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Why do you care?

for 1, I am Irish, and 2, my grandson is half Mexican. You sound like a racist, not one of these newly accused Obama racists, but a full fledged hater of people other than whitey.

Maybe I am wrong.

but that is why i care.

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Guest HvyMtl


In the city of "Brotherly Love," he may need to know how to shoot...

That said, go up there and see the sights and get to know the fellow. I suggest a sit down, face to face, over a South Philly Cheesesteak. Go to the area around Geno's and try them. A place with a sandwich such as this cannot be all terrible. Welcome To Geno's Steaks - The Best in South Philly

As for gts, the undercurrent of your posts need to be clarified. It is all to easy to come off wrong on the written posts in a forum. So, please explain.

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Also, my family has been in this country since the early 1700s.

I should introduce you to a friend of mine from San Antonio. He likes to point out that his family was living here (the continental USA) when the border moved south.

But hey, he's just another one of the mud people according to people like Glenn Miller.

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How has it gotton to the point where this guy, as ignorant as he is, is labeled a hate mongering racist, while black people with basically the same philosophy are labeled black leaders. And furthermore, I saw one guy say he was offended. Why does everything offend us now?

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How has it gotton to the point where this guy, as ignorant as he is, is labeled a hate mongering racist, while black people with basically the same philosophy are labeled black leaders. And furthermore, I saw one guy say he was offended. Why does everything offend us now?

I know a lot of black people, see them on a daily basis, and *gasp* am even related to a few, but I seem to miss time where they are championing individuals with bigoted philosophies. Sure there are radicals like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan who say some outrageous things, but not all black people subscribe to these philosophies. I'd go so far as to say as most black don't subscribe to them.

Now, regardless of who is saying hateful intolerant things, it is wrong. If, for some reason, famous black people saying these things do not get criticized as badly as famous white people, it doesn't make it any less wrong in either case. Statistically speaking, more lower class and minority murderers go to prison than wealthy white murderers. Does this mean that the lower class and minority murderers aren't getting justice? No. It means the wealthy white murderers are not getting justice. All of the murderers should go to prison, regardless of color or status and in the same scheme, all of the bigots should be criticized, regardless of color or status.

As far as being offended goes, I can understand being offended at someone referring to non-whites as "muds", for example. The term "muds", I believe, is short for "mud people", which is a term used amongst the Christian Identity movement to describe the impure non-white races, who do not have souls. I personally was not offended because I can't take the man seriously, but I can see the potential for someone to be taken aback by the insinuation that their entire race is a bunch of soulless mongrels.

That's my 2 cents, anywho.

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How has it gotton to the point where this guy, as ignorant as he is, is labeled a hate mongering racist, while black people with basically the same philosophy are labeled black leaders. And furthermore, I saw one guy say he was offended. Why does everything offend us now?

White racist are considered leaders by some, too.

I'd bet there's a close number of white racist tht are labeled leaders as there are black racist labeled leaders.

gotta keep in mind that just because one person doing something wrong doesn't give another person an excuse to do it aswell.

It didn't work as a kid to say "but Mom, Johnny did it first!" and it wont work now

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Greetings Mike357, BrianP, Hgunner, ET AL,

Apologies for the delayed response, but I have out of town.

The problem with "racism" is how the cultural marxist have made it all about hate. To me the so called racism is more about love. It is wrong to say that I hate I all the other races. The fact is that I love my kinsmen more than the other races. I am proud of the many of the accomplishments of my stock throughout history. It was their blood, sweat and tears that produced a nation as great as this once was. I believe it is a history and heritage to be proud of.

Our people are under attack and have been for quite sometime. We are on the verge of annihilation. Rather through financial enslavement, disease, cultural/social poisoning or by flat being bred out of existence, the posterity that is rightfully ours is being circumvented.

I mourn for my kinsmen and feel sorrow for the inevitable future they shall be forced to endure.

I can see how it would be misconstrued that I blame all the other races for the white people's problems. However, I do not. I blame white people.

Our people have become so self-centered, self-absorbed and self-indulged that we have simply become weak. We allowed ourselves to become physically and mentally depraved. Instead of remaining astute to dangers of the world, we have falsely believed that we have overcome them, or are in some fashion immune to their threats. White people, for the most part, are detached from reality.

And we dare to call this result, Education?

Is wrong for me to want a nation for my people? We often here that Israel has a right to exist and that the Jews have need of a nation for themselves. The Chinese, the Mexicans, and most other races have their own nations.

Most legal definitions for the word Nation will read similar to:

An extensive aggregate of persons, so closely associated with each other by common descent, language or history, as to form a distinct race or people, usually organized as separate political state, and occupying a definite territory.

I submit that it is natural for people to group accordingly, with a significant portion, if not the majority, of their commonality being that of lineage. This is very simple to deduce. It happens all over the world, with every culture, and has since the beginning of recorded history.

Is it justifiable to call a person, that appeals to and loves his kinsmen, “racist†because he holds his own race in close regard?

The other races practice so called “racism†more than whites with no retribution. I respect the fact that the other races actually have that kind group solidarity amongst themselves. And they should, it's the healthy, natural, and the intended way. This has made them resourceful and influential in a multitude of ways, but more as a result of our submission thereof, rather than by force.

The La Raza, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and Jewish Defense League are dedicated to the preservation and advancement of their people's history, heritage and culture at the expense of white culture. And we (whites) are expected to be tolerant of this fact. However, I get frustrated with the hypocritical position that all other races can collaborate, celebrate and declare their loyalty to one another without retribution, but the Caucasoid cannot because the effort will be marginalized as being politically incorrect or “hateful.â€

The undercurrent of what I was trying to portray concerning the OP is that the facts are there. Personally, I think it is ridiculous and defeats the argument to use the words “mud†people. But, that doesn't change the fact that illegal immigration, affirmative action programs, and the debasing of the most skilled demographic the workforce has to offer are contributors to accelerating national decline. And the catalyst for this is the central banking system, which is owned and controlled primarily by Jews. Oh yeah, and that part about white men being cowards, I agree with him. White men are a disappointment concerning order in the family, in government, in business, in education, and so on. We don't even have order in our own households anymore, how can we be expected have order in our society?

Being intolerant is not wrong. The fact that we tolerate things that are wrong, for the sake of political correctness and 'not wanting to be offensive,' is wrong, and it causes our society great harm. The is no greater proof of this than an objective observation of today's young people.

I have no problem with being labeled a racist, nor does it bother me that many here call me ignorant. The word ignorant simply means misinformed or unknowing. I am confident that I am as informed, if not more so, concerning racial issues than anyone else on this board. But in the interest of “treading carefully,†I am forced to be measured in my posting.

I have noticed that many on this board who claim intolerance is wrong are, at the same time, expressing intolerance to my position. Is this not double-mindedness and double-speak? I may not agree with a lot of the points-of view expressed on this board, but I would never attempt to prevent anyone from expressing theirs. As a matter of fact, I think it would make for lively debate and thought provoking discourse if topics were discussed objectively.

We don't all think alike, yet we have commonality is our guns and our right to possess them, and we would never try to be intolerant of that, would we?

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Greetings Mike357, BrianP, Hgunner, ET AL,

Apologies for the delayed response, but I have out of town.

The problem with "racism" is how the cultural marxist have made it all about hate. To me the so called racism is more about love. It is wrong to say that I hate I all the other races. The fact is that I love my kinsmen more than the other races. I am proud of the many of the accomplishments of my stock throughout history. It was their blood, sweat and tears that produced a nation as great as this once was. I believe it is a history and heritage to be proud of.

Our people are under attack and have been for quite sometime. We are on the verge of annihilation. Rather through financial enslavement, disease, cultural/social poisoning or by flat being bred out of existence, the posterity that is rightfully ours is being circumvented.

I mourn for my kinsmen and feel sorrow for the inevitable future they shall be forced to endure.

I can see how it would be misconstrued that I blame all the other races for the white people's problems. However, I do not. I blame white people.

Our people have become so self-centered, self-absorbed and self-indulged that we have simply become weak. We allowed ourselves to become physically and mentally depraved. Instead of remaining astute to dangers of the world, we have falsely believed that we have overcome them, or are in some fashion immune to their threats. White people, for the most part, are detached from reality.

And we dare to call this result, Education?

Is wrong for me to want a nation for my people? We often here that Israel has a right to exist and that the Jews have need of a nation for themselves. The Chinese, the Mexicans, and most other races have their own nations.

Most legal definitions for the word Nation will read similar to:

An extensive aggregate of persons, so closely associated with each other by common descent, language or history, as to form a distinct race or people, usually organized as separate political state, and occupying a definite territory.

I submit that it is natural for people to group accordingly, with a significant portion, if not the majority, of their commonality being that of lineage. This is very simple to deduce. It happens all over the world, with every culture, and has since the beginning of recorded history.

Is it justifiable to call a person, that appeals to and loves his kinsmen, “racist†because he holds his own race in close regard?

The other races practice so called “racism†more than whites with no retribution. I respect the fact that the other races actually have that kind group solidarity amongst themselves. And they should, it's the healthy, natural, and the intended way. This has made them resourceful and influential in a multitude of ways, but more as a result of our submission thereof, rather than by force.

The La Raza, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and Jewish Defense League are dedicated to the preservation and advancement of their people's history, heritage and culture at the expense of white culture. And we (whites) are expected to be tolerant of this fact. However, I get frustrated with the hypocritical position that all other races can collaborate, celebrate and declare their loyalty to one another without retribution, but the Caucasoid cannot because the effort will be marginalized as being politically incorrect or “hateful.â€

The undercurrent of what I was trying to portray concerning the OP is that the facts are there. Personally, I think it is ridiculous and defeats the argument to use the words “mud†people. But, that doesn't change the fact that illegal immigration, affirmative action programs, and the debasing of the most skilled demographic the workforce has to offer are contributors to accelerating national decline. And the catalyst for this is the central banking system, which is owned and controlled primarily by Jews. Oh yeah, and that part about white men being cowards, I agree with him. White men are a disappointment concerning order in the family, in government, in business, in education, and so on. We don't even have order in our own households anymore, how can we be expected have order in our society?

Being intolerant is not wrong. The fact that we tolerate things that are wrong, for the sake of political correctness and 'not wanting to be offensive,' is wrong, and it causes our society great harm. The is no greater proof of this than an objective observation of today's young people.

I have no problem with being labeled a racist, nor does it bother me that many here call me ignorant. The word ignorant simply means misinformed or unknowing. I am confident that I am as informed, if not more so, concerning racial issues than anyone else on this board. But in the interest of “treading carefully,†I am forced to be measured in my posting.

I have noticed that many on this board who claim intolerance is wrong are, at the same time, expressing intolerance to my position. Is this not double-mindedness and double-speak? I may not agree with a lot of the points-of view expressed on this board, but I would never attempt to prevent anyone from expressing theirs. As a matter of fact, I think it would make for lively debate and thought provoking discourse if topics were discussed objectively.

We don't all think alike, yet we have commonality is our guns and our right to possess them, and we would never try to be intolerant of that, would we?

Thanks, I have been waiting for this.

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I guess not. To bad.

So, from your response I take it that his sin is being prejudice, not that his post was inflammatory, just simply that he is prejudice. I did not realize that this has become a crime worthy of being banned from a discussion board, and I did not realize that having opinions different from others was also not acceptable. I think gts made a very eloquent and informative response stating his view of things. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree with his views I think he has the right to them right or wrong. This is were the PC attitude is killing free thought, when one is punished for speaking his mind, if you don’t agree tell the individual so, but to ban him to shut him up is cowardly, and may just be a good example of the cowardice of which he spoke. Your statement of “Thanks, I have been waiting for this” tells me you did this more out of spite and vindictiveness than because of the content of his post.

As for the threat of me joining him, well I never cottoned to threats much myself so do what you want to. I was thinking of benefactor status but that won’t happen ever after your threat, I simply asked for an explanation of your action.

In the event that Daniel drops the ban hammer on me. To all the good folks out on TGO I’ve enjoyed my short stay here, I liked the debates and the discourse. I hope that you are better able to deal with the lack of tolerance for free expression than I am.

Edited by Hgunner
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