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Pat Condell on Ground Zero mosque


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Guest 6.8 AR

Probably because the Brits have a perspective that

a bunch of dumb liberals in the US might understand,

like being forced into accepting sharia law. The Brits

are not liking what their leadership may be starting allow.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Probably because the Brits have a perspective that

a bunch of dumb liberals in the US might understand,

like being forced into accepting sharia law. The Brits

are not liking what their leadership may be starting allow.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Great Britain is a little further along than us. This isn't the first video I've seen of this guy. I kinda like him.

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Between sharia law and the fact that the birth rate among muslims is considerably higher than average, I can see why some don't want them around. They will outnumber their non-muslim neighbors in a generation or 2, becoming the dominant voting base.

Despite that, I don't see how you can legally tell them they can't build something, if they aren't doing anything illegal.

Yet still, at the same time, we can't ignore what's happened in Europe when large groups of muslims settled in places.

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Guest 6.8 AR
Between sharia law and the fact that the birth rate among muslims is considerably higher than average, I can see why some don't want them around. They will outnumber their non-muslim neighbors in a generation or 2, becoming the dominant voting base.

Despite that, I don't see how you can legally tell them they can't build something, if they aren't doing anything illegal.

Yet still, at the same time, we can't ignore what's happened in Europe when large groups of muslims settled in places.

Without getting into some protracted and stupid argument about the Cordoba Group's 1st amendment

rights, there are ways that the mosque can be stopped. Zoning has to be approved on the site for the

particular use of the property. A seller can decide not to sell his property if he doesn't want to sell it.

this is a commercial structure. I doubt the HUD rule applies, but maybe they do. Building permits

have to be obtained. On that one alone, what happened with the Greek Orthodox church that was

destroyed in the falling of the towers on 9/11? I guess I could go on, but you should get the picture,

by now. Bloomberg can go where it's hot.

That Brit is warning us of the muslim religion(?). He knows. We should know.

Another argument would be the fact that there is a conflict between sharia law being part

of the muslim religion(?) and the 1st amendment protection against a state religion, since the

muslim religion(?) contains ingredients of a governing entity. This should not allow that 1st

amendment protection since they have elements of both in their so-called religion(?)

Sharia law disqualifies it from protection and their history of demanding sharia law defends

my argument.

It's not separation of church and state as some may believe, but it is the guarantee against

a state controlled religion, or a state run church.

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Let's see one of those asswipes try this here!

Sharia Law

It may be a bit much to fathom right now but don't think it can't happen if there is a large voting base that the politicians are fighting for their vote.

Look at what has happened with the illegal aliens entering as well as already in the US. There is such a large base of illegals that politicians are catering to them. There are places in which they do vote and politicians turn a blind eye because they want to win even if it is with the vote of these criminals. There are now safe haven areas for them in which it is against the law for law enforcement to pick them up. There is a real push to allow the illegals to remain and give them rights they did not work for and are not entitled to(Social Security). They already receive healthcare at reduced or no cost even if they are illegal yet over 40 million Americans can't afford or even get health insurance because of pre existing conditions.

All of this is because of the large voting base. With the estimates out there it will not be much longer before America will fall from being the best country in the world because of all the drain these illegals are causing to this country.


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Without getting into some protracted and stupid argument about the Cordoba Group's 1st amendment rights, there are ways that the mosque can be stopped. Zoning has to be approved on the site for the particular use of the property. A seller can decide not to sell his property if he doesn't want to sell it. this is a commercial structure. I doubt the HUD rule applies, but maybe they do. Building permits have to be obtained.

I think we fundamentally agree that allowing this mosque to be built is a bad idea. I am against it mainly b/c I don't trust the group's intentions or ability to self-police itself of radicals. My only issue is the feeling of helplessness to legally stop the project.

The Cordoba Group bought the land from Burlington Coat Factory last year and are already holding Friday prayers there. Their only remaining legal hurdle is whether the land use commission declares that building an historical site. It was built in 1858 and has some elements of Italian Rennaissance architecture, but the panel that makes the recommendation is roughly 2-1 against holding up the Cordoba project.

Even most NYers polled seem to have concerns. According to Sienna Polls, over 70% of those polled in the state are against the mosque, but over 60% also feel the group has the constitutional right to build it.

Edited by BigK
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Guest 6.8 AR

And, if they allow that mosque to be built, without allowing that Greek

Orthodox Church, there will be huge problems for the foolish mayor

and anyone siding with him. It doesn't matter what the muslims have

done on that land. It is special class status for one at the expense of

the other. No 1st Amendment right at all. I sais it could be stopped

legally, but this being made into something it shouldn't be by apologists

and others that want to destroy this country. The Cordoba Group is a

cover and a sham for Al Quaeda.

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I would like to own a rib joint next door to that mosque.

I might get in trouble for saying this, but I am going to exercise Freedom of speech and I am not encouraging anyone to do this but I wonder if that site would be considered holy enough for them if someone where to spray hog blood on it? I am just asking a question.

Serious we have seen them twist and bend freedom of speech to ask questions in such a way they are almost making death threats against people but are just short of doing so.

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To me the biggest issue of the building of the mosque is that it offends the surviving relatives of those who died there. It shows incredible insensibility to the feelings of others.

It would be akin to the Japanese insisting on flying their flag over the Arizona Monument. However the Japanese are not out to make a political statement with their flag and would never do this. The proximity of the Mosque to the Ground Zero is blatantly a political statement and not just a religious need. The Mosque can be built elsewhere.

I think our greatest problem with Islam is that it seems impossible to separate the religious and political aspects. If they are going to bring a whole different concept of public and political law along with their religion, we will have to deal with it as a political issue, not a religious issue.

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To me the biggest issue of the building of the mosque is that it offends the surviving relatives of those who died there. It shows incredible insensibility to the feelings of others.


You are correct and add I heard on the Radio, there are already 200 mosques in New York, so it isn't like they don't have one they can attend.

I found 90 on Mapquest in New York.

Let me google that for you

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Guest 6.8 AR

This is not a 1st Amendment issue. The 1st, if it were used in this situation, would

open up a can of worms that would cause a special status to be created in favor of

a particular religion when another is being denied(Greek Orthodox church, which

was destroyed on 9/11). This is best left to the people of NY that will either force

Bloomberg and his cronies to back off, or look like fools allowing Lord Bloomberg

to continue wearing his crown.

Obama spoke out in favor of something he shouldn't have gotten involved in, not

unlike the foolish Dr.Gates beer summit. Obama is in favor of the mosque and it's

sad as hell anyone would fall into believing otherwise.

The ideologue is still showing his true colors.

We ought to be fighting to maintain the Bill of Rights instead of allowing others to

bastardize it. If this would be a 1st Amendment issue, like some think, the !st

could be made to be irrelevant. Be careful what you wish for.

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