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Police BRAWL: Black Men Beat Up; White Cops Caught on Camera

Guest Smitty

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I think something happened out on the street to cause the officers to follow them into the parking lot.

Even the brothers claimed that. That was my point about the black percentages. Are they claiming they were “profiled” because they were driving while black? That claim is ridiculous in a city that is 82% black. If the cops were looking at them for something else we have no idea what their reasoning was for approaching these guys. But if you flip out, start yelling and getting in anyone’s face (cop or not) for asking you for ID, and then attack that person when they move you back; you will probably end up in jail.

They were charged with felony assault. They were lucky because they had a clean record and were in school the DA decided not to pursue the case.
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I don't see where the Brothers did anything wrong. However, the video only picks up as they pull their cars into the parking lot. I think something happened out on the street to cause the officers to follow them into the parking lot. There may have been an exchange of words on the street from car to car...heck, the brothers may have given the cops the ol' "Trayvon Salute" (or visy versy?. It's a messy situation to say the least.



Something may have happened. We aren't privy to that, though. The little Napoleonic guy should have learned more

communication skills, rather than escalate the situation.

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JMHO - The black guys did not appear to be doing anything wrong as far as I can see on the video until the cops started to question them.  That is where I see the first error in judgement.  The cops started questioning these guys for no reason.  At that point, I would agree that the black guys do act a bit aggressive, but the cops should be trained on how to calm a situation, not add hostility.  It's clear to me that the next big error in judgement was also from the cop that shoved one of the brothers.  That was clearly uncalled for and clearly intended to provoke a fight.  That cop has no business being in LE.  His "my badge makes me a badass" attitude may eventually get him and/or others killed.


I think both sides clearly had a chip on their shoulders here.  The cops however are (should be) held to a higher standard.  The cop that started it all with the shove should be fired immediately.

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Even the brothers claimed that. That was my point about the black percentages. Are they claiming they were “profiled” because they were driving while black? That claim is ridiculous in a city that is 82% black. If the cops were looking at them for something else we have no idea what their reasoning was for approaching these guys. But if you flip out, start yelling and getting in anyone’s face (cop or not) for asking you for ID, and then attack that person when they move you back; you will probably end up in jail.

They were charged with felony assault. They were lucky because they had a clean record and were in school the DA decided not to pursue the case.

I'm up with "how do you profile a black person in a black town?"



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Because he was about to get hit? I don’t know I wasn’t looking into the eyes of a guy getting in my face and yelling; he was. He moved him back, which is a perfectly acceptable move, and he was attacked.


We must be watching two different videos.  He moved him back then was attacked?  I watched that clip several times, and what I saw was the officer pushed one the guys and got his hands slapped away.  It was then when the officer attacked, not the other way around.  Neither victim had their hands up after the officer got his hands slapped away.  I agree with Mark, that short cop is too hot-headed. 


I certainly didn't see any protect and serve in this video.  Protecting us from what?  As far as serving, it looks to me more like harassing.

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Police video prior to them entering the establishment should clarify if they were being profiled, did the guy have to walk by the cruiser and say something? No he didn't.

Did the driver of the cruiser pull in behind close enough to hit his car, no sir no were near close.

Was the Officer in the wrong, yes, you can tell by looking at his partners reaction handling the blows.


Am I defending the police officers or the attacker, nope. Just think it goes both ways, you want respect you earn it, not demand it. Let's be honest certain races have been emboldened since 2008 to not give a damn, not just because of the POTUS, but by the current culture.. We weren't there and and we are only seeing parts of what happened, if you look at the video, there were enough threatening stances taken to get each side on their toes.. Luckily no one got shot.. 

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The problem is that words shouldn't get a cop to the point of aggression. I would think a cop in Detroit, or any large

metro area would be more thick skinned, if that's the case. You are right, though, that we weren't there.

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So, why did they put their hands on them? Cops are supposed to be beyond reproach in their duty. That short cop got in

that one guy's face and pushed on him. Was he under arrest? Was he provoking the cop. Hell, if it was me who was pushed for

saying something to the cop, would it be any different? The cop had better have a good reason to put his hands on the guy,

black or white. Whatever might have been said outside just tells me someone may be too sensitive, and was looking for

a fight.


It looked like the other cop might have not wanted to get into this. Little Napoleon(cop) may just have a short fuse.


If there was a crime committed, please tell me! Smells of a lot of Barbara Streisand.


I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't believe that simply having a badge gives any person the right to lay hands on another person whether to push them back or whatever.  Hell, I used to have one of those 'tin' star 'deputy' badges that kids got at Silver Dollar City (back before it became Dollywood) and it didn't make me anything special, either.  I saw nothing to indicate that the first brother was moving toward the young cop.  In that situation, at least the way I am seeing the video, I think the first brother was 'in the right' to slap the cop's hand away.

Edited by JAB
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I didn't see any reason for escalation, period, in that video. If that kind of mistake can be made so easily, I'm really

concerned about a serious confrontation and intelligence being in the equation.


I've never had a confrontation, or seen one, that was bad, but I am on the lookout, now. I hope I never see things like

this in my lifetime. Only thing in my family that happened was my son, going back to UTK was stopped by a county sheriff

on I-40 and submitted to what I would have never allowed. He didn't know better and submitted. The deputy was on a fishing

expedition for pot. None found, no ticket. That really tee'd me off when I found out about it.

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The problem is that words shouldn't get a cop to the point of aggression. I would think a cop in Detroit, or any large

metro area would be more thick skinned, if that's the case. You are right, though, that we weren't there.

DIng, ding ding!


The only time that I would have reacted when I was a LEO would be if the subject has said words to the affect of announcing their intention to assault me, (example: I'm gonna kick your a$$!), or doubled up their fist and raised it. Personally, I wouldn't have said anything to them unless I had probable cause of a crime. Contempt of cop is NOT illegal.

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