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"No-Refusal" checkpoints throughout Tennessee this holiday season

Guest TNdad

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I believe the corect term for the person drawing blood would be phlebotomist.


Yeah, I tried to make that sarcastic reference earlier in the thread. My mom used to be a phlebotomist.

I'm not familiar with any officers that are taking your blood roadside, so I'm gonna assume that the guy who wrote the article is an effing idiot and anyone believing his nonsense is not far behind.
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I don't like drunk drivers, I wholeheartedly agree that they are a danger to everyone on the road.

But in the same token, I also do not like check points, where the 4th Amendment is in essence "suspended" in the name of public safety.

Drunk drivers are a threat to our health/lives, while the check points are a threat to our liberties, I guess it boils down to which do you value more? Your safety? Or your liberty? Edited by RichardR
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We may not have the right to drive but I think it can be argued that we do have the right to travel freely and without undue restrictions from one place to another and since roads are (almost always) paid for by taxes I think the government would have a difficult time saying you can't use them at all. ;)


Isn't bicycle, motor driven bicyles, and pedestrian traffic illegal on interstates?


- OS

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We may not have the right to drive but I think it can be argued that we do have the right to travel freely and without undue restrictions from one place to another and since roads are (almost always) paid for by taxes I think the government would have a difficult time saying you can't use them at all. ;)

Isn't bicycle, motor driven bicyles, and pedestrian traffic illegal on interstates?

- OS

Actually, it depends on where you are as I have bicycled in some states where it is legal (because it's necessary) to bicycle on the interstate.


Now, it's been a while...things may have changed and also, I never encountered that where there were plenty of roads available that a bicyclist could use but I have seen it. The states seem to have a good bit of leeway about such things

Edited by RobertNashville
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I think some of us really is venturing a bit too far into tin foil hat time...there have ALWAYS been some bad cops out there but most of them aren't and I don't think we need to spend a lot of time worrying about those few who are...besides, what can you do about it anyway; it's like being overly worried about being struck by lightning. ;)

I sincerely hope you're right.  


I have been close to lightning strikes several times.  When I say close, I mean no discernible time lapse between flash and sound on at least one occasion.  


One time I was about 75 yards away from a young girl that was struck indirectly by lightning.  Her AL frame chair was on the roots of a tree that was demolished by a bolt of lightning.  There was a watch-shaped burn mark on her arm where the watch was, literally, blown off by the charge.  Fortunately, she survived.


My point is, getting struck by lightning is very rare.  But it does happen.  And yes, I'm extra cautious when I am out in a thunderstorm.  Paranoid?  Maybe.  But justifiably so.

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