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Gay Rights vs. Rights of polygamist, incestous couples, etc.`

Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

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Marriage cannot be contracted with a lineal ancestor or descendant, nor the lineal ancestor or descendant of either parent, nor the child of a grandparent, nor the lineal descendants of husband or wife, as the case may be, nor the husband or wife of a parent or lineal descendant.

I find this is rather surprising, to be honest. I've always been under the assumption that marriages were more restricted that this.

Also, I don't think the government should be involved in marriages at all. To require permission from the state to marry is outrageous, even though marriage permits are generally not seen as such.

Also, Off Topic, but I saw this while looking through the marriage codes.

36-3-109. Issuance of license to drunks, insane persons or imbeciles forbidden. -

No license shall be issued when it appears that the applicants or either of them is at the time drunk, insane or an imbecile.

[Acts 1937, ch. 81, § 3; C. Supp. 1950, § 8414.3; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 36-411.]

I wonder what the legal definition of an imbecile is. :)

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I wonder what the legal definition of an imbecile is. :)

Anyone wishing to be married? :)

I didn't know you could be an imbecile "at the time".

As used olde tyme clinically (as I'm sure it was in the statute way back when), it's a permanent condition.

- OS

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Guest Bronker
the penalty is ugly inbred children.....

But often a helluva banjo player!


What do they say about a Kentucky divorce? Well at least they are still brother and sister.

What is there in common between a Kentucky divorce and an F-4 tornado?

When it's finally over, somebody loses a double-wide.


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Guest Lester Weevils

I wonder what the legal definition of an imbecile is. :)

Perhaps it would be best to ask the Three Stooges.

More seriously, at the dawn of IQ testing, it was a classification of an IQ range. Then folk like the Three Stooges turned it into a joke, so nowadays there are more politically correct terms for the same IQ ranges.

Maybe in the future they will have to change the terminology again if school kids and comedians start insulting each other with "you profoundly mental retarded" or "you are such a borderline intellectual functioner".

Intellectual disability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cretin is the oldest and comes from a dialectal French word for Christian.[17] The implication was that people with significant intellectual or developmental disabilities were "still human" (or "still Christian") and deserved to be treated with basic human dignity. Individuals with the condition were considered to be incapable of sinning, thus "christ-like" in their disposition. This term is not used in scientific endeavors since the middle of the 20th century and is generally considered a term of abuse.

Idiot indicated the greatest degree of intellectual disability, where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard himself or herself against common physical dangers. The term was gradually replaced by the term profound mental retardation.

Imbecile indicated an intellectual disability less extreme than idiocy and not necessarily inherited. It is now usually subdivided into two categories, known as severe mental retardation and moderate mental retardation.

Moron was defined by the American Association for the Study of the Feeble-minded in 1910, following work by Henry H. Goddard, as the term for an adult with a mental age between eight and twelve; mild mental retardation is now the term for this condition. Alternative definitions of these terms based on IQ were also used. This group was known in UK law from 1911 to 1959/60 as feeble-minded."

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What is there in common between a Kentucky divorce and an F-4 tornado?

When it's finally over, somebody loses a double-wide.

Couldn't stop :) after reading this. :D

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Guest uofmeet

The Government should not be involved with any marriage.


But it's not up for me to tell someone else that their believes and/or religion are wrong when it comes to such matters....and marriage is between you and your god. Not me and my god and certainly not upto the Government.


Smart Man.

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