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Concealed carry and Bonnaroo

Guest vlidius

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I live here in Manchester and I advise against going to the festival but I know you wont change your opinion because of some guy on the net.

best bet is to get a safe deposit box at a bank, temporarily if possible. for handguns. if you are bringing a long gun, I dont know what to tell you.

the only closest gun shops that I would trust with my guns are Hero-Gear in Winchester or Outpost Armory in Christiana. and neither have a range in the immediate area.

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I know the Police crack down on the bonaroonies on the way to the event around here. They will get some drugs and stuff, but still some gets thru. Seems they mainly target out of state vehicles and RVs.

Some?? I've rastled more than one acid tripper at bonnaroo to the ground, but I have to admit, it is a mostly peaceful crowd, and the scenery! Very artistic is all I can say.

I'll be at bonnaroo again this year working medical in the stage areas again, I'll be staying in my camper and I will probably have my firearm locked in my castle. The searches are not that severe, unless you were the unlucky whatever number car to drive thru. I think they are mostly looking for drugs, I'd say you'd probably be ok with it locked in your vehicle..

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Guest 270win

If you have a license in Michigan, it is honored in Tennessee. If you do not have a license, then when you get to the KY/TN line you need to unload your handgun and put it in the trunk.

I don't know of any state law that would keep you from having a handgun at Bonnaroo...but if there is a policy it would all depend on how hard your vehicle is searched. I don't even see how your gun could be legally taken...unless you were with a crowd that has dope with the gun...which i'm sure happens at Bonnaroo. If they don't search hard...hide it in your car somewhere...all kinds of places to hide it before you get to Manchester. The police are looking for drugs...and lots of them.

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Guest faust921

I recommend a spray can of "bad vibes", or a pillowcase with 2lbs of brown rice tied into the bottom, or a bar of deodorant soap. That should be enough firepower to repel or any threat you might encounter at Bonnaroo.

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Some?? I've rastled more than one acid tripper at bonnaroo to the ground, but I have to admit, it is a mostly peaceful crowd, and the scenery! Very artistic is all I can say.

I'll be at bonnaroo again this year working medical in the stage areas again, I'll be staying in my camper and I will probably have my firearm locked in my castle. The searches are not that severe, unless you were the unlucky whatever number car to drive thru. I think they are mostly looking for drugs, I'd say you'd probably be ok with it locked in your vehicle..

No matter where i go, someone has to say something smartassy.

No matter, Whenever a huge event like bonnaroo happens, there are going to be drugs and rules.

You don't like their rules, you don't have to participate. Most of those roonies are peacefull people( they just want to have fun), there will be plenty of Peace officers present and EMT/Fire rescue personell. I don't see where a need for a gun or any weapon of any kind would be needed. ( but if you can't come here without your gun) hide it if you can( unload the rounds and hide everything) as a previous poster said, they will be looking mainly for drugs and anything obvious that is on the "NO" list. They will not be strip searching your car though. I'm sure there is a good place in or under your vehicle where you can stash it.

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Guest Dapper Dan Man

What NOT to Bring - Bonnaroo - Information

I've been to three different Bonnaroo events now and I've never encountered any problems or seen or heard of any that I would need my weapon for. Always had a good time. As Wyldk2 said, most all the roonies are peaceful and there to have a good time as well. There are policemen mounted on horse within Bonnaroo and EMT/Fire and security personnel all throughout Bonnaroo if you were to need something or have something go wrong. Though, it is whatever you feel you need to do.

Edited by Dapper Dan Man
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Why would you want to come to Tennessee to sit in the mud for 4 days with a bunch of dirty hippies?

My question isn't why, but why you would have the intentions of staying sober while doing so.

And also, bonnaroo does have strict policies against weapons as well as other things, .mainly glass bottles and fireworks. Oh and then there are the drugs.[/indent]

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Isn't there a Bonnaroo website? Email them and tell them that you are concerned about your safety on the drive to and from the event and that you have no intentions of carrying while at the event. See if they have an idea of what you can do.

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What NOT to Bring - Bonnaroo - Information

I've been to three different Bonnaroo events now and I've never encountered any problems or seen or heard of any that I would need my weapon for. Always had a good time. As Wyldk2 said, most all the roonies are peaceful and there to have a good time as well. There are policemen mounted on horse within Bonnaroo and EMT/Fire and security personnel all throughout Bonnaroo if you were to need something or have something go wrong. Though, it is whatever you feel you need to do.

In those three times have you ever come from as far away as Michigan? Even if someone didn't need a weapon (since when has a known need been a reason to carry) at the event what about the hundred of miles to and from? Think there is even the slightest chance something could come up on the trip?

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I have avoided Bonnaroo like the plague up till this year, I gave in and agreed to go... I'm not going to carry, mainly because I doubt I'll be able to enjoy the masses of stinking hippes while sober.

Such is life.

I know I could smuggle in a carry weapon, and I know it's not 'illegal' to do so since they never properly post and the alcohol isn't being served within the confines of a building... but if there's a risk of being caught with it, there's the risk of being ejected and ruining the experience for those who invited me. I'd rather try my best to have fun, and if something bad happens to me because I unable to adequetely defend myself, that's on their concience. I'm not going to agonize over it.

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Guest db99wj
What NOT to Bring - Bonnaroo - Information

I've been to three different Bonnaroo events now and I've never encountered any problems or seen or heard of any that I would need my weapon for. Always had a good time. As Wyldk2 said, most all the roonies are peaceful and there to have a good time as well. There are policemen mounted on horse within Bonnaroo and EMT/Fire and security personnel all throughout Bonnaroo if you were to need something or have something go wrong. Though, it is whatever you feel you need to do.

In those three times have you ever come from as far away as Michigan? Even if someone didn't need a weapon (since when has a known need been a reason to carry) at the event what about the hundred of miles to and from? Think there is even the slightest chance something could come up on the trip?

Exactly. This guy is driving a great distance, I would be carrying as well. I'm sure most of you would as well. It would be easy if he were staying in a hotel, lock it up in the safe, or bring one that you can stash in the hotel room, but this is a festival setting, where he is staying on the festival grounds. This isn't about the "safety" of the festival and protecting himself there, it is about the fact that he will have his gun with him, at the camping area, not drinking with it on him.

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Guest Dapper Dan Man
Exactly. This guy is driving a great distance, I would be carrying as well. I'm sure most of you would as well. It would be easy if he were staying in a hotel, lock it up in the safe, or bring one that you can stash in the hotel room, but this is a festival setting, where he is staying on the festival grounds. This isn't about the "safety" of the festival and protecting himself there, it is about the fact that he will have his gun with him, at the camping area, not drinking with it on him.

Haha, calm down fellas. Vlidius was initially asking about carrying in/on Bonnaroo grounds. I was simply telling him of my previuos experience with it and showing him the website where it states "No Weapons of Any Kind." I totally agree that he should bring it on the ride to and from Michigan but not within Bonnaroo. I took my permit class at Terry Walden Gunsmith which is down Sixteenth Model Rd. right off of exit 105 in Manchester. He is nice and knowledgeable and would probably hold on to your weapon for the weekend. I would not recommend carrying within Bonnaroo grounds but I'm not sure of the exact legality of the matter at hand. I would consult a lawyer if your that worried about it and you want to carry within Bonnaroo. Though, I general try to respect the rules of events, festivals, and businesses if it is clearly stated. If I have a problem with the rules I won't go to the event, festival, or business.

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I've never been to Bonnaroo, but I find it difficult to believe they're gonna do such a detailed vehicle search that a pistol and an extra mag couldn't be well hidden somewhere in the trunk recess, or even just up in the springs under a seat or something.

- OS

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Guest 270win

Yeah just hide your handgun in the vehicle unloaded before you get to the event/Manchester and have a great time. If you got a license from Mich...when you leave load your pistol for your protection back home.

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Guest vlidius

Initially carrying at the festival was a thought. Thinking more about it and reading what you all have said i understand and completely agree that anywhere within the grounds are not the place to carry.

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Initially carrying at the festival was a thought. Thinking more about it and reading what you all have said i understand and completely agree that anywhere within the grounds are not the place to carry.

I would be willing to hold your firearm for you as long as you gave me a copy of your DL and CPL. I only live about 20 minutes from where the festival is located.

EDIT: now that I think about it, is that even legal?!

Edited by brooksjr
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Also, why the hell would you want to? Have you ever been to Roo? Not exactly the most threatening crowd...zero violent crimes. It's just a festival of the love of music and friendship. You won't need to carry there, trust me.

yep, the guy is driving in from Michigan. There is absolutely no reason or need to have a handgun on a car trip like that. ;)

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I live in Manchester and have been every year. As long as you don't mind smelling pot or seeing someone smoke or seeing naked chicks, you will have a good time. As far as I know, they search most or all vehicles that go in, but will not confiscate weed as long as you don't have a lot. How detailed of a search I don't know. I will ask around and see if I can find out.

I'll hold the gun for you as long as you bring enough ammo so I can try it out at the range while you're there. Getting a safety deposit box at a bank, mentioned earlier, before you get in line to go in is probably your best option

I live here in Manchester and I advise against going to the festival but I know you wont change your opinion because of some guy on the net.

Curious, why do you advise against it?

Edited by Superman
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Guest Glock23ForMe

My brother got the VIP Tickets for Bonnaroo and I'm excited to see what he has to say about it. I'm sure he will love it cause he's one of those loving hippie wannabees that wears grateful dead shirts daily.

On topic: Agree with the others that say "Why would you want to?" Its, mostly, just a bunch of drunk and high people that want to listen to music all day. Not really dangerous, unless you don't like hugs. And its not "Hugs not Drugs", at Bonnaroo is "Hugs and/with Drugs"

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Guest HvyMtl

Anybody else have an issue telling the guy to walk a gun INTO a BANK?

A quick mis-interpretation by the bank guard, or teller, and the headache he is going to have...

Besides, where would he store the ammo? Cant bring ammo into a bank...

I suggest either the hotel room in a gun safe, or, better, get you a gun safe designed for the car. Lock it up before you get on the property. As long as the drug dog doesn't signal on your car, I doubt they will do a hard search.

AS you live in Michigan and are driving a long way, I understand the want to carry from there and back. But yeah, lock it up before you get on the property, and it should not be an issue.

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Guest db99wj
Anybody else have an issue telling the guy to walk a gun INTO a BANK?

A quick mis-interpretation by the bank guard, or teller, and the headache he is going to have...

Besides, where would he store the ammo? Cant bring ammo into a bank...

I suggest either the hotel room in a gun safe, or, better, get you a gun safe designed for the car. Lock it up before you get on the property. As long as the drug dog doesn't signal on your car, I doubt they will do a hard search.

AS you live in Michigan and are driving a long way, I understand the want to carry from there and back. But yeah, lock it up before you get on the property, and it should not be an issue.

It is perfectly legal to carry concealed or open carry in a bank in the State of Tennessee as long as you have a valid permit.

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Anybody else have an issue telling the guy to walk a gun INTO a BANK?

A quick mis-interpretation by the bank guard, or teller, and the headache he is going to have...

Besides, where would he store the ammo? Cant bring ammo into a bank...

I suggest either the hotel room in a gun safe, or, better, get you a gun safe designed for the car. Lock it up before you get on the property. As long as the drug dog doesn't signal on your car, I doubt they will do a hard search.

AS you live in Michigan and are driving a long way, I understand the want to carry from there and back. But yeah, lock it up before you get on the property, and it should not be an issue.

This is news to me. I go into banks all the time with a loaded handgun on my side. Have yet to have an issue.

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