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Everything posted by andersmg

  1. Nice! I have the CW40 that I have decided will pretty much be my summer carry weapon, it is so easy to conceal in my MTAC with a tee shirt over it. I will break the glocks back out when it cools off again in the fall.
  2. I carry my 27 or 23 in the same mtac minotaur holster, the 27 is a little easier for me to conceal. I bought the clipdraw for my 27 but decided it was not safe enough to carry it that way.
  3. andersmg


    I made that mistake when I was about 20 yrs old and first got my ruger mark II, boy I never did it again!!
  4. andersmg

    a good plinker???

    P22! I have two of them and when we, (me, wife, kids, or grandkids) go shooting the P22's are constantly being used. We all like the little guns a lot!
  5. I pocket carry the PM9 most every day. I also own a CW40 and I have stuck it in my pocket just to see if I can, it will fit in my pocket but if I need to draw it, it is more difficult to clear my pocket with the CW40 than it is with the PM9, the handle and barrell are both longer on the CW40 than the PM9, the grip handle is what causes me problems. If, (and I would imagine you do) you have rather large pockets then I would not think it would be any problem for you to carry the CW model in your pocket. I wear size 38-30 pants and the pockets are not so big, at the top on my pants.
  6. To me 5-6 ft to kill a snake is way too close! I usually do not kill snakes anyway, unless they are crowding me and I can't get away from them...
  7. I tried some once in a .38 on a snake, I had to get way to close to it to do any good with the small amount of small pellets that were in the shell! I would not recommend any one trying them for snakes. I like my 12 ga shotgun for snakes, now that does the trick everytime!
  8. My wife and step daughter took their class from these guys in Jackson, TN: David Baker, 731-234-1200 or Jason Baker, 731-225-8365 The wife thought the class was pretty good and very informative, she talked like she enjoyed it. They get $65 unless they have gone up, but they just took the class about a month ago.
  9. I try to be sure and clean them after each outing, I have two, so far the only malfunctions I have had with them was due to cheap ammo, just a few duds, or limp wristing, not me but my step daughter or my grandson. I like them just to play with, they are not tack drivers but fun to practice with and cheap to shoot.
  10. Great times with the young ones teaching them to enjoy something we have all been loving for most of our lives! Looks like he was probably having almost as much fun as you!
  11. Congrats on getting through the "process", it will be here before you know it! My wife is watching the mailbox for hers now. I already had mine.
  12. You may have noticed I was only getting a few shots out of each mag, I had 4 mags so I loaded each with only 5 rounds each to pratice changing the mags out also. Now the mag release is a little different on the P22 from my kahrs and glocks but still I am getting some practice changing mags, even if it is a little different.
  13. Yea, I have caught myself doing this more often then not with pocket carry.
  14. It fits in my COMPTAC that I carry my Kahr in, so I can practice drawing and shooting with ultra cheap ammo! http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d38/luv2hunt2/?action=view¤t=MikeShootingvideos014.flv
  15. I practiced some today drawing my PM9 from my nemesis pocket holster. The video is as if I was on high alert and had already placed my hand on the gun in my pocket. It comes out pretty quick this way, not quite so fast if I have to first put my hand in my pocket and then get it on the gun. Guess I will just have to always be on high alert when carrying this weapon this way... http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d38/luv2hunt2/?action=view&current=MikeShootingvideos009.flv
  16. +1 I have one I am carrying my Kahr CW40 in and I forget I have it on,,,,I hope I don't forget it if I ever need it!
  17. Good for him! My daughter has been taking an advanced biology,(college credit) course this school year, (junior) and is going this june to take a class at Union, so when she starts college she will have a head start. Your son will be in the same boat, I think this is great!
  18. First I heard of it, if they are I hope they have some big sales to clear out their stock!
  19. andersmg

    which is best

    I have two of these mags set up with the "filler" to use with my 27, they effectivley make the 27 about like a 23 except the barrell is no longer. They work just fine with no issues at all in my 27.
  20. andersmg

    which is best

    I have a 27 and 23, I carry the 27 from time to time concealed and when I get my MTAC Kydex for the 23 I will carry it from time to time as well. To me the 27 is easier to conceal but that would depend on your body size and mid section as well as how you plan to carry it.
  21. I say good for the old guy for stopping the threat without actually shooting the BG. I also think a gas pump is a bad obsatcle to hide behind, but I guess it was all he had at the time, luckliy as someone else said, he did not blow himself up! I also agree that he needs to get some more practice shooting his carry weapon.
  22. Welcome Angel! My wife has a 24\7 pro compact 9mm, she and I love it.
  23. Yes I felt it, I work third shift and was sitting at my desk watching the mini blind rock back and forth. I was just wondering if it was gonna stop or get worse!
  24. The wife and I enjoy off roading in our Yamaha Rhino when we get the chance. I really love woodworking but I don't currently have a shop to work in. We also deer hunt as much as possible when the season is in. I bagged 7 deer this last year...


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