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Boy or Girl?

Boy or Girl?  

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  1. 1. Boy or Girl?

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Most of you don't know me but my first child is due in December. This Friday (July 23rd), we find out the sex. I thought it would be fun to take a poll to see what you all think it is. I will post the answer Friday!!

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I'm saying girl just because my first 2 were girls. Either way congrats and be prepared for your life to change in ways you never imagined(in a good way).

I agree with all of the above.

Our first 2 were girls, then a boy, then girl, boy, and last one a girl.

Just start saving money for college starting today (if you haven't already started!!).

(The oldest two daughters are currently in college....:cheers:)

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Guest grimel

Hope for your sanity it's a boy. If it's a boy you have 1 boy to worry about; but, if you have a girl, you have ALL the boys to worry about.

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+1 on the college fund. Start one today, and have an amount autodrafted from your checking account EVERY month just like a bill. I'd also plead you to purchase a sizeable life insurance policy. Term insurance costs nearly nothing, but could be the only thing feeding your family in the untimely event of your unexpected demise. And NO I am not an insurance salesman.

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We can commiserate. Our 2nd is also due in mid-December and we're finding out the sex on the 23rd (I think) as well. Our 1st was a boy and women's intuition says this one is a girl. We'll see.

Kids bring more life changes than you can imagine. As stated, start that college fund. A little $$ now can make a big difference in 20 years. Review your life insurance. You don't want to be worth more dead than alive, but it's good for peace-of-mind. Invest in your favorite diaper, formula, wipe, and baby clothes producers. You'll be staggered at how much of that stuff you'll go through. If you've got any honey-do projects or other anything else you want done in less than 3 years, get it done before December.

We found these useful with our 1st.... Amazon.com: The Happiest Baby on the Block: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer & Amazon.com: The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night (9780071381390): Elizabeth It was 6 weeks before our son slept more than 4 hrs at a time. 4am feedings are tough. Get some rest when you can. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

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I miss the old days where you did not know what you were getting until it popped out.

Not that i really matters, your gonna find out sooner or later, but it did add to the suprise.

+1 Mike, I was so sure my wife was going to have a boy and it was about 3-4 weeks b4 delivery that I realized it was only 50/50. She did carry high and according to the old wives tale that meant a girl. So we just waited for the surprise......carry high - girl, carry low - boy

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I miss the old days where you did not know what you were getting until it popped out.

Not that i really matters, your gonna find out sooner or later, but it did add to the suprise.

We tossed around the idea of not finding out, but we almost have to find out. I'm on a limited income because I'm in school and we are buying things now versus when the baby is here. We figure it's smarter to buy things slowly instead of all at one.

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The old draino test proves quite accurate in determining sex. If you don't know what that is, look it up on the internet. I voted Boy for all the other reasons. You only have one to worry about. I'd hate to raise a Girl. I've been lucky. All of my children were boys.

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good luck and I hope the best for both mom and dad. my first was a girl she is 3 now and Im wrapped as tight around her finger as one can be wrapped, and as for my boy hes 8months and hes a mommas boy already although she does have the magic milk. my grandfather told me once that anybody could have a boy, because it took a good marksman to shoot the balls off LOL. So how good of a shot are you.

good luck with either and spoil them every chance you get.

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Guest db99wj
I voted Boy, two reasons. First off you may remain sane if it is a boy and second it is easier to make a boy. At least a guy I used to work with said it was.

I have a girl, boy, girl and boy, in that order, I never tried any harder for the girls! :D:p

I miss the old days where you did not know what you were getting until it popped out.

Not that i really matters, your gonna find out sooner or later, but it did add to the suprise.

We found out early with all of ours due to financial planning reasons, it's still a surpise.

Post the ultrasound pic. I'll let you know...

Yep, post em when you gotem!

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my grandfather told me once that anybody could have a boy, because it took a good marksman to shoot the balls off

that's the same thing the guy I used to work with said as to why it was easier to have a boy, LOL

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