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NRA Rant

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Guest oldsmobile98
and am also joining GOA

w00t! Glad to find another drinker of the Larry Pratt Kool-aid out there.

I have zero bad things to say about the NRA. It's just not my bag for right now. GOA kinda fits my "automatics for the people" philosophy a little better. But I will do some research, and I may eventually join the NRA as well.

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+1...I too, am tired of all the junk mail they send begging for more money, as if being a dues paying member isn't good enough for them...they want to "ding dong" you to death, and put you on a guilt trip for more $$$.

I've never felt even a little bit guilty of putting that stuff back in the envelope blank and mailing it back to them. :D

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I've never felt even a little bit guilty of putting that stuff back in the envelope blank and mailing it back to them. :rolleyes:

Costing us even more money...congratulations on your "witty-ness." :usa:

Edited by TN-popo
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The NRA are pivotal in campaigning to get crossbows introduced into archery only hunting seasons. I seems like a small, petty thing to most, but crossbows have NO place in archery only seasons.

Anyone can shoot a crossbow, that's why they were invented. Shooting a real bow, whether longbow, recurve or compound takes a lot of skill & practice.

The real kick in the britches is that in a fair few States, you can shoot a crossbow in Special Archery seasons, but you can't hunt wth a bow in Shotgun or General Firearms season!!

I'm not bashing crossbows, or anyone who chooses to hunt with one, just the fact that they have no place in Archery Only seasons. To give a brief comparison, a compound crossbow has pretty much the same effective range as a shotgun shooting a slug. If you've ever shot a rifle or shotgun, I guarentee you, you can go out & hunt with a crossbow with absolutely zero practice.

To my mind, the NRA has used their influence to help push through this legislation to the detriment of all bowhunters.

Gotcha. I can see where you're coming from.

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Guest oldsmobile98
This thread reminded me to join GOA. I'd been meaning to for a while. Just did it. :devil:


Thanks for joining!

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I joined the NRA a week and a half ago.

A few days after joining they called my mother looking for me?!?! My mother doesn't even live in this state and I haven't lived at home with her for quite some time.

I don't understand where they got their information or what made them think I would want to be called in the first place. Frankly I'm a little ticked off at the whole situation.

Does this happen to everyone who joins the NRA. If this is standard procedure they can go take a hike.

Strangely, MY mom got a call on her cell phone last week, which she seldom even turns on, as it's just for emergency she has it, and it was some woman asking if she had REACHED the NRA, and seemed not to believe she hadn't!

Can't imagine what your call was about. I've never heard of anyone getting a cold call FROM the NRA.

- OS

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I've never felt even a little bit guilty of putting that stuff back in the envelope blank and mailing it back to them. :D
Costing us even more money...congratulations on your "witty-ness." :D
Never claimed to be witty. And I seriously doubt that I'm costing you one red cent.

Who pays for that additional postage? NRA (but, you already knew that).

Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

As TripleDigitRide stated, NRA does it because it has proven to be profitable.

You don't like the junk mail? Cool, make a phone call and end it.

It beats your "witty" alternative...

Edited by TN-popo
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Never had any phone calls, as far as the asking for money...most of it gets file 13. It's like those postcards to subscribe in magazines, they put them there because it works.

It's worth it all to me just to know how much it is a pain in the anti-guners to see those little stickers, and what it stands for. Someone PM me to remind me to check out GOA and TFA, got alot in my basket this weekend and my mind sometimes forgets things. :D


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Guest Phantom6

All you have to do to stop the mailings is call them and ask to be taken off the mailing list. I did and all I get is my American Rifleman magzine. Of course every time you sign up for that "FREE" bass boat at Bass Pro Shops or the "FREE" canoe at Gander Mtn. or some other "something for nothing" drawing at some other sporting goods shop you'll be placed back on the list because the NRA buys lists from all those folks. Of course your dues don't pay for any of the postage because that is picked up by corporate doners such as Wincheser, Remington, Glock, Khar and others.

I would submit that one should belong and donate to the NRA, The Second Amendment Foundation, Tennessee Firearms Association, GOA and any other pro gun group that they can find. Quite frankly if the protection of your rights and the making sure that your grandchildren will be able to enjoy the same rights as you do isn't worth a hundred or so bucks a year then I would suggest that a re-evaluation of your priorities may be in order. If you can only afford to donate to one then I would suggest the NRA because they are the largest group fighting for our Second Amendment rights.

Edited by Phantom6
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I would submit that one should belong and donate to the NRA, The Second Amendment Foundation, Tennessee Firearms Association, GOA and any other pro gun group that they can find. Quite frankly if the protection of your rights and the making sure that your grandchildren will be able to enjoy the same rights as you do isn't worth a hundred or so bucks a year then I would suggest that a re-evaluation of your priorities may be in order. If you can only afford to donate to one then I would suggest the NRA because they are the largest group fighting for our Second Amendment rights.

I completely agree with the bold and underlined portion of your comment. I think the NRA needs to adjust their course a little bit, though.

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The NRA are pivotal in campaigning to get crossbows introduced into archery only hunting seasons. I seems like a small, petty thing to most, but crossbows have NO place in archery only seasons.

Anyone can shoot a crossbow, that's why they were invented. Shooting a real bow, whether longbow, recurve or compound takes a lot of skill & practice.

The real kick in the britches is that in a fair few States, you can shoot a crossbow in Special Archery seasons, but you can't hunt wth a bow in Shotgun or General Firearms season!!

I'm not bashing crossbows, or anyone who chooses to hunt with one, just the fact that they have no place in Archery Only seasons. To give a brief comparison, a compound crossbow has pretty much the same effective range as a shotgun shooting a slug. If you've ever shot a rifle or shotgun, I guarentee you, you can go out & hunt with a crossbow with absolutely zero practice.

To my mind, the NRA has used their influence to help push through this legislation to the detriment of all bowhunters.


I am going to have to respectfully disagree with your statement. Any time you can get anyone interested in hunting, who otherwise would not be, that's a good thing. Remember, hunters and fishermen are the reason we have so much land to hunt and fish, and animals and fish to hunt for. We are the largest conservation group in the world, whether we know it or not. I say let 'em hunt.

<Please return this thread to it's normally scheduled topic>

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Guest Phantom6
There's no middle road when it comes to gun rights, Mike. No compromise, **** gun grabbers. The NRA has tried to play the middle road in a number of cases. To get back on course, well, how about not doing that?

Firearm Discussion • View topic - I'm Disgusted

Regardeing your link to a Georgia gun forum link, in doing a touch of research (following links later in that thread) I would say that what happened on the floor of the Georgia Senate is not clear. SB 308 was obviously part of a package of bills similar to those that our own legislature is wrangling with. According to this link- NRA Bashing » LonelyMachines

(found later in your supporting thread), the NRA did in fact support SB 308 which speaks to airport carry which I know the NRA is supporting in many state houses this season. They (Georgia citizens and the NRA) are also wrestling with removing "Katrina language" from the state's laws just as we and the NRA did in a recent past legislative session. Currently Tennessee law is being refined further by removing the Governor's power to commandeer firearms. In the past, during a state of emergency declared by the Gov. any mayor Sheriff or Police chief could confiscate or commandeer firearms and ammunition. The NRA fought with many Tennessee state house members on both sides of the aisle to remove "Katrina language". Compromises were made to get it to the point that only the Gov. himself could order the commandeering of firearms and ammunition. This legislative session the NRA, TFA and legislators have presented a bill ( SENATE BILL 2391 / HB 3240 by *McCord) which refines the law in our favor even further to remove the Gov's power altogether. That bill sits on the Gov's desk now. He will veto it but the legislature will over-ride the veto. Sometimes you just have to take several bites of an apple meaning compromise can allow you to return and take another bite and be successful at it another day. If you are not willing to compromise on some fronts temporarily then you can not make headway on others and maintain forward motion. That's the way the NRA works and it works.

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I am going to have to respectfully disagree with your statement. Any time you can get anyone interested in hunting, who otherwise would not be, that's a good thing. Remember, hunters and fishermen are the reason we have so much land to hunt and fish, and animals and fish to hunt for. We are the largest conservation group in the world, whether we know it or not. I say let 'em hunt.

<Please return this thread to it's normally scheduled topic>

Absolutely! I could not agree more. My problem is purely in the crossbows infringing on Bowhunting season & the NRA helping to push through the legislation allowing it. I have no problem at all with them being used in Open Gun season.

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I received a letter (junk mail) from the NRA this weekend.

Apparently it's my Final Notice to become a member. :screwy:

So within 2 weeks of joining they call my mothers house and send me my first piece of junk mail urging me to "enroll now".



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Regardeing your link to a Georgia gun forum link, in doing a touch of research (following links later in that thread) I would say that what happened on the floor of the Georgia Senate is not clear. SB 308 was obviously part of a package of bills similar to those that our own legislature is wrangling with. According to this link- NRA Bashing » LonelyMachines

(found later in your supporting thread), the NRA did in fact support SB 308 Only after a bunch of GA members complained. The NRA link for membership was removed from their webpage which has been there for years. Read the whole thread and you will see that the NRA spoke out AGAINST the bill. The "NRA supports this bill" came out a day after the meeting of the lawmakers. Read the thread. which speaks to airport carry which I know the NRA is supporting in many state houses this season. They (Georgia citizens and the NRA) are also wrestling with removing "Katrina language" from the state's laws just as we and the NRA did in a recent past legislative session. Currently Tennessee law is being refined further by removing the Governor's power to commandeer firearms. In the past, during a state of emergency declared by the Gov. any mayor Sheriff or Police chief could confiscate or commandeer firearms and ammunition. The NRA fought with many Tennessee state house members on both sides of the aisle to remove "Katrina language". Compromises were made to get it to the point that only the Gov. himself could order the commandeering of firearms and ammunition. This legislative session the NRA, TFA and legislators have presented a bill ( SENATE BILL 2391 / HB 3240 by *McCord) which refines the law in our favor even further to remove the Gov's power altogether. That bill sits on the Gov's desk now. He will veto it but the legislature will over-ride the veto. Sometimes you just have to take several bites of an apple meaning compromise can allow you to return and take another bite and be successful at it another day. If you are not willing to compromise on some fronts temporarily then you can not make headway on others and maintain forward motion. That's the way the NRA works and it works.

The NRA said that they supported the Georgia bill AFTER a lot of GA members started rescinding their membership. Read the whole thread (it is 25 pages long) and you will see the whole story. The NRA repeatedly (after the crapstorm came out of GA members who were at the meeting and were pissed) said that they DID support the bill but that is not what was reported by GA members OR one of the supporting Senators. The NRA plays a game of compromise, and has done this on other occasions. I'm still a member, Mike, but I feel, based on the different reports of this situation and others like it, that the NRA plays a game of compromise. There is no compromise. That's the way the NRA works and it leaves us with a lot of BS gun CONTROL laws that gunowners have to deal with throughout their life. There is some good the NRA does, and that is why I give them my money, BUT don't disregard the other organizations. Its a kick in the nuts to have a bill that gives gun owners more freedom and liberty to just have the NRA come out against those very freedoms they say they espouse.

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Absolutely! I could not agree more. My problem is purely in the crossbows infringing on Bowhunting season & the NRA helping to push through the legislation allowing it. I have no problem at all with them being used in Open Gun season.

If it's a crossbow... then I say it belongs in the archery season...period.

I believe your being selfish and pickeunish,IMO; for not wanting someone to hunt with a crossbow in the archery season.

The anti's are looking for reasons such as this, to divide all us hunters and pit one against another, to pick us apart on hunting in general.

So, tell me Rob, no disrespect to your method of hunting at all...because I hunt with a compound bow only, myself...why does it bother you so bad, that a man can get out and hunt with a crossbow as opposed to any other type of archery gear???

An arrow is an arrow, regardless of what method it's fired from.

The trick is...to get more people out into the woods hunting...period!

The anti hunters are trying to get us all frustrated with all the rule's and regulations, as it is.

So I say...let'em hunt, if that's the weapon they choose.

There's plenty of deer to go around,I'll assure you, Rob

Edited by BEARMAN
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I received a call from the NRA last Friday (5-7) evening at home. I actually don't recall providing my home # but they have it. They were soliciting members to go to Charlotte for their meeting. The caller ID showed 800 service but I was expecting a call from my wife so I answered without looking. The caller was a live person as opposed to a recording and a few seconds into the call I relized what she wanted and stopped her by politely telling her I would be attending. She paused briefly and then continued her pitch. I stopped her again after several seconds again and again advised I would not be attending and thanked her for call. She then asked me to renew my membership which I advised her that I had just renewed.

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