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It's ok for me but not for you - gunshop customers

Guest PatriotCSA

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Guest PatriotCSA

A buddy and I walked into Guns and Ammo on Summer on Friday afternoon to browse. It was the busiest I've ever seen the place as we could hardly get around in there. But we both kept seeing the same kinds of people to an excess and have seen it in the past as well. We left and griped about it on the way home. The thing that really pissed us off is all the folks in there wearing Obama shirts and apparel. I don't care if someone has it on their car or clothing or whatever out in public. It's that person's opinion and it's their right. But when they walk into a gunshop and start exercising the right to bear arms, I feel that these people are crossing the line into blatant hypocrisy. I find it disgusting that a person can vote for people who hate the Constitution and who want to disarm me but yet they feel as though they are still entitled to buy firearms for themselves. :lol::wall:

/end rant

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You misunderstand, sir. That's the basis of the Liberal Value system:

Do as I say, not as I do for me.

It's ok for me, not you.

I know better than you, let me take care of you.

Just give me all your money, you're to ignorant to know how to best spend it.

And any other two-faced, self-serving platitude you can come up with.

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Guest jackdm3

While I understand your aggravation, guns and politics are completely separate issues. My Granny's husband is major, major conservative that served as drill sergeant in WWII and last month he saw my pistol on my hip and got ugly about me going out and "asking for trouble."

It's not as simple as:

All Democrats = No, no, no guns

All Republicans = Guns, guns, guns

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Many folks have a tendency to pick and choose things based on what is perceived to benefit them on a particular issue. They will refuse to research and learn the whole truth and learn about all the things a particular candidate/office holder stands for. I would imagine that if you do what David says above, they would look at you like they are crazy, because they have no clue what Obama, or anyone else completely stands for.

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I could care less what a person wears into a gun shop. I simply like the fact that he/she believes in our right to own firearms. I am conservative in my views, but I understand the other side. You are feeling what they felt when Bush was in office. We are still in America and they can support/wear whatever they choose. When the tide changes in a few years the other side will be wondering why you supported the person that you support and they will have to deal with it. Personally, I think both parties suck.

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The ones wearing the Obama T's are the same types that would wear the "Che" ones, also. They don't have a clue. Maybe they will grow out of it.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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You have to keep in mind that voting for a particular candidate doesn't mean that those people support 100% of his policies.

I like eating at Sonic, but I don't like banana milkshakes or grape slushies, but that's alright because they have other items on the menu that I do like.

Also, given a choice between Arby's (which I hate) and McDonald's (which I'm kinda neutral about), I will always choose McD's because I would rather go hungry than eat at Arby's..

...catch my drift?

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Seems like every time you see an Obama supporter in a gun shop, it is an opportunity to engage them in polite conversation and maybe open their eyes a little.

+1; These folks are probably young and idealistic. They haven't yet realized that the government shouldn't be who look look to to solve our problems. If they are in a gun store they are probably beginning to realize there are lots of things the government can't protect us from.

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While I understand your aggravation, guns and politics are completely separate issues. My Granny's husband is major, major conservative that served as drill sergeant in WWII and last month he saw my pistol on my hip and got ugly about me going out and "asking for trouble."

It's not as simple as:

All Democrats = No, no, no guns

All Republicans = Guns, guns, guns


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Seems like every time you see an Obama supporter in a gun shop, it is an opportunity to engage them in polite conversation and maybe open their eyes a little.

I honestly figured that they were just lost... :D

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Guest CrazyLincoln
A wise colleague of mine once told me, "If you have never voted democrat then you have never lived, if you never voted Republican then you haven't grown up"

True that. I used to think liberal = libertarian. Boy was I wrong.

The unfortunate thing is I can give you a list of reasons I voted the way I did, but when I ask my friends why they voted for Obama all they can come up with is some campaign hope and change rhetoric or "I like the way he speaks. He has good ideas." but they can never really explain how these "great ideas" will work.

I don't really have a problem with someone who voted for Obama because they actually agree with him on a policy, but I am frustrated by this whole focus on the superficial and rhetoric.

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