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Had somebody at my house uninvited


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Mods if I posted this in the wrong place can you move it to where it belongs. Thanks..

I was on the computer and I heard my dog growling, so I went to the door and heard something out there. I went and got my gun and opened the door. I heard something beside my house. At first I thought it was some kids rolling our yard. We always get hit because of my almost 13 year old son. His little girl friends love to roll our yard. Well I went out side and I heard something next door at a vacant house. I never saw anything. Well I wrote it off as a dog. So I went ahead and let my dog out on his chain. Got back on the computer and the next thing I know my dog is barking. I grab my gun again and go to the door. I'm standing there at the door for about 4 minutes and the next thing I know a guy takes off running from the bushes in front of my house. My wife called 911, and they said someone is on their way. I stood outside and waited on them. This is no lie. It took 12 1/2 minutes for the cops to get to my house. If it would of been some killer, we would of been dead. I can get from my house to just about anywhere in Dayton in about 6 minutes. I live right in the middle of Rhea county. Well they showed up, drove around, and didn't see anybody. But, hell, I have a bad back and cant run, but I can get away in 12 1/2 minutes. But its all good. Nobody got hurt. Just thought I'd share that with you.

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Guest Verbal Kint

Crappy deal... but glad everything turned out alright. Stay safe and keep an eye out. If there was something that caught his eye enough to lure him there the first time, he may come back again.

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Hopefully he saw your gun and won't ever be back.

Keep Safe.

i wish but i was wearing a hoody type sweatshirt and had my Glock in the big front pocket. I thought at first it was kids and I didn't want them to see the gun and go crazy and start screaming.
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Buy a long leash and walk the dog. If the perpetrator runs, release the chain and let the dog take him down or at least take a few bites out of him since shooting will not be justified at the time they run away from you.

If the dog manages to take down the perpetrator, you can hold him at gun point while your wife calls the police. If your wife is not home, make sure you take your cell phone so you can make the call to the police.

Even if the perpetrator gets away, call the police so they are aware of prior incidents.

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Guest canynracer

sorry to hear about this, but I give Verbal a big +1....glad it worked out..make sure you are watching like a hawk going forward...hopefully they wont return.

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You really hit a point of interest with me on this. This is a prime example that it is OUR duty to protect ourselves. I do know that if a "attempted burg" call comes in to police, that call falls down on the priority list. This would not be considered a burg in progress. Never the less, no matter what the call to the police is (on priority list) ...it is STILL on us to protect ourselves, property, and family. This is the same conversation that I have with people about how "guns are dangerous" and "guns are not allowed in our house"....blah...blah..... ---- who do they call if there is a need for police at their home? And, how long will it take for help to get there?----- I know Rhea Co fairly well (I grew up in Roane co)......and your right, the response will be less than "real fast" due to "on duty cops"..."budget"....etc--- I'm glad you are a GUN Owner and protect what you hold dearest to your heart. Thank you for sharing your story.....I keeps us sharp that this sort of stuff can happen on any one of us our there. God Bless--------

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Guest Dean_JC78

Glad it worked out for you. Hopefully you scared them enough so that person will not be back. Just make sure you lock up extra good when you go out because they might be waiting for the house to be empty.

As somebody that is hearing impaired, I have a dog as well. Anytime anything is "wrong" he lets me know as he has in the past. Dogs are priceless in defending your home in my honest opinion as they are just so aware of their surroundings at all times.

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Well I go up this afternoon and went out to the bushes where I seen the guy standing and guess what I found? I found a gas can and a piece of hose about 3 foot long. :D

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Well I go up this afternoon and went out to the bushes where I seen the guy standing and guess what I found? I found a gas can and a piece of hose about 3 foot long. :D

you need to call the police and file a report. if the can had gas in it, he may have been attempting arson!!!

if your tanks are low, you know what he was doing...either way I would call the authorities.

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Guest Dean_JC78

Cut the bushes or put something nasty in there...

How come the cops did not find it when they came out? Are you saying the thug came back?

Sounds like a gas thief to me. Thats big time on the rise these days.

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Seriously though, replace those bushes with something....Spiky. Very, very spiky. Oh, and see if you can intermingle a rash-developing plant in them, too.

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Well I go up this afternoon and went out to the bushes where I seen the guy standing and guess what I found? I found a gas can and a piece of hose about 3 foot long. :D

This should provide the police with finger prints that are on the gas can. From the description, it appears that he was siphoning gas.

1) Remove any brushes or trees that would provide cover (day or night).

2) Consider installing motion detection flood lights.

3) Remove all items from your cars like: ipods, cell phone, CDs that are visible, GPS devices (not including factory installed). In other words, the interior should look clean with no items showing. Even car charger cords are a give away that something may be in the car.

4) If possible, part all vehicles in your garage.

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