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Everything posted by Tedro2022

  1. Check out this website www.naturessunshine.com and look for Silver Shield. The liquid is great for fighting off everything (take a couple teaspoons a day by mouth) and the gel would be great for the baby (cleaning hands, etc). Killing all the germs in the house is a good and bad thing. You need to cure from within while disinfecting the the house at the same time. My sister has a natural health degree and recommends it for daily use. Helps build your immune system up to keep from getting sick and getting over what ales you. Do your research on the natural healing powers of silver, pretty incredible. Hope your household is feeling better soon. Here's my official disclaimer: I'm not a Dr and you should contact one to cure your sickness. I know what has worked for me and many many other people and can only recommend those for you to do your own research on and see if they fit your specific needs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Been using Winchester WSF in 9 mm loads and .40 loads and it isn't very smoky. When I go to clean after each day at the range, it doesn't take all night to clean up either. Velocities are better than the Titegroup that I used to use as well. Just my $.02 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Good lookin firearms you got there! Nice work! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The robber got what he had coming to him. While as carry permit holders we are not supposed to pursue a threat the DA is free to bring up charges as they see fit. If any of you think that this man should have charges brought against him I'd suggest you study up on the law, pass the bar exam and get hired on at the DA's office where you can make a different decision. <br />Until then, a man who had multiple other robberies (allegedly) on his rap sheet has been removed from the streets. Bad thing? I think not.<br /><br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I wouldn't have preferred one zombie over another, but if the whole Woodbury Gang had been wiped out in the tunnels it would have been a little poetic. After all the people from Rick's group that had been lost down there I'd have like to see the Governor's whole gang get wiped out. I do have to say, I hope Rick gets his head together in this next season. The group needs a real leader and (not the least) Carl needs a real father figure. I'd like to see them vacate the prison and find a town, like Woodbury, where they can get back on their feet. I don't want it to turn into a lame show that gets long and drawn out, so have them on the move looking for a place they can call their own for a season or two. But above all, MAKE THE ZOMBIES A PART OF THE STORY LINE AGAIN!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I think I'd be ok with Rick getting knocked off, I'm indifferent to him. There's no way as a member of the group that I would follow him. <br />Seeing Merle go wasn't too bad. I thought he'd go out differently. I suppose having Darryl kill the zombie Merle was pretty fitting. <br />Guess I just can't wait for the Governor or Rick to get killed. Don't really care for either of them. <br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. The zombies will start attacking when this BS with the "Governor" is over with. They're not gonna let the zombies too far back into the story line while that's playing out, just to keep it simple. I'm sure as soon as the "Gov" is killed/neutralized/tamed/whatever the zombies will creep back in. But I'm a little unsure where you go with the story after that. What? They keeping sorting thru zombies until they have a cure for the disease? Or there's another group that comes in to try to kill them off and take over the prison/town (whichever they occupy at the time)? Or everybody lives happily ever after? Would be nice to see them on the move again because the prison and the town got overrun by a huge hoard of walkers. Just my 2 cents. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I think Rick still remembers the rooftop in Atlanta vividly and doesn't and won't ever trust him again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Rick is really kicking it around, he's a moron if he does it though. There are certain instances where I could see letting one person go for the overall good of the group. Most likely Merle. <br /><br />Michonne's more sane than anybody else in the group. More valuable, skills-wise, than everybody other than Hershel. Got to keep that man alive for his med skills! <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The girlfriend and I had the same discussion last night while Talking Dead was on. She's just a pain in the @$$ as far as I'm concerned. If I were running the prison I'd have already shot her. Rick has to know better than think that she's dependable. She's shown plenty of times that she might be capable, but then goes and messes it up but letting the group down. Seems like the governor just knows that he can pull her little puppet strings and do whatever he wants with her. Not even sure that she thinks he's a bad guy at this point. She'll end up trying to hook up with whoever picks up the leadership roll after Rick or the Governor get killed though. That's what she's done all along in the show.
  11. As a native Coloradan, I can only say how disappointed I am in the folks there and the officials they've elected. I hope they recall every single official that voted for this bill... EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.<br />I considered moving back there a few years ago, and boy I'm glad I didn't.<br />This will be a turning point in American history, a great state with strong western history has fallen by the way side. Small groups of PATRIOTS are going to have to stand up to this socialist government and push back.<br />Stock up on your essentials, folks!
  12. A very good friend of mine knows the owner (of the Internet portion +1 of the stores) and talked to him yesterday. He said they're not getting out of the gun selling biz at all but simply had to suspend sales for a while due to overwhelming demand. Their sales had tripled and the needed to staff and order accordingly. Don't get me wrong, I've never shopped them just because I've always found what I'm looking for locally or slightly cheaper after digging around and researching. But the guy is super nice and wants nothing more than to serve the gun community. He's an avid shooter and is simply trying to run his business the best way he sees fit. He's not in control of the Facebook posts or any of that, he's got a management and marketing team that all answer to him and he's addressed the things that have happened over the past few days. Now, just like every retailer you're going to have to watch pricing to make sure you don't get gouged on some things, and if they want to start gouging on everything by all means don't shop with them. I'm simply saying they couldn't keep up with the demand of incoming orders and that's why they suspended sales. He never intended to have anything communicated saying CTD was getting out of firearms sales. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. They'll be getting something else in their trunk if they come for mine. Sorry, but I'm not turning mine over. Next they'll come for the shirt off my back and the Bibles on my bookshelves. I won't stand for it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. [quote name='10-Ring' timestamp='1354280369' post='852785']But, if you son thinks that anywhere is better than Memphis then he needs to visit Detroit, or in my opinion most of Arkansas.[/quote] As someone who grew up in Arkansas (Ft Smith) after my parents decided to move me there at 5 yrs old, Memphis is the arm pit of that and almost every state, save Mississippi. Memphis is just dirty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. [quote name='TLRMADE' timestamp='1354254100' post='852740'] Might just have to get a crossbreed...I had one for my M&P, G19, G27, G26.[/quote] I enjoy my Supertuck, but have also considered the Snapslide for mine. Carried a similar framed Sig in one of those briefly this year and it was very comfortable as well. Depends on if you like iwb or owb really. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I've got one of those in .40 Carry it in a Crossbreed Supertuck. It's accurate if you'll read up on how to aim it, you don't line up the sights like you would on another brand handgun. Check this out... http://www.hkpro.com/forum/hk-handgun-talk/100448-hk-pistol-point-aim-point-impact.html Hope this helps.
  17. What are the odds that in the next 4 years we see a gun grab? The AWB is inevitable at this point, IMO, but do we really see a gun grab before it's all said and done? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352038807' post='838807'] Just curious.... why you think it would have anything to do with the local PD or why they would have a clue as to how many checks the BATF is doing? They aren’t involved. Who is your local PD doing 5 checks a month on?[/quote] Sorry, should have clarified, local pd said they had about an avg of 5 C&R permits a month coming in to them. All I was saying is that they don't want, or have, the time to come out and check and see how many guns I have at my house. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Been a C&R holder for a while, never heard anything from Johnny Law. Guys that I talked to at the PD said they do an average of about 5 a month. They don't have time or the desire to pop over to my house and see my collection. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Or else the O-bumanator will just issue another executive order to swing the election into his favor. I'll join you with my tin foil hat on for the rest of the afternoon! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. None of my pistols have a safety Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. What's your 700 P specs? Might know a guy that would consider taking it off your hands if the price were right.
  23. A long, LONG, time ago (roughly two years anyhow) I started building my first AR-15. Well, today it is nearly complete after having the barrel and hand guards installed. I still need to put some FDE rail covers on to balance it out (aesthetically) and there will certainly be an optic added as well. Thought I'd share it with everyone. Parts List: Spikes Lower & upper Magpul front and rear B/U sights Magpul RTE foregrip Magpul MOE grip Magpul MOE stock Daniel Defense 5.56 16" Gov't profile CHF barrel (1:7 twist) Daniel Defense low pro gas block Daniel Defense 12" M4 rail Yankee Hill muzzle break DPMS bolt DPMS lower parts kit Now it's time to get to work on the short barrel .300 Blk that I've been dreaming of!!!!


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