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Anybody hear O'Reilly say gun confiscation is OK last night?


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Oreilly had the founder of Oath Keepers on his show last night in a attempt to make the guy look bad. After a pretty good back and forth exchange, the elitist Oreilly said that for soldiers to disobey unconstitutional orders would be subjective, and put the military in a dangerous place. Obviously he has no idea of how the UCMJ works. He also stated that what Nagin did by confiscating guns from citizens after Katrina was fine and proper because there was not law and order. He went on to say that the confiscation of guns any time a state of emergency is called would be fine. I guess he doesn't understand that these local governments call a state of emergency at the drop of a hat these days in order to get the federal money that stems from it. I sent in a letter explaining where he was wrong, but I guess I'll never hear anything back from them. I have to head out to the VA right now, and don't have time to find a link, but if you guys can find one to last night's interview, please post it.

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Thanks for the video link. Mr O clearly does not understand the implications of disarming law-abiding citizens, state of emergency or not.

I find myself agreeing with everything Mr. Rhodes said.

And, at the lead in to the story, a sign that said "Tracking Hate Groups". What the hell is that about?

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Guest Straight Shooter

It just happened again about a week, two weeks ago in North Carolina. BAD WEATHER set in due to snow, and the local mayor banned the sale of alchohol and firearms,and and a couple more things.I wish the speaker would have told O Reilly that it must have been unconstitutional to do so, because Louisianna and several more states have now made it ILLEGAL to disarm law abiding citizens during declared states of emergency. I think TN has done so to, correct me if Im wrong on this. I like O'Reilly, and this is the first time in awhile I completely disagree with him. All of these patriot groups are gonna be ridiculed in the press, we just gotta shove it down their throats the way theyve shoved their crap down ours all these years.

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Seems like when an area is in a state of emergency would be when the law abiding citizens would need to be armed the most. Kinda messed up to take away one's ability to protect themselves in a time when criminals come out of the woodwork to loot and kill innocent people who have worked to earn what they have.

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e-mail sent:

Mr. O’Reilly,

I was dismayed to hear your statements yesterday supporting confiscation of firearms.

During Hurricane Katrina, many thousands of lawfully owned firearms were seized by police acting under color of law. Many of these have yet to be returned to their lawful owners. This included family heirlooms, collectibles, as well as many citizens’ only means of self protection. This despite the near complete breakdown of law and order.

This was in clear violation of the 2nd 4th, and 5th amendments to the Constitution. Following this outrage, many states, including TN, have passed laws forbidding firearm confiscation during emergencies.

The US Supreme Court has ruled that police have no responsibility to protect individuals, You, Mr. O’Reilly, are certainly not looking out for me.

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Here's the one I sent last night (I wasn't in a mood to be "pithy"):

Mr. O'Reilly,

I have watched you sparingly for several years, and I have finally lost all respect for your opinions. You have let your education and status go to your head, and cloud your ability to control common sense. The oath to the constitution that I took on 31 October 1991 did not have a expiration date. I still abide by it and the soldier's creed even though I am now a disabled veteran. I feel that if the Supreme Court can uphold the 2nd Amendment, then I probably should, too. A local official can call a state of emergency at the drop of a hat these days. It has nothing to do with the absence of order, and everything to do with the opportunity to receive federal funds. To not recognize this is to be intellectually dishonest. The truth of the matter is that when the government goes into the homes of private citizens and removes firearms, the result will be that only the bad guys will have guns. It is a fact, proven time and time again, that the authorities do not have the capability to disarm all of the criminal element. You have also proclaimed to know and understand the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. I can say, without doubt or reservation, that you know nothing of either the UCMJ, or the military creed and way of life. It is the individual responsibilty of every service member to disobey a unlawful order given by any superior. If a order received is unconstitutional, then it is unlawful, and is therefore required to be disobeyed. Your argument was that this was subjective. That is a weak argument, due to the fact that all law is subjective. If they were not, there would not be a judicial branch of government, whose sole responsibility is to interprit law.

In short, you just don't get it. You are a elitist who is out of touch with reality. You claim to be from the mean streets of Levitown, but I can assure you that you have never possessed the fortitude to walk a mile in my jump boots, or the boots of any other service member to have ever worn the uniform. And you certainly do not have what it would take to fend off a bad guy, or a out of control government in the manner in which the founders had in mind when the Bill of Rights was written.



Bristol, TN

P.S. The Falkland Islands Campaign does not qualify as combat. Please stop vocalizing it as such, because it only makes you look like a chump in the eyes of the military.

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Seems like when an area is in a state of emergency would be when the law abiding citizens would need to be armed the most. Kinda messed up to take away one's ability to protect themselves in a time when criminals come out of the woodwork to loot and kill innocent people who have worked to earn what they have.

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't agree more. This is a time when a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN" would and should be carrying!!!

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Guest TurboniumOxide

They should be keeping the peace where there is disorder. Not creating disorder where peace is being kept.

Yes, the city is on fire, lets go around and ask for more trouble. If they come to my house to confiscate my guns, they will most assuredly find trouble.

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Oreilly will be retiring soon. His ego and age are colliding

with each other. I didn't hear the comment, but it doesn't

surprise me. He says a lot just to incite. Maybe Glenn

Beck will replace him soon.

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