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Home Invasion Suspects Point Gun At Infant, Father Grabs His Shotgun

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I like the stories...don't you?


hmmm...are you avoiding the question?


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with plugging your own blog. After all, it is interesting material and quite relevant here. 


You'd stand to gain more hits and fans, by being straightforward is all I'm saying.

Edited by BigK
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I am not surprised that more home invasions have been making the news recently but the good part is more and more bad guys are going down from armed home owners willing to protect their families. The news medias are finally talking about the good side of homeowners owning guns. The more the good guys win the less the bad guys might be willing to slow down on home invasions.................jmho

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Alleged criminal may or may not have been an active threat when shot in the back...  It certainly makes the investigation rise to the top.  I hate it when folks forsake all value of human life and force others into an appropriate set of responses that will (most likely) change their lives forever.


if society degrades and degrades for long enough, the criminal element will change tactics.  I would speculate, but there's no need in spreading an effective tactic to bad folks via the inter-webs.   

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Anyone notice that the homeowner had one a shirt that said FU*K on it? 


"The news crew is here, better put on my good shirt"


We're talking New Port Richey.  The fact that he had a shirt on shows he lives in the nice part of town.

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Alleged criminal may or may not have been an active threat when shot in the back...  It certainly makes the investigation rise to the top.  I hate it when folks forsake all value of human life and force others into an appropriate set of responses that will (most likely) change their lives forever.


if society degrades and degrades for long enough, the criminal element will change tactics.  I would speculate, but there's no need in spreading an effective tactic to bad folks via the inter-webs.   


Anyone who has made their intentions known and is still armed is a threat, no matter which way they're facing.  Many of the shootouts caught on video have the bad guys shooting as they're running away (with their backs turned).  Unless the person is actively surrendering they are a viable threat until enough distance or terrain separates you from the bad guy.  As far as I'm concerned, the bad guy should be shot until he stops moving and has all hands exposed to show he no longer has a weapon.  Until then he should be getting injected with lead.

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[quote name="NoBanStan" post="1158052" timestamp="1402587618"]Anyone notice that the homeowner had one a shirt that said FU*K on it? "The news crew is here, better put on my good shirt"[/quote] Lol! Of course the guy put his shirt on - everyone knows that only shirtless guys get arrested - at least thats what i've learned all those years watching COPS
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Of course the guy put his shirt on - everyone knows that only shirtless guys get arrested - at least thats what i've learned all those years watching COPS

Not ONLY shirtless, but it does improve the odds by about 80-85% I'd guess. At least! :lol:
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