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Guest colombianito1021

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Guest Old goat

I'm nearly 50 y/o, my wife says I have the body of a god, I think see said his name was Budda. Not sure, I was in the middle of a chili cheese dog and cold Bud.

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Suggestion - NO MORE cokes, diet drinks only. You will be surprised what a difference this will start to make. And EXERCISE daily, walking at least 20 minutes at one time is the way to start, doesn't have to be a fast walk just continuous.

Actually the diet drinks are just as bad, the aspartame causes food cravings. :blink:

Unfortunately, I drink them like water.

Edited by 9teeneleven
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Guest 2HOW

I love the "Shes not fat , just big boned" ROFLMAO, worst thing is being short like me dammit, ya cant grow but ya can lose weight. Hey honey, put down the gravy and biscuits and hand me those .45s.:D

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I'm fat, and its because I don't exercise regularly, and don't have decent portion control. I'm Italian, my mother has catered my whole life, portion control is platoon sized meals for a family of four. When I was working, I had half an hour for lunch. Instead of packing a healthy meal, I generally inhaled a combo meal from whatever fast food joint was handy. Now, I have the body of a god...Buddha.

Here is John Pinette's sketch about eating in Italy. It reminds me of home.

YouTube - John Pinette "France & Italy"

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The kid made an observation. Insensitive? Yes. Incorrect? No. People are always being overly sensitive about something, that's why we have all the PC crap that we do now. If you're fat, you're fat. If your comfortable with your size, you probably don't care what someone else thinks. It's when people are already self conscious about something that the PC junk starts.

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Guest db99wj

Mother Nature is a bitch.

I am down 25lbs since January and at my primary goal weight. I am still eating right, but I am not exercising consistently due to taking off a week or two from consistent workouts, stomach thing I had for several days and some work things going on. I am getting ready to get back into my running and working out routine though.

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Actually the diet drinks are just as bad, the aspartame causes food cravings. :hat:

Unfortunately, I drink them like water.

Another bad thing is that some bodies react to aspartame as if it were actual sugar, as far as insulin spike, so not a good choice for some diabetics or border line diabetics.

Not to mention the fact that despite all the (probably) urban legends regarding aspartame side effects, it does indeed seem to cause bad reactions in some folks, headache being perhaps the most commonly reported one, and that one goes for me too.

DietRite and diet RC are among the most widely available sucralose sweetened alternatives in TN.

- OS

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My own damn fault. I just need to get motivated. I'm sure my first heart attack before I hit the age of 30 will be a great motivator.

Mail my stuff first!! :hat:

Seriously though, I don't have many people in my family that "morbidly obese", but diabetes is a problem and a few members of the clan are overweight. This is why I stay active and work out. It really is a lifestyle choice. McDonald's is just like booze. You can have it, but not all the friggin' time!

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I'm fixing to. I went and got a roll of bubble wrap for that special someone in your life this morning. Maybe it will help her calm down after she finds out you gave me her holster. :)

Dammit! She read that! The jig is up...save yourself! :hat: LOL Thank you brother she'll love it. Her and her friend will sit their and pop the whole roll I guarantee it.

She doesn't use the holster anyway she's a *sigh* purse carrier. ;)

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Guest 2HOW

I gained 20 lbs in the army and lost it when I got back . I went up 30 lbs when we moved to TN. maybe its the water. Im on track to lose 30 lbs by the end of the year. GOD willing , Ill get some muscle tone back also, its hell getting old.

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Guest crystalm

I've a lot packed weight on the last 3 years (about 60lbs B)) . I know exactly why.

During the 2 years I gave my body to the US Gov't, I ate what I wanted. After, I continued to eat what I wanted. Difference - 13 weeks of some of the loudest, scariest people you will ever encounter :up: screaming at you for breathing and blinking w/o permission. At which point you realize 1 of 2 things.

1. Working out that hard is actually fun.


2. Uncle Sam owns you and you might as well try make the time easy as possible.

I went the easy way. I started to truly love exercise and did PT on my own in my little amount of free time at boot camp and continued to do it for another 2 years. Damn if I didn't look great.

Post military, I got lazy and enjoyed civilian life. As of more recently, I'm working out like crazy (no job and nothing better to do) and eating better. Inches and weight are coming off. You would look at me now and never guess I served in the Marine Corps and could assume I've been as fat as I am right now my whole life.

My point O.P., you simply don't know what is going on with some people. Bodies change as you get older. I know people who in the last 10 years haven't changed weight physically, but now have to work a lot harder to maintain it. Some people don't have any motivation to got off their tush and work out or really just enjoy food. Some people are happy how they are at whatever weight. I feel that this is just one of those things you keep to yourself and make sure YOU'RE happy with your own weight and yourself and keep your opinions about others to yourself.

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Guest jos2f

At least good sized people don't have to wear flip-flops to keep from falling in the shower drain :up:

OP is right, there are a lot of large people in America. Not inaccurate, but maybe not taken well by some people.

Then again, we own guns. We're used to offending people =p

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I too am a Fat arse.

I have actively started taking control this year. At 26 years old, trying your shoes shouldn't make you get out of breath. So I decided enough was enough. I have the Fat loveable guy since 4th grade.

I have, since mid January, lost a total of 38lbs.

I started at 345lbs, and I am now at 307lbs. My goal is to get to 280lbs, and then work towards 250ish.

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My point O.P., you simply don't know what is going on with some people. Bodies change as you get older. I know people who in the last 10 years haven't changed weight physically, but now have to work a lot harder to maintain it. Some people don't have any motivation to got off their tush and work out or really just enjoy food. Some people are happy how they are at whatever weight. I feel that this is just one of those things you keep to yourself and make sure YOU'RE happy with your own weight and yourself and keep your opinions about others to yourself.


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