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Felt Like A Leper Today, How About You


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Most everyone I work with is a gun owner. They are also apparently poor planners. They beat a steady path to my door all morning asking what they should do.
What I wanted to say:
I told you people when the craziness ended after '08 to buy as much as you could then buy a little more... I told you I was going to learn to reload and that you could use my press and even leave your components at my house. I told you to teach everyone in your family to shoot and to have all that were eligible to get their permits.
What I did say:
yes, I think they will try a new ban. No I don't think they will get their way. And yes, it is going to be frustrating and expensive to get what can still be found. I so wanted to say I told you so but I didn't.
I used to go out for lunch every day. I used to take vacations. The only discretionary time I have taken since 08 was to attend training classes. That was the only way I knew I could get ready for what I was seeing today and this past weekend. I am blessed that I have a wife who is conservative in her daily life and is willing to support my habit.
She saw how unhappy I was in 08 and told me to make sure I learned my lesson. I did and I am about a million times better off now. I read everything I could to make informed choices and bugged the fool out of some of the members of this forum so that I could use their knowledge and experience to jump start my own.
Today it feels really good to not have a sky is falling attitude. Preparedness is comforting even if I still have a long way to go.
Mark - not even close to a leper...

Now that is a good comment. I too have been preparing, just last week I purchased 10 pmags for under $11 ea to add to my collection of aluminum ones. Ironic they arrived last friday. I purchased 1,000s of 5.56 over the years, and have plenty of stock. I too am learning to reload and actually want to learn how to cast my own bullets. So I guess I am prepared.

I too thought I worked with other gun buddies, so I was not prepared yesterday when they turned on me. I purposely stayed quiet on most of the discussions due to the passionate emotions that were present. Funny though, I kept a black plastic fork on my desk in clear view. I did refer to it a couple of times that the fork needed banning too because it made me fat, especially an evil black one. These turn coats got the message.
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I feel no different.   I remain secure in knowing that if some azzhat tries to shoot the place up with me around, he will at least have to work for it, and having a serious ethical lacking, he better be watching his back because I won't hesitate to go behind a shooter.

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Guest bkelm18
Stupidity and liberalism coincide frequently, don't they?


Just about as much as sutpidity and conservatism. :) People are just stupid. Doesn't matter which way they swing.

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The only people i know that dont like guns are either afraid to shoot them or they arent allowed to have them. Other than that most say they would buy one if they had the spare money.

Many people dont mess with it cause background checks and shopping for the right gun ,then finding a range turns them off from the start. After explaining to a few people what to do they went and bought guns.
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I get frustrated attempting to explain to people I carry and pray Its never needed.  That the last thing I would ever want to do is actually need to pull it from the holster.  Im sure the majority of HCP folks feel this way....but we are labeled as brainless toothless rednecks.    


So be it.

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I was just speaking to my sons substitute teacher (his teacher has the flu) when I went to pick him up and her carry gun is a LCR 38 (NOT at school though). Like i said earlier there isnt much anti talk at his school. LOL Granted we dont speak of firearms in front of the kids but its nice to know the prevailing thought amongst my sons educators isnt anti-gun. :)

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out of work right now but was made to feel like a leper when I used to work in a medical administgration back office job.

They were so politically correct that if you didn't sing the O's praises you were looked at like you were not well.

Glad I am not there anyore. Got tired of dealing with Liberal screaming women that acted like they were PMS'ing everyday at work.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="zgunbear" data-cid="863199" data-time="1355893856"><p>
out of work right now but was made to feel like a leper when I used to work in a medical administgration back office job.<br />
They were so politically correct that if you didn't sing the O's praises you were looked at like you were not well.<br />
Glad I am not there anyore. Got tired of dealing with Liberal screaming women that acted like they were PMS'ing everyday at work.</p></blockquote>

That's professional.
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Guest FiddleDog

I think that not all people are responsible enough to own guns.  But I also believe that many of us are.  The thing that bother's me the most about the demonization of the tool is that it distracts us as a nation from things like personal responsibility and threshold of actionability.  People get lulled into a false sense of security when they support GC laws, because it makes them feel like they're doing something without actually doing anything.  this Slacktivism just puts more laws on the books that complicate issues from a legal standpoint.  Maybe that's the whole point.  Maybe they want to feel like they're doing something without actually doing anything.  Personally, I think we have more than enough laws.  Enforcement is the issue here, not lack of legislation.


In 2001, 2996 people died and over 6000 were injured because 137 people stood by and did nothing to stop 10 people collectively for fear of injury from box cutters with 1 inch blades.


There are 2 types of ethos going on right now in terms of dealing with crisis:  folks that say, "I need to do something about that." and folks that say, "Someone ought to do something about that."


Unfortunately, the latter outnumber the former.

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Guest bkelm18
In 2001, 2996 people died and over 6000 were injured because 137 people stood by and did nothing to stop 10 people collectively for fear of injury from box cutters with 1 inch blades.


Kind of easy to judge them after the fact, isn't it? :rolleyes:

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Guest FiddleDog
Not meaning to judge. It that fact did convict me. How often did I think not my business? How often did I think someone else will take of it? I myself have been guilty of that mind set. It is easy to judge - myself. I pray to have the strength and clarity for action if and when I am called upon. I see how hard it is to do so in the news every day.
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