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Everything posted by hornett22

  1. Tree Climber auto/small engine/motorcycle/marine mechanic welder Right now I'm painting the interior of a house because there is no other work. Glad I'm multi talented.
  2. Great stories! Hope I get to experience one someday.
  3. I'm in Maryville and I love it. The other suggestions are good as well. Depends on where you want to work. Monroe county is nice as well.
  4. Sure would be nice if these crooked judges and DAs were held accountable.
  5. I can't agree more. I keep mine on the passenger seat,notify, no problems.
  6. or you could find an EAA witness.
  7. Between the two,I'd get the Marlin. I sold my guide gun. It was a blast but my 1894s in 45 Colt is a lot more fun.
  8. Not sure Japan is any condition to take over anyone right now. I could be wrong.
  9. If my neighbor and I have an issue,we will be handling it amongst ourselves. No one else needs to be involved.
  10. Fantastic! Good for you and WELCOME!
  11. not likely but that's probably who is going to be back in. going to be an interesting second term.
  12. I have friends who still freak when they see I carry a 1911 with the hammer back. I mean they FREAK! I try to explain but it doesn't seem to register.
  13. Thank you and God bless you and all that have served! Everyone of you!
  14. I agree. I can't take and wont take that stuff. I took advil when I had my wisdom teeth pulled.
  15. I really don't see how you could. A Romney/Christie ticket is a hell of a lot scarier than what we have now.
  16. they must have gotten new staff since the wife and I were in there . we left laughing.
  17. Gingrich and Romney are socialists say one thing do another types. I'm a lot more comfortable with who Ron Paul would appoint to the SCOTUS than those two. As for Santorum,He hasn't made a believer out of me yet. Seems like a used car salesman. I don't get the impression he believes what he is telling the camera. Let me remind you I lived in Connecticut for 6 of the last 7 years. Romney was Governor of Massachusetts when I moved up there. I heard all about him and watched him operate. I will NOT be voting for him under any circumstances.
  18. Just based on MY experiences. As for THP, they are professional to the point of being over the top. They do have an image to uphold. Never really had a problem with them. They are serious about their job. If you have an encounter with one,you will most likely get treated fine but you WILL be getting a ticket.
  19. It's called idiot lawyers. Big corporations have lots of them sitting around thinking of idiotic policies to justify their existence.
  20. It IS in the scope of My duties to take my money and my gun to Huddle House where the food is better and cheaper.
  21. Sherriff's deupties usually are above and beyond the caliber of people that make up your city police depts. I always figured the ones that couldn't make the Country went to the city. Sherriff's deputies are usually at the total opposite end of the professionalism and common sense spectrum s.
  22. From what I have seen, the morons working at Bass Pro have no business selling air fresheners,let alone firearms.


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