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chances R

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Everything posted by chances R

  1. Are you speaking of 'Oak Ridge?" Also John Sevier range on Rifle Range Road has a TWRA website and openings.
  2. I think you will like them. Glad to try and help if there is an issue:
  3. I have used a ton of Xtreme, but am sold now on Powder Coated. Don't have to worry about plating separation nor leading. Actually a little more velocity with PC, all other things equal, or you can drop less powder. No leading, clean etc.
  4. going to divulge my secret sources....excellent price at both places: Brass Monkey and DG bullets. I use the 147gr. Powder coated.
  5. Gorilla glue for that custom fit Note to that one person in the world...this is a joke
  6. Same is available for Walker's.....good inexpensive upgrade.
  7. AllGuns.......to armchair your situation, your mistake was leaving to retrieve a gun then confronting the BG again. You were in a safe area and should have stayed put and dialed 911.
  8. Essentially, I believe the shooter will always have to have an argument of or 'Burden of Production' that the shooting was in self defense. The judge does not have to accept that argument based of the amount of supporting evidence. In home shootings there is a much more favorable standing or lower bar to reach, but still must be made. Prosecuters try to avoid cases where there is strong evidence they will lose. The standard of imminent death or SBI will still apply in or out of your abode. The point on civil immunity does require the adjudication by the judge to be in play in TN.
  9. you never know what is going to set someone off.....stay meek and swallow one's pride
  10. Yep, and seriously injured her bank account as well. Will in all likely hood have plenty of time to think about it sitting in a cell.
  11. Maybe why both are out of business ?
  12. May be of interest to those in Florida: When Is Open Carry Legal? There are under Florida Statute 790.25 certain limited conditions in which open carry is legal. Such conditions would be if you are; Traveling to or engaged in camping Fishing Hunting or Lawful target shooting
  13. Had it happen to me in Vegas. My signed affidavit is all that is required. Very busy, surrounded by other passengers. Corse of least resistance, pulled out my 1911 and worked the action about 5-6 times. Sure it caused some bug-eyed reactions
  14. I would add to chip's advice to try not and put yourself in a position to shoot at a dark figure. A flashlight may save a loved one, a drunk college kid or neighbor....and a lot of regret. Both a handheld as well as a weapon mounted light are good investments.
  15. Each airline may have different/more restrictive regs, even to the point of not allowing any firearms. Be sure to check their website. A common mistake is a flimsy, pryable box, such as a factory box to house the firearm. Needs to be a quality box, even one of the metal security boxes. Ammo can be included in the same box as the firearm. Loose rounds are prohibited, but one can pack loaded magazines in a mag holster and be good to go.
  16. Sounds good to go to me....do it before fishing rods are a controlled item
  17. another option on the grip safety is to use a pull on rubber grip sleeve. Use at your own risk.
  18. IMO you have the best solution in the red dot.
  19. I have seen more problems....for me....with worn and/or dirty followers, both in 1911s and M&Ps
  20. Academy gets the EZ in pretty frequently
  21. You are going to need to firm up your details IMO. Looks like an involuntary hospitalization.
  22. The bugs have been worked out, a simple manufacting glitch which happens in many products. Especially some much more expensive and long-standing such as automobiles. The ones for sale on the shelf should be good to go. To be certain check the ser. #. I have seen several come through my classes and all fired without a problem.
  23. E4 I will try and address several good issues you have raised. First, it is entirely possible we had 'different' TN state HCP courses. Best I recall, got my permit in '96. The course has been modified by many instructors to include a lot of personal opinion, ad lib, shortened hours, etc. Plus the state has had official changes implemented over the years, the next one effective Jan 1, 2021. For many years the course was done by an official state mandated outline which left the door open for the above noted varibles. Over the past 4 years or so the outline was changed to a PowerPoint presentation which has to be gone over in its entirety. Minimal time for much ad lib. This is a positive change which gives greater consistency in the program state wide and thus less room (note I didn't say no room) for confusion. And don't forget changes in the law that can occur twice a year. I have been a state instructor for the past 7 years and am still active. In fact I have a course scheduled at Pellisippi State the 16th you are welcomed to attend and simply audit if you like. I routinely attend and read multiple legal seminars and discuss many of these issues with other instructors as well. So I do actively stay up to date, but am always open to discussion. To my best recall, I do not remember any car-jacking videos by the state. Maybe after I got my permit, but before I started instructing. The home breakin you refer to is still present. The robber was armed with a golf club he picked up in the home, but really does not make any difference. As you referenced, the law does state that it is assumed that someone breaking into your home is considered to be a threat of serious bodily injury or death, and one is certainly allowed to use deadly force. You seemed to confuse and reference SYG with Castle doctrine, which are two entirely different and separate issues. Also neither, as DaveTN noted, gives one a free shooting permit. Castle doctrine for the home and auto are similar, but there are some differences, those points have been discussed previously in this post, but again the most important is that your passenger compartment has to be breeched, not withstanding a firebombing or trying to turn your car over. Still much active debate in the gun community...as noted vehicle damage from banging on it...not a shootable situation, plus you can drive off. Finally I pretty much agree entirely with your last paragraph.


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