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Everything posted by Lumber_Jack

  1. After reading the document again, thoroughly this time without the preconceived idea I had the first time, I agree with those that say this is not an agreement that you will stay employed for the time described. It states that you will stay in the maintenance dept for 3 years before being eligible for another position. You were hired as an employee, you can certainly quit at any time. This is not the same as a contract for paid education to be repaid through work. You were paid the whole time. They just didn't want to waste time training you for a maintenance position just to have you transfer to shipping, or something similar.
  2. Thanks, I'll see if I can run some down. Does Costco advertise prior to the KJ visits? or just happen to be there?
  3. Where do you buy the Kamado Joe Charcoal? I have tried the cheap stuff 'Roal Oak' and it's not near as good as the BGE brand. I'd like to get a bag of the KJ brand to try
  4. I actually think you made the better of the two choices. The Willet is great. The Whistle Pig Rye is great but the Willet is better IMO. I find the Whistlepig products to lack the bold body I prefer. It's just too mild for my liking.
  5. I disagree with most here on the surface that say "you signed it, you have to live with it". I need to know, why do you want to leave? Are working conditions not favorable? People sign stuff all the time that realize were mistakes later. This should have been laid out in the document; "if you leave before the three years then you will pay X dollars or whatever". If its a bad situation for you and your family and the document doesn't bind you, then you should do what's best for you. If you are leaving for petty reasons or spite, then I agree that you should stay and fulfill your commitment. We need more info
  6. We need to schedule counseling for this individual, they clearly have a problem
  7. A hunting lease qualifies for the hog exemption as well
  8. Ford vs Chevy. Stihl vs Husky. Age old discussions. Fact is I have experience with both. They both run great and last long. I have worked with professional tree fellers that prefers one or the other. Both sore by their brand. Now, I personally prefer Stihl for a couple small reasons, like chain oiler adjustment location. Disassembly. The Husky's tend to run faster vs the same cc saw in Stihl but unless your using it tons it won't matter.
  9. Yes a closed egg is water tight. I have a cheap grill cover over my BGE and it was out all last winter. Dry inside. Mine has been uncovered in heavy rain and it's never let a drop in.
  10. These are stats from a n article referencing data posted by the Washington Post. Black Male Americans are 40x more likely to be killed by another black male than by a cop.
  11. We've said the same thing. But we'll actually see what service/cost we'll be offered from Google. I actually like Comcast TV especially the X1.
  12. my only complaint with Comcast is that the internet gets bogged down on the weekends and high traffic times. It usually pops back within a few mins, but it is noticeable.
  13. Just to follow up, my reprint arrived about the timeframe they said 7-10 days, and it looks good now.
  14. I bought an Arcan XL 35 from Northern Tool because I needed over 20" of jacking height. I haven't had it long enough to speak for longevity but it works great. http://m.northerntool.com/products/shop~tools~product_200345429_200345429?hotline=false
  15. So the leaf wilt and the bark crack may or may not be related. The bark could be wind shake and the leaves drought. There is also a chance they're related. There could be a fungus or canker under the bark causing both.
  16. Is it just the bark or is the wood underneath cracked too?
  17. If it's just the bark I'd say it's probably lack of water. Maples have very shallow bark and are very susceptible to sunscald , frost cracking and other ailments. This tree is awfully big to be typical sunscald. It very well could be wind shook. Had any bad storms recently?
  18. @gregintenn new fishing charter
  19. These were designed for outdoor expeditions, like off-shore fishing, week long hunting and fishing trips. Everyday Joe doesn't need this, but if you do need it, its better than any option prior to Yeti. Now there are lots of companies jumping on the production band wagon and that's driving the prices down. Is this overpriced, probably, but maybe not if you run a guide service. It could literally last forever.
  20. As a native Mountaineer its a fact for sure. My mother who just turned 63 is going to now start carrying a snub 38 to her job at the probation office. I've told her for years to get a permit and carry, but the whole class and inconvenience of permit process dissuaded her. "she knows how to shoot and doesn't need the state to prove it" I'm glad they passed it. Of course, if you want to travel out of state you still have to have a permit, which the state still offers if you choose.
  21. I would only be hesitant to use in an open fireplace due to sparks flying when popping. If using in a stove it will work fine, but like others have said it will burn fast. and for those looking at Poplar value as for lumber, its very minimal. It is used often and makes great stainable lumber, but its value is very low on the stump. I'm talking, an 18" tree with 2 16' logs would be like $40-60
  22. I got a notification that my reprint has shipped. So it was actually faster than quoted. probably won't be here until Sat or Monday


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