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Avatar Blu-Ray DVD

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I picked this up a few hours ago and just got done watching it with my family, we played it through my PS3 and on our 240HZ LED Samsung TV. I have several Blu Ray DVD's that look outstanding but this one takes the prize of the Best picture I have EVER seen.

We watched this movie twice in the theatre, once in 3d and another time in 2D, the picture of this Blu Ray is better than what we saw in the theatre, if you are a fan of this movie this is the best reference quality transfer of a movie I have ever seen, this version is a no extras version and later in the year a special edition will be released but if you have a High definition TV and Blu Ray player this will be the best $20.00 that you can spend :dirty:

Edited by Daniel
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Guest jackdm3

Aziroth says his copy has the DVD version as well as a BR disc to tide you over until you get the player. Watchout, though. It may be a digital copy only made for gamer and PC/mac boxes.

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Aziroth says his copy has the DVD version as well as a BR disc to tide you over until you get the player. Watchout, though. It may be a digital copy only made for gamer and PC/mac boxes.

No he is correct, I should have mentioned that it comes with both a standard and a Blu Ray, Walmart had it for $21.88 including tax

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Not to change the subject from Avatar, but I agree ...BR gives the absloute best picture in today's market. Personal opinion. The BR player enhances standard dvd play as well, as most know. My first home BR movie was "50 First Dates" and we were blown away with the colors and scenery. I bought Avatar yesterday and am waiting for a time this weekend to watch, probably Sunday afternoon after meeting Erik88 for a little firearms business.

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I also need to get a BR player. In fact, I need a 1080p TV. I have a 65" Mitsu. DLP, but it is only 720p. Hmmm, just have to convince the wife...

I have never seen Avatar. I was bummed because I missed it in 3D at the theaters.

Edited by Batman
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Guest abailey362

if you own a samsung player, make sure to update your firmware before putting in the disc or it won't play.

if you are connected to the internet you should have been prompted for the update last week, otherwise you have to dl it to a disc or thumb drive and update.

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The movie has been blasted by Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and several churches as blatantly racist and implying that the white man did not treat the Native American fairly.

My wife is part Cherokee and her ancestors suffered one of the worst genocide episodes in history so that some white politicians could sieze their land and sell it for profit. So I don't think it is an implication, but history. But actually I enjoyed the movie at the theater for just what it was, fantasy fiction. I also have the DVD and BR in my collection.

I actually watched it and stayed a Conservative, but I understand that I can no longer remain a Christian or Republican as GOD's own prophets have condemned me.

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