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Alexander Voted to Confirm Koh

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June, 26, 2009 13:45. This came across one of the news updates I get.

An extreme anti gunner :poop:has just been confirmed to the :poop:Hobama:poop: administration.

And our own Lamar Alexander voted for confirmation.:D

No wonder his lines are all busy.:D


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Guest redbarron06

It is time for him to get a new job. Actually it is time for most of the critters from TN to get new jobs. They no longer represent us they represent themselves.

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Guest Jcochran88
June, 26, 2009 13:45. This came across one of the news updates I get.

An extreme anti gunner :poop:has just been confirmed to the :poop:Hobama:poop: administration.

And our own Lamar Alexander voted for confirmation.:poop:

No wonder his lines are all busy.:lol:


After all he ahs voted for this year I am shocked that this is a suprise to any of you!! I have said it before it is time for him and his people to hit the unemployment line.

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Clicking on the link provided by GOA it shows both Alexander and Corker voted Nay, i.e., against the nominee. <!--StartFragment -->

Well somebody has it wrong then, it also shows Hatch as voting NAY.

Anyway, I will still look forward to supporting a candidate to run against Alexander in the next primary.

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Just sent him this email:


I just read with great dismay that you joined with the Democrats to confirm Harold Koh. I have voted for you every time I have had an opportunity through the years. I always believed you were a supporter of the Second Amendment, but there is no way you can spin this vote and claim to support the Second Amendment. Koh is dedicated to selling out our rights through international treaties.

I am totally disgusted with the path our country is on. Spending is out of control, our rights are disappearing by the day, and our health care is about to be taken over by a government that has a very poor record of running anything well. I had hopes that you might be part of the solution but after this vote and some of your other recent votes it seems you are part of the problem.

Your former supporter

Glenn .............

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“I disagree with Harold Koh on U.S. participation in the International Criminal Court and with many of his other views, but under our constitution I believe the president is entitled to an up or down vote on his legal advisers except in extraordinary circumstances.”

This is the quote from Alexander on why he voted to confirm Koh.

I asked Alexander why he did not consider a known anti gunner, anti second amendment candidate an exception.


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“I disagree with Harold Koh on U.S. participation in the International Criminal Court and with many of his other views, but under our constitution I believe the president is entitled to an up or down vote on his legal advisers except in extraordinary circumstances.â€

This is the quote from Alexander on why he voted to confirm Koh.

What in the world does that mean?

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Guest mikedwood

I use to think the world of Alexander. I have lost all respect for him over the last 10 or so years. Nope I will never vote for him for anything, ever again.

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Sent this e-mail, faxed and in the mailbox this morning.

Senator Lamar Alexander June 26, 2009


<ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on">Washington</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="on">DC</st1:State> <st1:PostalCode w:st="on">20510</st1:PostalCode></ST1:p



It is with a great deal of regret, that I must inform you that I will no longer be able to support you as a candidate for any office that represents me. The conformation vote for Harold Hongju Koh is the final straw.


Your desertion of the filibuster effort to preclude this gun grabber from achieving the intended position proposed is a major departure from the values that I hold sacred, and you should have as well. Between him, Holder and Emanuel, the 2nd Amendment is now on life support, if in fact there is any heartbeat left in it at all.


I had been willing to forgive your move toward adoption of a liberal agenda till now, but this flagrant knife in the back of your constituents is so heinous as to be repugnant. It is not like you could by any stretch, believe that the majority of voters in the State of <st1:State w:st="on"><ST1:pTennessee </ST1:p</st1:State>would approve of this move. Did you for one moment stop and ask yourself what your constituents would want you to do in this instance?


If there is a venue of approach for recalling you from service, I will begin the paperwork Monday morning first thing.

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Guest usnsniper

It is time for real change...the kind that starts with: WE THE PEOPLE. Those guys have forgotten who they work for. It's time for a wake up call!

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I just hope with his big name there's a GOP candidate willing to run against him in the primary. Alot of people across the state will not care how he votes on 2nd amendment issues so he will have to be portrayed in a different way to them. Just remind some people that he votes with the Democrats and Obama when the entire GOP votes against them on social and economic issues, I'm sure there's other examples of unpopular legislation he's voted for. Portray him as a RINO, an Obama appeaser. I would hope this 1000+ page climate change piece of crap bill fails in the Senate but if it doesn't, I hope he votes for it. That will be great ammo to use against him in the next election along with the anti-2nd amendment legislation and the socialist Koh he voted to confirm.

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I think Alexander voted to break the filibuster; that vote made Koh's confirmation inevitable, even if Alexander voted against him in the actual confirmation vote.

That's the same as voting to confirm him, how many times did the democrats filibuster to stop a Bush appointee to the courts?

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Originally Posted by Falcon1

I think Alexander voted to break the filibuster; that vote made Koh's confirmation inevitable, even if Alexander voted against him in the actual confirmation vote.

That's the same as voting to confirm him, how many times did the democrats filibuster to stop a Bush appointee to the courts?

It's even worse. He voted to end the filibuster, which guaranteed confirmation, and then voted against confirmation when he knew it was meaningless so he can claim to have voted against Koh. Lying 2 faced piece-o-:usa:

He doesn't even have guts to be open about his true beliefs


Edited by Glenn
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