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My new 12 gauge pump!


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Well, I got an early birthday present and my wife cut me loose to buy a shotgun. It's a TriStar Cobra Tactical and from what I can find it's got some pretty decent reviews. I'm new to the shotgun world so I think this is sweet! Can't wait to take her to the range!:)




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c.a.s- Yep, the return spring is different from what I understand but it's removable and I'm waiting for the range to see if it stays or goes. I've tried it with and without and right now I'm leaning toward removal but once again...waiting for the range to see.

BigPoppa-That's definitely on the list! I do love the look of the grip myself and it's got a good texture and feel so slippage isn't a problem.:cool:

manofsteel- When the zombie apocolypse strikes I am so going to kick much a$$!:hyper:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys. I still haven't made it to the range but it's close to the top of the list. It's my understanding that Tristar has a good rep for shotguns. This model supposedly has the ability to hold seven rounds once you remove some internal tabs or some such but I don't have a simple dremel tool or a strap wrench to take the tube off. The tube's on there tight.

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Well, I got an early birthday present and my wife cut me loose to buy a shotgun. It's a TriStar Cobra Tactical and from what I can find it's got some pretty decent reviews. I'm new to the shotgun world so I think this is sweet! Can't wait to take her to the range!:death:

Congratulations. Welcome to the shotgun fraternity. The shotgun is the ultimate HD tool. A tool that was called "barbaric" by none other than Kaiser Wilhelm and the WWI Germans in the trenches of europe (....it's always good to be honored by great fighting men!!! ...).

Your Tristar looks suspiciously like a Remington 870 copy or a Winchester Model 12. They are both great tools!! Enjoy!!

Kind regards,


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