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Who remebers the pass around bowie

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Well, I finally pulled it back out, rewelded the guard that had popped loose and tightened the handle. Then to change the look, and prevent the handle from cracking, I epoxied the crack that had started to form, then taped the handle up, and finally wrapped it in gutless paracord. I plan to remove the bottom guard that my hand it covering and possible cut the top guard down, but now its my go to camp knife.


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Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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Looks good! Having seen this in person, I can assure folks it is a beast!
The paracord gives it a modern spin!

sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee

Thanks man. Its definitely a big thick blade, but should work well as a camp knife.

Must be because the cord is green but for some reason that thing now screams "ninja turtles'!

I like the proposed and completed changes, they'll make it even more unique.

Like uncleJac, I too can attest that this thing is a complete beast.

I loved the ninja turtles as a child, so this pleases me lol

It is a beast, cant wait to get mine home (spots making me one) I did a lot of work around the house with this one and even split some golf balls.

Yours is coming along, can't wait to get it done and pass it on.

Way that bugger's made it looks more like a pass through Bowie to me. Good job, youngun'!

Thanks man. It should be stout enough to handle basically anything imaginable

That Bowie? What is the history on it? It looks...authentic.

I made it early last year in the forge. It was one of the first I made after joining the site. About that time Major Kong did a pass around with a knife, and I decided to do the same. I sent it to 10 or 12 people with instructions to use and abuse it and give me thier impressions to make me a better knife maker. I was wondering if they could break it, and the worst that happened was someone managed to pop the guard loose lol.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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