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Saw an interesting OC today

Guest Nunya

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I'm with you there.  I don't OC, but don't mind when others do.  It does amaze me sometimes how they 'present' themselves.  Most of the time when I see someone doing so, they are dressed up all tacticool or looking kinda like a nutjob.  Most often OCers that I see are wearing their black BDU pants and some sort of logo T.  I was behind a guy in the grocery line once who was OCing his Hi Point in a nylon shoulder rig with a few extra mags and a couple of 'Handgun Permit' badges dangling from it.  Whatever happened to understated stylishness?


If I recall correctly, The Kinsey Report demonstrated a directly inverse correlation between this kind of behavior (the described OC'er, not the poster) and manhood size. :stir:

Edited by tartanphantom
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I OC often. I do so properly (proper gun belt, holster etc). The only OC'ers that bothers me are the ones that carry with their gun flopping around. It's dangerous and just looks plain lazy.

I'll admit that what bothers me about most people in general(I do see it more here in TN then anywhere else I've lived) is stereotyping. I'm covered in tattoos, scruffy looking and generally wear jeans and works boots with some sort of untucked t-shirt. I find it amusing how I get treated and looked at as if I'm some meth head felon that just MUST have some criminal history or ties to drugs. lol While that may be how some were raised to think, that certain people look a certain way. I was not. I don't judge a book by it's cover. I judge by actions (what you say or do), if I judge at all.

When people stare and get that "I'm better than you look" on their mugs, I simply laugh and think about how small their world must truly be. Then I think about how blessed I am to have been raised the right way and now be raising my children the same right way.

Well don't get too offended by that. Stereotyping is a natural thing folks do based on life experiences and how they perceive the world. Generally speaking stereotypes exist for a reason, but of course are not 100% accurate. They can be real time savers though. Just the other day my liberalish wife locked the doors to the car as we were sitting in the parking lot and two young black males approached our vehicle who were dressed in thug wear and sporting several gold chains on the outside of their clothes. For all I know they were investment bankers, but chances are they were of the criminal element. Could I be wrong? Sure, but I'm not going to wait to be proven right by not paying attention to potential threats.

After all, 90 year old ladies haven't hijacked any planes that I know of, but military age middle eastern men have... a lot.
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If I recall correctly, The Kinsey Report demonstrated a directly inverse correlation between this kind of behavior (the described OC'er, not the poster) and manhood size. :stir:


Hah!  All I know is I experienced a bit of shrinkage when I looked up from leaning into my cart to see his muzzle staring right back at me.

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Guest carter

not sure what type holster the OP speaks of... but if you're going to open carry i say have a damn good looking holster that functions properly.,.. I saw this guy one night at Wal-Mart have no idea what sidearm it was...but he was in sweats... had some sort of nylon belt wrapped around his dunlap... and a nylon holster with a side snap flopping around ... and he thought this was OK is what worries me... I just look, shake my head, and laugh.

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OC doesn't shock me one bit. More often than not I prefer to see carrying out on the open. Just seems natural to me.





No issues here with OC but my theory is if the bad guy sees me open carrying ....  im probabaly the first to get wasted.

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Guest MilitiaMan

Can't really argue with anything you said. lol So, I stand semi-corrected :)


Well don't get too offended by that. Stereotyping is a natural thing folks do based on life experiences and how they perceive the world. Generally speaking stereotypes exist for a reason, but of course are not 100% accurate. They can be real time savers though. Just the other day my liberalish wife locked the doors to the car as we were sitting in the parking lot and two young black males approached our vehicle who were dressed in thug wear and sporting several gold chains on the outside of their clothes. For all I know they were investment bankers, but chances are they were of the criminal element. Could I be wrong? Sure, but I'm not going to wait to be proven right by not paying attention to potential threats.

After all, 90 year old ladies haven't hijacked any planes that I know of, but military age middle eastern men have... a lot.

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Can't really argue with anything you said. lol So, I stand semi-corrected :)

I promise not to stereotype you though. If ever my spidey senses went off due to some scruffy looking dude, if I saw him openly carrying a pistol I'm going to assume he is amongst the law abiding population. Your self description sounds like most of the men in my family and the majority of my coworkers. I am one of the few people I know without tats.
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Guest MilitiaMan

I appreciate that :)


I promise not to stereotype you though. If ever my spidey senses went off due to some scruffy looking dude, if I saw him openly carrying a pistol I'm going to assume he is amongst the law abiding population. Your self description sounds like most of the men in my family and the majority of my coworkers. I am one of the few people I know without tats.

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No issues here with OC but my theory is if the bad guy sees me open carrying ....  im probabaly the first to get wasted.

This is why I would want another person OCing with me. If someone with bad intentions sees TWO people in the immediate vicinity OCing, odds are he'll take his slimy self elsewhere.

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No issues here with OC but my theory is if the bad guy sees me open carrying ....  im probabaly the first to get wasted.


That is one theory. Another is that thousands of people OC every day without incident. There are also folks who have been killed while CCing. Generally I think that anyone not in a cop uniform looks about the same to most criminals. They are hyped up on adrenaline and as a result have tunnel vision. I don't think it's realistic to worry about it. But you're definitely entitled to make that choice. Just keep carrying.  :cool:

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