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Tenderized rib eyes for sale at Walmart.


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This story is good for quite a few jokes.


South Carolina store.

Rodney Fowler, 43, was spotted Tuesday afternoon placing the steaks in his scooter by a Walmart loss prevention officer, according to a police report.

“Suspect sat on the steaks and exited the store passing all points of sale, without attempting to pay for said merchandise,” cops noted.

The 5’ 5” Fowler was then confronted by the Walmart worker and escorted back into the store, where he was later arrested by police for shoplifting. “Due to his size, the suspect was cuffed using two pairs of cuffs,” investigators noted.

Pictured above, Fowler spent about three hours in police custody before being released without bond. The fate of the rib eye steaks Fowler sat upon is not addressed in the police report (though here’s hoping Walmart did not re-shelve the pressed meat).



Edited by K191145
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I like my tomatoes and my meat home grown. Has anyone read the packaging on wally worlds meat. Everything I picked up said it was a product of a whole lot of other countries. I question the quality control of meat products that are grown outside the US.

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And now ya'll know why I beg folks for any extra deer they don't need. I really try to not buy red meat in grocery stores. There are a few meat stores locally that guarantee their meats are all grown in America and processed in America and they all cut to order so I pretty much trust them but also pretty much cannot afford them either............... :up: :up:

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And now ya'll know why I beg folks for any extra deer they don't need. I really try to not buy red meat in grocery stores. There are a few meat stores locally that guarantee their meats are all grown in America and processed in America and they all cut to order so I pretty much trust them but also pretty much cannot afford them either............... :up: :up:


Actually my local grocery store has better meat prices and often better meat than Walmart, Kroger, Publix etc. They often have good deals on whole chickens which are small because they are not treated with hormones, they have really good chuck roasts several dollars cheaper than most all and pork is less expensive there also, now everything else is more expensive than the big stores. I always buy chuck roasts, never buy bottom round roasts because I think that's dog food quality. As far as sanitation I really don't worry about meat because I "cook" it and take it's tempature. That's the secret of steralizing meat, nothing biological will live if meat is cooked properly. Years ago when I got salmonella food poisening, I got it from fast food vegtables from a popular FF restaurant.

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