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Everything posted by Murgatroy

  1. If you take taxis away from law abiding citizens, you aren't really keeping taxis off of the streets. Folks will find a way to get a taxi. Laws don't matter to criminals. If a criminal wants a taxi, they will find one.
  2. Digging it so far. I forgot how much I enjoyed this show.
  3. Murgatroy


    I always tip food servers. If it is under $10, I leave $3. Over $10 at least $5, unless it was a high dollar meal at which I will tip a minimum of double the tax. If the service was exceptional, I leave an exceptional tip. I have tipped other professions, but not often. Several years ago I got off work one morning and went as I normally do to Denny's. I took my work shirt off and had a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off of it. This was about twelve years or so ago, when I was still in my rebellious youth stage. I am covered in tattoos, but back then I was also covered in piercings. I worked nights and went to school during the day. I normally had a couple hours to kill between work and class, so I would go to Denny's and do some work, or on occasion, as this one, read a magazine while I ate breakfast and had coffee. The place was abandoned as usual, and only had one waitress working. As such they would seat all the patrons in a close area for better service. This particular morning two women who could have been in their late thirties were seated adjacent to me. While I will admit that my appearance wasn't exactly GQ, the statements the two women made were completely uncalled for. Eventually getting the attention of the waitress who came over to see what the problem was. The problem was me. The only other patron in the joint. They demanded a new table away from 'unsavory' company. The waitress ripped them a new one. I left her a $20 tip on a $5 meal. I was sad when they closed that Denny's not long after.
  4. I have been to CCA several times. It has been hit or miss. I have had great service, I have had bad service. It just depends on how crowded they are. I took my HCP class there, and I shoot there a couple times a month. I have no problem spending my money there. I like PDO as well, once you figure out where they are located. Good place, good folks. Other than that I frequent the big box stores, as it easier to get lost there. Where you want to go, I will give you a ride.
  5. Been a while since I have heard that one.
  6. I have seen this several times before, but this one is a bit more embellished than the originals that I had seen.
  7. Murgatroy


    What he said. The .22 versions use a direct blowback system and pot metal. Much cheaper and easier. The 'fullsize' calibers have to use a locking system of some sort and stronger metals. Big differences in price.
  8. Glad you had a good time. If I weren't so sick I would have made it.
  9. I went. Took the wife and the daughter. I hadn't been to a show at Chilhowee, not sure if I will go to another one there. I saw Dolomite, he helped me spot a smoking deal on a Romanian AK. He actually came in the door right behind us.
  10. It was a decent show, I caught it on accident. I had heard of Red Jacket before, so it was kinda neat to see the operation. I will admit that there were a few factual errors, but that is to expected from the TV.
  11. Yes, the 17 upper will fit on the 22 and work fine. The frames are nearly identical.
  12. Haven't had a cigarette yet. Figured the wife would skin me if she caught me smoking.
  13. That is a very sharp dog there. I hope he finds a good home.
  14. I have ordered from them multiple times, however until a few weeks ago I had never been to their store even though it is thirty minutes away. It is something that must be experienced to understand. I fully think that anyone within four hours drive should experience that wonder.
  15. Murgatroy

    Fake Rolex

    I have never been a 'watch' person. I have an internal clock that is almost always within five minutes. I do however happen to have a Bulova that was an anniversary gift from work. I don't wear it. Both of my cell phones have clocks on them. I guess I don't get it.
  16. I may take you up on that. I will PM you later this afternoon after the wife gets done making me run some errands.
  17. So three days ago I decided to quit smoking. I kept it to myself, since I don't have a decent track record at this. Wednesday, Thursday and now Friday come and pass. No cigarettes. This is a personal best for me, and I am doing it cold turkey. My nerves are wearing thin, four co-workers are missing and I have no clue what happened to them, and I have had to replace my computer monitor twice because it fell off the desk for some reason. I came home from work today and my wife did her weekly provisioning. She was so proud to tell me she got me a carton of cigarettes. I yelled at her. I didn't mean it, and I tried to explain to her that I didn't mean it, but it didn't matter. My couch is kinda lumpy and my blanket won't cover my feet...
  18. Good job. She is vicious as Gemma.
  19. I got a kick out of that film. Caught in Netflix a while ago. It was fun.
  20. It is a 702 Plinkster in a fancy receiver. I don't think it looks close enough to a real AR to consider it if that is what I was going for.
  21. It is basically force on force games. Think of what you used to play as a kid, cowboys and indians, or cops robbers. Sometimes you will play a modified version of hide and seek, or capture the flag. Most what we played was capture the flag. Good ruleset, pretty much the same thing we played by, even though we weren't organized. The low end guns aren't that accurate, however nearly any AEG (automatic electric gun) will be full auto, meaning accuracy isn't nearly as important, and a bag of 10000 BBs is cheap. The heavier the BB the better the accuracy. We always used .20g although .12g are more common. Most guns will have a form of 'Hop-Up' which will put some backspin on the BB making it drop less, but it shoots with less FPS. It was a lot of fun, the guns were more realistic than paintball guns and were easier to clean up after. The important thing is working on an honor system. The BBs don't leave an obvious hit like in paintball, so you have to call yourself out. Sometimes an unscrupulous person will forget to call themselves out until they have been hit a dozen times. The lower end guns shoot at a lower FPS, and there is usually a pretty fair difference between .12g and .20g BBs. If your gun is rated at 350FPS with .12g BBs, odds are good you are only gonna be hitting 290FPS or so with .20gs. However the tradeoff is worth it IMO, better accuracy and a more solid hit. When we played we had mostly lower end AEGs, and springer shotguns, with a handful of springer pistols and a couple of gas pistols. The AEGs didn't hurt, but they might sting a bit if they his skin. They were shooting lower FPS, maybe around 200FPS or so. The spring shotguns were the ones that were feared. Even with the .20g at a few yards they would break the skin. It didn't take too long before the gas pistols gained a reputation too, and everyone wanted to run with them. The AEGs were preferred. We were playing indoors, and the distances we played at, the AEGs were pretty good. When a mag dump would send 75 6mm BBs at your target, odds were good you were gonna hit them. To be honest, I wouldn't mind getting back into it. Riding a desk the last handful of years has made me lazy. But Nashville is too far for me to go. We have a local shop here in town, but it has been so long since I have been there, I don't even know what is going on. Like I said, we were just an unorganized crew at work. I thought it would be a good team building experience and a great way to relieve stress. It must have worked, because three years later, all the cats that played still work there, and talk about it. This is in a very high turnover position.
  22. I used to. Nothing organized. Once upon a time ago, I would lock down my warehouse and my crew and I would play Airsoft till dawn. When upper management found out they put a real quick stop to it. I still have a handful of low end MP5 AEGs, several springer shotguns, several springer pistols and a higher end gas Beretta 92. It was fun, but I haven't used the stuff for years, it has been in the closet for about four years without use.


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