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How 'bout them Titans?


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Did that get close to a record for turnovers by one team in a single game?

No there has been three games in NFL history with 12 turnovers by a single team. Detroit had 12 in 1942 against the Bears. The Chicago Cardinals had 12 against Philly in 1950 and Pittsburg had 12 against Philly in 1965.

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Guest mustangdave

when is Jeff Fischer gonna realize that his starting QB...needs to go to NFL Europe for a season and figure out IF he really wants to be a professional athlete...VINCE kinda SUCKS

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when is Jeff Fischer gonna realize that his starting QB...needs to go to NFL Europe for a season and figure out IF he really wants to be a professional athlete...VINCE kinda SUCKS

Well wasn't actually Bud Adams that put Vince back as the starter last year?

....and I don't think NFL Europe exists anymore.

I don't think it was quit as much mental for Vince this Sunday as it was purely skill (or lack of) against Pit's defense.

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Guest mustangdave
Well wasn't actually Bud Adams that put Vince back as the starter last year?

....and I don't think NFL Europe exists anymore.

I don't think it was quit as much mental for Vince this Sunday as it was purely skill (or lack of) against Pit's defense.

Good points...I'm not as avid a football follower as most folks in these parts...forgive me...I just see a young man with the

skill set to play college ball PRETTY DARN good...but the pressures of Pro FOOTBALL be they mental OR physical have proved to be a bit much for him....I suppose he could go down to the ARENA LEAGUE then...BUD owns a team or 2 t here I'm sure.

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Vince is one of those Hot and Cold QBs. When he is Hot is is a decent NFL QB, but when he is cold, he is third string High School QB material. It hurts my feelings knowing that the Titans took him in the same draft as Cutler and Lienart with both of them still sitting waiting to be drafted.
I'd take Young over Leinart all day long. But I agree with you on Cutler. He had a pretty bad season last year, but he is playing great this year with a new OC. I think it would have been a good idea for the Titans to trade down and take the Vandy guy. But hindsight is 20-20, though I never had really high hopes for Young as an NFL QB. He was fantastic in college though.
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Guest mustangdave
Man you all are tough on a guy. Just last season Young was your hero, now he is a zero.

How do you blame Young for CJ not doing squat?

Basically the QB is the defacto LEADER of the team...that's how I see it. Neither of them could hold on to the friggin ball...and I've never been on the Vinny band wagon.

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Man you all are tough on a guy. Just last season Young was your hero, now he is a zero.

How do you blame Young for CJ not doing squat?

I am not blaming VY for anything. I have never been his number one fan. I like to see the guy do good because I am a Titans fan, but I don't believe he is "Our Franchise QB".

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Is it just me or should there have been a roughing the passer call on the sack when the 3 Pitt defenders got Young, lifted him up, jumped up and then tried to drive his head into the ground. I think for the rest of the time he was in Young was seeing double after that

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Guest Drewsett
Is it just me or should there have been a roughing the passer call on the sack when the 3 Pitt defenders got Young, lifted him up, jumped up and then tried to drive his head into the ground. I think for the rest of the time he was in Young was seeing double after that

I agree, I was surprised to not see a flag either.

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Is it just me or should there have been a roughing the passer call on the sack when the 3 Pitt defenders got Young, lifted him up, jumped up and then tried to drive his head into the ground. I think for the rest of the time he was in Young was seeing double after that

I've seen it called for a lot less.

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Guest Glock23ForMe
I've seen it called for a lot less.


IIRC, it's supposed to be called for "Malicious attempt to harm" and I'm pretty sure what happened Sunday fits the bill for "Malicious attempt to harm" pretty much like a glove.

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IIRC, it's supposed to be called for "Malicious attempt to harm" and I'm pretty sure what happened Sunday fits the bill for "Malicious attempt to harm" pretty much like a glove.

Little bit about it on the web...

Titans wanted penalty on sack where Vince Young was body slammed by Steelers' James Harrison and Brett Keisel

I've even seen unnecessary roughness called on tackles of running backs when they have been lifted from the ground and "driven" into the turf.

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