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Accident....BIG OOPS...

Guest tnpanscraper

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Guest tnpanscraper

This is what happens when you try to de cock a loaded 1911 after you clean it. Had a little oil on the hammer. It's totally my fault for doing it. I just thank the Lord that my habbit of always pointing my gun at the ground(floor) paid off. I know, keep it cocked and locked...

My wife about dropped a load , as did I.... Man I'm an idiot!!!

Went through the bed and the floor. I haven't went under the house to try to find the slug. It was a HJP STX...

I'm ready for the flamimg.. I deserve it!:blush::wall::stick:


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You're not the first and won't be the last, so take solace in the fact that no one was injured and just take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening ever again. :blush:

PS: As you've found, de-cocking a 1911 is a bad idea. The best way to do it is to drop the mag, rack the slide to clear the chamber, top off the mag and re-insert it into the firearm, leaving the chamber empty and the slide forward when you do.

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Guest tnpanscraper
Thanks for sharing. This little safety lesson my save someones life. Way to man-up.

Hope the wife isn't too hard on ya.

She's a little ticked....

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Guest oldhack62

During my apartment-dwelling days, I came home once to find the sheriff's detective who lived below me pounding on my door -- seems he feared he'd killed me when his then-new-to-the-market Glock went off while he cleaned it (not used to not having a safety, I guess!).

It was kinda amusing for a time -- until I realized the alignment between the holes through the carpet in front of the couch and the ceiling was just about perfect for going through my upper torso had I been rolling off the couch, as I was wont to do, when the round fired.

I suspect he has handled his firearm much more carefully since then. I know I do mine!

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Just another reminder to pay attention - familiarity breeds contempt...

And FWIW, thanks for having the guts to share this - there are certainly more than a few that have done something similar and haven't posted about it.

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Reminds me of a day with my cheapy 22 pistol i bought years ago.

No decock or last round stay open.

I counted my loads and when i got to what i thought was the end i pulled the empty mag and pointed it down and cleared the firing pin out of the cocked postion and found there was a extra one in the chamber which went 6 inch's from my foot into the ground.

We all f**k up one day, thankful no one got hurt and you learned a lesson, i did.

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Guest mosinon

You're lucky because your habit pointing the gun at the floor is a nice redundancy. So I'd feel bad about the bed and such but feel good that I was smart enough to only point the gun in safe directions.

That was one of the first things OhShoot told me and one of the things I took to heart, never point your gun at something you don't want to destroy. Some of the other stuff that guy had to say was pure crazy talk, you don't have to yell 'Mama Mia' before you shoot a zombie....:blush:

Anyway, whenever I clean my gun now I go find a copy of Titanic and point the 92 straight at it the whole time I'm cleaning the weapon. Man, I hate that movie.

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Guest tnpanscraper

I'm still shaking form the experience. It happened last night... Thanks for all the input fellas. I really feel like a very LUCKY IDIOT!!!!

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