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Private Property Police need to offer help to these folks...

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Seems Pennsylvania town is crushing the resident's chosen use of their property with excessive fines, $1,000.00 a day for feeding the poor little birds...





Those who support the fine say the bird-feeding ordinance is in place to deter the habitation of squirrels and other rodents in the area, the report said. The ordinance, in part, calls for a squirrel-proof top and catch basin affixed at the bottom of all bird feeders. 

Increased enforcement of the ordinance appears to be the result of a resident complaining about bird feeders in the area attracting deer.

Someone needs to write them a letter, darned old meanie government. Where is the pushback going to come from?

Edited by Worriedman
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Gosh, they would have a field day if we had that same ordinance here in Gallatin. I have at present time 8 tube type bird feeders up ad just filled the this morning because weather is going to make it hard for the little feathered critters to find food. I also have 4 squirrel feeders with I also filled this morning so they could have full bellies on these cold nights. I go through approximately 125 lbs of bird seed a winter and at least 150 pounds of whole kernel corn and nut mix for squirrels a winter. I also have a buddy with a large oak tree that produces huge acorns every year and I take my shop vac to his home each fall and will gather about 50 to 75 pounds of acorns to mix in the corn nut mix. I really enjoy watching the wild life in my yards and as far as that ordinance up in Pennsylvania, that s just a ridiculous program at best. The animals are GODS creatures too, just as are humans. Should we also quit feeding the hungry less fortunate humans also?.................. jmho

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It amazes me how we hear similar stories all the time.  That is, if you allow a local government the ability to regulate something, they just run with it.  You would think that local governments would be most responsive to the people and easiest to change, but it's like they get elected and become petty dictators.  Even when faces with how screwy one of their laws is, it seems to take way too long for them to change.  

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[quote name="dawgdoc" post="1099075" timestamp="1390363871"]It amazes me how we hear similar stories all the time. That is, if you allow a local government the ability to regulate something, they just run with it. You would think that local governments would be most responsive to the people and easiest to change, but it's like they get elected and become petty dictators. Even when faces with how screwy one of their laws is, it seems to take way too long for them to change. [/quote] It shouldn't. Frederic Bastiat summed it up nearly 200 years ago.

If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?
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We see stories like this daily and people wonder why the Libertarian and Anarchist movements are gaining so much ground lately. It's obvious that the single largest impediment to success and happiness in this country is our government. They screw us every time we turn around and people still act surprised about it. 

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[quote name="6.8 AR" post="1099251" timestamp="1390409070"]I wish they would gain a lot more ground.[/quote] Then join us! :D ETA: You kinda have for the most part now that I think about it. :) Edited by Chucktshoes
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This is just my opinion but I wonder where the backbone went in most of the American people? I remember when I was just a kid living in a small town and when the local elected officials did something the people in my hometown didn't like they would gather together and make a trip to the town hall and have a long hard drawn out discussion with the elected officials and in most cases what the officials did quickly got undone and went away. Did that way of doing things die when out parents and grandparents died off.  I know the youth of today in most cases have no clue what life was like back when I was a kid growing up because they have re-written all the history books. I never forgot my roots and both my sons and grandsons have been taught about their grandparents and great grandparents and what they believed in and they live those same roots. If the parents and grandparents don't begin teaching their children what life is suppose to be like and not as it is right now they will not learn anything except what the LEFT wants them to know and nothing more.............jmho

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Then join us! :D ETA: You kinda have for the most part now that I think about it. :)

Chuck, I'm just picking my battles. I think you know where I am in this stuff. :D Right there with you.

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