not have the right to secede. I suspect that precedent would be upheld by a federal show of force.

It is the reason I am not a big Lincoln fan.

Plus he totally ignored the 10th Amendment.
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Guest The Dude
[quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352744165' post='844354']
Lincoln was a great President and everybody, including SCOTUS ignores the 10th Amendment.

Thats whats wrong with this country. Selective rights is rubbish.
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Winning a war does not determine rights vs. non-rights. If you beat me up and take my lunch money, did you determine that I had no right to that money?

As far as Texas secession, I'm not so sure that they need a petition. I'll have to look into it further, but wasn't a right of secession a part of their treaty with the US when they joined the union? Not sure, but I'm curious.
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[quote name='The Dude' timestamp='1352742841' post='844347']
Dont know. You seem to have all the answers. You tell me. I was simply correcting your mis-informed post.

My post misinformed? I know it takes 25,000 to get somebody to read it. Those 25,000 DON'T decide for 25 million people. How is that misinformed?
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