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Got to teach some kids about guns today

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I live on a little country road where we know everyone. There are a few neighborhood kids that ride bikes that live right across the road. My parents live next door and my 20 year old sister is home from college this weekend and thay tend to hang around a little more when she is home.... weird lol. One boy is around 13 and the other is 15 and their father owns guns and they have shot his before and they turkey hunt as well. Well I was out in the yard running a few cheap rounds of birdshot through my ol' Wingmaster when they came over on their bikes. I let them both shoot it. They told me about the 870 their father bought them. Anyway, they started asking different questions about types of guns and so on. So after a chat we went back over to my house and I got one of each out to show them. Shotgun, AR, AK, bolt rifle and a couple Glocks. I was explaining how each one worked and they were eating it up. They were asking some really good questions like how the AR cycles and the differences in shot sizes and so on. So eventually we ended up at the kitchen table with a small dry erase board and a marker. I would crudely draw it out on the board and then we would take each gun apart and I woukd show them which piece does what. They really learned something today and it made me feel good to teach them and them take it seriously. Those are some good kids. Gave me hope yet for the next generation.
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Live in a million dollar house, drive a big fancy car, fly all over the world.

After you are dead and gone you will not be remembered for any of these things.

Touch the heart of a child and be remembered forever!

Ya done good man, real good!

Edited by RED333
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They were really getting into it and absorbing all the info I was giving them. They even repeated back to me and showed me how the gas system worked in the AR. We talked about pistol cartridges, FMJ vs HP and how hydraulic pressure opens the hp. I was really impressed. Thay have been around guns their while life but just had never been taught about the inards. I think I may give their dad one of my bricks of .22 for them to shoot.
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