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Do You Carry Daily?

Guest BG38357

Do you carry daily?  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you carry daily?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • When it's not too much trouble.

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Guest pjblurton

Yes..I agree... A screwy question. But think about this.

I have a job that pays well. Better than I could do almost anywhere. I've been there 15 years and will be there for 10 more.

This job and its property is governed by the FAA. (We have direct access to aircraft)

This job also has a no tolerance policy regarding weapons. So I'm not about to risk makin' hella cheese and a shot at a sweet retirement to pack heat there.

That said... I go straight to work and straight home. No stops, visits, detours...Nothing. I head straight in change clothes and grab my gun and it is on me the rest of the day.

I would love to be able to carry to and from work, but the penalty is just too high for me.

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Guest DylisTN

I got my permit so I could have a gun in my car. I'm just now looking into carry. Considering a Kel-Tec P9 or P11. Then I don't know how often I'll carry.

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I got my permit so I could have a gun in my car. I'm just now looking into carry. Considering a Kel-Tec P9 or P11. Then I don't know how often I'll carry.

if those are you're choices then get the pf9. I've had both and the pf9 is by far the better gun. carry it everywhere btw.:D:

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Guest Todd@CIS

I don't go past my mailbox without a gun...

No such a screwy question, BTW. You would be SHOCKED at how many people I pull over, who have a permit, but no gun with them at the time.

I'd guess-ta-mate it to be about 75%...amazing.

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Guest BG38357
btw you should add a poll.


My battery of guns now makes it easier to carry in different circumstances, so now it's just about always.

Edited by BG38357
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Guest pjblurton
I don't go past my mailbox without a gun...

No such a screwy question, BTW. You would be SHOCKED at how many people I pull over, who have a permit, but no gun with them at the time.

I felt it was a screwy question because I couldn't imagine NOT carrying every day. Just pointing out some of us can't carry everywhere every day.

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Guest dotsun
I don't go past my mailbox without a gun...

No such a screwy question, BTW. You would be SHOCKED at how many people I pull over, who have a permit, but no gun with them at the time.

I'd guess-ta-mate it to be about 75%...amazing.

I've often suspected as much, btw I rarely make it to the mailbox sans gun. :D

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I don't go past my mailbox without a gun...

No such a screwy question, BTW. You would be SHOCKED at how many people I pull over, who have a permit, but no gun with them at the time.

I'd guess-ta-mate it to be about 75%...amazing.

how do you know they have a permit? do most people you pull over with a permit just come out and tell you they have a permit with out you even knowing if theres a gun on them?

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I do!

I haven't been carrying while at work, but I will likely start doing so. Most truck drivers are not allowed, but my company doesn't have any rules against guns, so I could easily start.

It would be somewhat difficult to carry while actually working, but I could easily carry one in the truck. Heck, I guess I could get me something like an LCP to stick in my pocket. I don't believe that would hinder me while working.

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Guest Todd@CIS
I felt it was a screwy question because I couldn't imagine NOT carrying every day.

Yep, gotcha. My thoughts exactly.

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It would be somewhat difficult to carry while actually working, but I could easily carry one in the truck. Heck, I guess I could get me something like an LCP to stick in my pocket. I don't believe that would hinder me while working.

or a j-frame

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Guest Todd@CIS
how do you know they have a permit? do most people you pull over with a permit just come out and tell you they have a permit with out you even knowing if theres a gun on them?

When I run a license, it pops up whether or not they have a HCP.

If they do, I like to make friendly conversation about it (I'm a gun-nut) and ask what they are carrying.

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I carry everyday!

It took me awhile before I came around to carry everyday.At first if it was not super convenient I would leave it at home.Occasionally I would just keep it in the car.

The thing that really get me to carrying everywhere was not wanting it to go to waste! I'm a cheap ass so that 190 bucks was going to get put to use!

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Guest jackdog

I carry every day period, as does the wife. :screwy: What the hell good is a gun or a permit if you don't utilize it. I find it hard to believe any one would go to the trouble of getting a permit and then not carry it's:screwy:

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Carry at my work and you get fired immediately...no questions asked. About the only other time I am out and about I am at a place that serves alcohol, or running/working out...None of them are really options for carry at all...that is 75% of my time.

Every other situation...yes...always.

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I find it hard to believe any one would go to the trouble of getting a permit and then not carry

I carry most of the time, but hardly all the time. Just depends I guess.

One reason to have the permit is you do not have to worry about having weapons and ammunition seperated during transport, like going to the range.

I really try to not get ate up with carrying. Being aware of surroundings and whats going on is good enough much of the time.

I feel very safe where we live too. Someone would really have to be nuts to come back my driveway uninvited.

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Guest Major Pain

I carry 365 days a year. When I go to bed its laid on the nightstand and picked up in morning when I dress.--MP

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