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Are various Memphis attractions posted?

Guest Dean Wormer

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Guest Dean Wormer

Does anyone know if the following are posted, or otherwise legal/illegal to carry:

- Memphis Zoo

- Graceland

- Memphis in May

- The Civil Rights Museum

- Pink Palace Museum

- Peabody Hotel (the ducks)

(basically most of what one would want to see/do in Memphis)

Also, Ive heard that Beale street (the street, not the bars) you can't carry, is that true?

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Also, Ive heard that Beale street (the street, not the bars) you can't carry, is that true?

Yeah, that's true. The entire street is blocked off and ran under some type of "large outdoor bar" if you will. Security everywhere and, from what I've seen, it appears everyone gets checked when they come in. I haven't been down there since 2005, so I can't give you any more details on it than that. As far as the other places you asked about, I'm not sure.

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Since you live there, wouldn't you be better qualified to tell us what is posted and what isn't???

Your response served no purpose at all other than to annoy and take up space in the thread. Why bother responding:screwy:

Some of the people on here would be better off lurking around as guests.

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From what I can remember from going to these places...

- Memphis Zoo Can't carry

- Graceland Don't know

- Memphis in May Seriously doubt it considering the massive security/police force

- The Civil Rights Museum Don't know

- Pink Palace Museum Can't carry

- Peabody Hotel (the ducks) Maybe

- Beale Street Can't carry

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Guest jackdm3

That's funny about MIM. Everybody gets wanded. I see him coming at me, and I act surprised and say, "what the f***." He says, "You're probably cool, right?" I get to proceed.

Went to a Sneak Preview of a movie at the Cordova theater where they wand everybody. Old man starts on me on my left side where my mag likes to chill, and I ease away just enough not set it off with the Beretta. Saw the movie. Can't remember what I saw, but do remember the old lady in front of me that was crushed when they wouldn't let her bring in her microwaved Lite popcorn, which she had to take back to car. This is pretty much what I saw ----> :ugh:

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Guest Dean Wormer
red circle with the strike out over a pistol. Not sure about the others.

My CCW instructor stated that unless it cited the specific law ("language substantially similar") than it wasn't valid...

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Guest 270win

1. Memphis Zoo- I haven't seen "Proper Signs"......Thus I carry at the Zoo

2. Graceland- I've yet to go to Graceland, but let me tell you...you'll want a handgun in that part of town and a sign honestly wouldn't keep me from carrying off Elvis Presley and close to Brooks Rd.

3. Memphis in May-I've been to the BBQ Fest and didn't see proper signs...thus nothing illegal about carrying. You'd probably be asked to leave if caught.

4.Civil Rights Museum-Have you seen the clientele that visits that place? Just driving by there gives me visions of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and "Yes we can"...A lot of hell raising goes on....uh i'd say if you choose to wonder over there ....have your handgun...not great area around there. Good idea to get out of there before dark like Graceland.

5. Peabody...been there several times and it is a first class hotel..great service. I don't know about proper postings..but carried there too.

All locations I carry a snub...in a good pocket holster and no one knows. Memphis has terrible crime in the city limits and I wouldn't be in Memphis without it. What other people don't know doesn't hurt them.

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My CCW instructor stated that unless it cited the specific law ("language substantially similar") than it wasn't valid...

Exactly. The only gray area is trying to figure out what in the hell "substantially similar" means. As far as I'm concerned, it better be substantially similar.:ugh:

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My CCW instructor stated that unless it cited the specific law ("language substantially similar") than it wasn't valid...

While this is true, the zoo is located inside Overton park and like all Memphis city parks, carry is prohibited in accordance with the "opt out" provisions in the park carry law. This likely applies to the Pink Palace family of museums as well because, even though they are operated by a NPO, IIRC they are technically part of the Memphis park system.

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Guest 270win

I have not seen any signs at Overton Park recently when going to the Brooks Museum and am not about to call the city of Memphis and ask them "is that legal?". It doesn't shock me that Memphis forgot to put up the signs to actually opt out. Memphisi forgets a lot of things. Conceal and you'll be just fiine. Openly carry and you'll be hassled....believe me you'll want a gun there.

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Guest db99wj
From what I can remember from going to these places...

- Memphis Zoo Can't carry Park, not suppose to carry, but i

- Graceland Don't know I don't have enough guns to carry there and I don't think they would like folks carrying an AR while in his animal room or whatever.

- Memphis in May Seriously doubt it considering the massive security/police force Don't think so.

- The Civil Rights Museum Don't know I would

- Pink Palace Museum Can't carry Really, do they have metal detectors? Signs? I haven't been in years, I should, I have kids.

- Peabody Hotel (the ducks) Maybe Yes. The "bar area" is questionable, but it is a hotel.

- Beale Street Can't carry Nope, says right on the sign, and the cops at either end checking you say no too. Beale street has a special ordinance that covers that section of the street, which is why the can close it whenever they want without having to get a permit to shut it down every time


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