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Disaster at sea


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I've been hearing about this stranded cruise ship all week. Reports of no power, no toilets and no food or water. By the way the news was reporting it, you would think the cruise ship was held hostage by Somali pirates.


My first thought was hohum at best. I mean, how bad could it really be? Out of all of the places to find yourself stranded at, one would think a luxury cruise ship would not be on the top of the bad list. Gambling, booze, bikinis and fun cruise activities sounds like a marvelous vacation to me. Even if I had to whiz over a rail.... actually, that kinda sounds like a plus, too. :D


Now the "rescued" guests are saying they had some power and were fed burgers and 'mater sandwiches. Oh the HORROR!


Gawd, I fucking hate people.

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Guest drwright6

I'm sure it sucked compared to what they had in mind when they left home. I think I could have and would have made the best of it. Some stories say that raw sewage was overflowing from toilets and running down walls into the cabins below. No A/C in most rooms. Four hour line for a cold burger...some with no meat LoL.  A bunch were camping on deck to avoid the smell and heat. I kinda like that idea. I'm sure half the ship was having a party and the other half thought the world was coming to an end. We sail in May, Wonder if I should take a tent, some MREs and a small generator just incase.

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My wife drug me on one of those cruises a few years back. I seriously considered getting a flight back from Mexico instead of riding the boat back, and everything was going smoothly on our trip. I'm certain had I been on this one, I would have jumped already.


Careful...  You go in the water, cage goes in the water, shark's in the water.  Our shark.

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I had a cruise like that one once... It was onboard the USS CROMMELIN (FFG-37). We too were dead in the water, but what really sucked for us was we were about 15 NM off the coast of North Korea. That was the longest six hours of my life. LOL So DIW on a luxury cruise line? Sounds fun to me. LOL

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I would probably be more upset that they took me to Mexico.  (I don't know if that ship had any port calls to Mexico or not.)




This is what I get for watching news instead of researching myself.  A couple days ago they talked on the News about towing it to Mexico.  Well I guess they changed and towed to AL.


I don't know when it got in but I know it was in yesterday and now today all CNN wants to cover is it as breaking news.  Hardly a word about the meteorite or meteor show that injured like 500 people in Russia .

Edited by vontar
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Just like on land, turn off the juice and things get bad quick.  Those cruise ships are all about packing as many bodies as they can onto the boat, period.  Never seemed like fun to me. 

You'd be correct, sir.


They were towing the boat back, and the tow line broke. They've really got their ### together, huh? Wouldn't you keep a spare line on a tugboat? :shrug:

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You'd be correct, sir.


They were towing the boat back, and the tow line broke. They've really got their ### together, huh? Wouldn't you keep a spare line on a tugboat? :shrug:


Today it was also reported that one of the 'Carnival' busses that was transporting passengers to the airport broke down.  I like Royal Caribbean myself.  Never been on Carnival, never will.

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Wish someone would pay me $500 to go camping on a cruise ship!


I HEARD that they were going to get their $$ back AND a voucher for a free cruse AND a $500 refund. 

They are also giving guests a 15% discount on future cruises.


Yeah, like that'll happen :lol:

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