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Law enforcement question


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Not necessarily, I didn't paste entire thing:

"Every motor vehicle having a windshield shall be equipped with two (2) windshield wipers for cleaning rain, snow or other moisture from the windshield in order to provide clear vision for the driver, unless one (1) windshield wiper cleans to within one inch (1'') of each side of windshield."

- OS

Ok, good...I will go ahead with that McLaren purchase I had planned in that case...

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
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They might want to clarify the use of turn signals. It seems there is a shroud of mystery around this subject in the great state of Tennessee.


If I was a cop it would be my sole mission in life to pull over every offender of not using turn signals or thinking that actually using the blinkers gives them some right to do whatever they please and cite them to the fullest extent possible.

Edited by Garufa
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If I was a cop it would be my sole mission in life to pull over every offender of not using turn signals or thinking that actually using the blinkers gives them some right to do whatever they please and cite them to the fullest extent possible.


Throw in the tailgaters, lane-weavers, left-lane bandits, failers-to-yield, and other assorted blind, stupid, and oblivious morons and I'm right there with you.

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If I was a cop it would be my sole mission in life to pull over every offender of not using turn signals or thinking that actually using the blinkers gives them some right to do whatever they please and cite them to the fullest extent possible.

Most officers don't even bother with turn signals anymore after the State of Tennessee v. Antoinette Feaster, 2010 decision. Edited by Patton
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If I was a cop it would be my sole mission in life to pull over every offender of not using turn signals or thinking that actually using the blinkers gives them some right to do whatever they please and cite them to the fullest extent possible.

I'd be looking for the folks who pass you on the shoulder while you are waiting to turn left, and the ones who use a center turn lane as a passing lane. I've seen a lot of very bad wrecks due to this.

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