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My Incident at Molly's Restaraunt in Midtown Memphis Last Night

Guest nokomom

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Interesting. An HCP holder carrying in a posted establishment is a misdemeanor. Murder will probably get yout life in prison. :D

Maybe this woman has a grudge against permit holders because she may not by law be able to own a firearm because of past issues. Sounds like the type. :D

Anyway, if she's that bad and rude, maybe someone should post a cellphone youtube video of her going off.

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Guest crotalus01

Odds are she will not post, and if she doesn't I am sorely tempted to CC there, order, eat, and then OC on the way to the bathroom - hopefully I would be told to leave (must obey immediately so I couldnt stop to pay the bill on the way out the door)...

I wouldn't actually do that, but the thought makes me smile. Even a free meal there isn't worth it the way their food has gone downhill in the last 3 or 4 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mr. sane

You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increase greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

Edited by mr. sane
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You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

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Guest benchpresspower
You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

Bound to happen sooner or later hunh folks?B)

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Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public?

Though I highly doubt this poster will return, I'll comment on this.

The law never prevented the owners, operators, or authorized employees from carrying a firearm in any place that serves alcohol.

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Sorry, but as a former business owner I think that you handled this wrong by being too timid. This woman, as does all others, has the right to her opinion: however, she does not have the right to treat her customers in this manner. I would have dressed her down in front of her other customers for attempting to treat me thus, and then would have made a show of going elsewhere.

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You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

And a troll rears its ugly head. What a surprise. :death:

Besides the fact that a criminal who's carrying illegally anyways is more likely to shoot you, what part of "It's illegal for someone carrying a handgun to consume alcohol" is difficult for you to understand?

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Guest kdpate
You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?


Would like to know which establishment (if any) this jackwad works at. :death:

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  • Administrator
You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

Mr. Sane,

Welcome to TGO. While we do not share your flawed view of this issue, we do embrace your right to have that opinion. You are welcome here so long as your posts remain respectful of others and so long as your behavior does not become consistent with that of someone trying to troll our community for their own sick amusement.

When that happens, you will be removed.

Enjoy your stay.

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Guest canynracer
You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

Re-Read...looks like the STAFF was the hostile ones...you are insane.


Edited by canynracer
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Hi, I have been lurking on here for a while now. Well, finally I have something to post! First a little background on myself. I am a 28 year old HCP holder who is married to a 30 year old HCP. We have a beautiful eight year old daughter and three goofy dogs. We live in Central Gardens in midtown Memphis, TN.

My family went to Molly's in Midtown last night. Just out of curiosity I asked the server if they were planning on banning legal handgun permit holders who were dining there from carrying if the law passed. The server was nice and said he had mixed emotions but did not know what the owner was planning to do. Well I guess he said something to the manager/owner whatever she was because some rude woman came to out table and loudly stated that she was going to post and that no handguns were going to be allowed in her bar!

It was quite a sight to watch her slam her hand on our table as she ranted about how she "would kill anyone herself who brought a gun in her bar" and we all sat bewildered. Oh, and my husband and I were there DINING at a table with our eight year old daughter who witnessed this crazy woman. Well, I was stunned to say the least and we politely asked the server for our ticket, paid, and will never return. We have dined there at least every two weeks for years. Wow.

I would testify in an open court about the incident at Molly's. That woman said "she would kill" anyone who brought a gun into her bar. There were many witnesses. This happened LAST NIGHT at 7:14pm. I have the receipt on my desk. I was in tears when we left because that woman was so rude to us in front of a full restaurant. We still do not know her name or title because she did not introduce herself before beginning her rant. She was a overweight caucasion lady with gray shoulder length hair. Maybe someone on here know her?

Please call and write letters to Molly's if you do not agree with their embarassing display. I have called and written letters along the way to everyone I know to help get this legislation passed and now it is proving pointless.

Molly Gonzales' La Casita

2006 Madison Ave

Memphis, TN 38104

(901) 726-1873

Tennessee House votes to override governor's veto of guns-in-bars bill : Mid-South : Memphis Commercial Appeal

Sorry to hear of this disgraceful conduct. The best way to take care of this trash is to do exactly what you've done. Tell everybody you know what happened and dont trade with them. They worship the god of money -- hit em where it hurts the most.

Don't worry about this bunch --- find somewhere else to go to dinner -- the hell with them and the trash like them, i say (pardon my french) -- they will allways be out there -- especially in a citadel of lunacy like Memphis. We have the same problem in east tennessee; I live near another citadel of idiocy -- Knoxville.

Keep up the good work!

Kind regards,


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You people are insane. Customer service is difficult enough in today's self-absorbed world, and when alcohol is thrown in the mix-it can become even more volatile. I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again. Now my chances of getting shot by such a person increases greatly, unless one of you Second Amendment-stretching gunslingers decides to 'assist' me. Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

Mister Same -- gotta news flash for ya -- if you are afraid of being shot; stay out of the places where shooting is a possibility -- like about anywhere in Memphis. I'd much rather take my chances with "Second Amendment Stretching gunslingers" who abide by the law, than take my chances with a bunch of gutter trash that dont abide by it. It never ceases to amaze me how some folks overlook that criminals, by definition, break the law -- thats why they call them "criminals". Law abiding citizens dont. Gun control laws were CONCIEVED by thugs and dirty polititians to disarm their enemies in the big cities like New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia -- those citadels of safety. Your premise is that law abiding citizens be disarmed and that thugs be allowed to go free -- seems ignorant to me. You might want to quit hanging around with that trash you may be hanging around with and partonize some country boy bars and act like you are somebody. Theyll probably be armed. but they wont shoot you if you behave.

Consider this a learning moment -- father to son stuff -- you know.


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Guest Phantom6
... I have worked in restaurants for years and on the occasions that a customer has a problem I have seen them go from mildly upset to uncontrollably irate in the blink of an eye, over and over again....

"Over and over again"? Hmmm. Perhaps it's just you.

....Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public?....

Apparantly you have never been informed that the answer to this question is yes, if your employer deems it necessary. It could be however, that you were kept out of the loop on that one because you seem to continue to have constant problems with irate customers.

I could be wrong but it's my opinion that the inverse of your user name may have been more a appropriate choice. Just a thought.

Oh, by the way, welcome to the boards. :D

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Heck, does this mean that employees in restaurants can carry while serving the public? What on earth has our society come to?

If you have a permit and it is not against company policy, then yes you can. Although you don't seem like you even own a gun...

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Guest rockytop

Well put Leroy. Please allow me to add a short phrase (in bold print) to it.

Mister Same -- gotta news flash for ya -- if you are afraid of being shot; stay out of the places where shooting is a possibility -- like about anywhere in Memphis. I'd much rather take my chances with "Second Amendment Stretching gunslingers" who abide by the law, than take my chances with a bunch of gutter trash that dont abide by it. It never ceases to amaze me how some folks overlook that criminals, by definition, break the law -- thats why they call them "criminals". Law abiding citizens dont. Gun control laws were CONCIEVED by thugs and dirty polititians to disarm their enemies in the big cities like New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia or MEMPHIS(2nd most violent city in the United States) those citadels of safety. Your premise is that law abiding citizens be disarmed and that thugs be allowed to go free -- seems ignorant to me. You might want to quit hanging around with that trash you may be hanging around with and partonize some country boy bars and act like you are somebody. Theyll probably be armed. but they wont shoot you if you behave.

Consider this a learning moment -- father to son stuff -- you know.


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And a troll rears its ugly head. What a surprise. B)

Besides the fact that a criminal who's carrying illegally anyways is more likely to shoot you, what part of "It's illegal for someone carrying a handgun to consume alcohol" is difficult for you to understand?

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Edit: Embedding disabled. Gun Free Zone on YouTube.

Edited by K191145
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If you have a permit and it is not against company policy, then yes you can. Although you don't seem like you even own a gun...

See section C (2), the server, with permission from the Owner, is allowed to carry. Of course they can not have any alcohol in their system.

TCA 39-17-1305. "Possession of firearm where alcoholic beverages are served.â€

(a) It is an offense for a person to possess a firearm within the confines of a building open to the public where liquor, wine or other alcoholic beverages, as defined in § 57-3-101(a)(1)(A), or beer, as defined in § 57-6-102(1), are served for on premises consumption.

(:popcorn: A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

© The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to a person who is:

(1) In the actual discharge of official duties as a law enforcement officer, or is employed in the army, air force, navy, coast guard or marine service of the United States or any member of the Tennessee national guard in the line of duty and pursuant to military regulations, or is in the actual discharge of duties as a correctional officer employed by a penal institution; or

(2) On the person's own premises or premises under the person's control or who is the employee or agent of the owner of the premises with responsibility for protecting persons or property.

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