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Tennessee style Chili?

Guest carbonarcher

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Guest carbonarcher

Being new to this wonderful state,

Is there a style that this state leans towards for good old fashion chili?

Ground beef?

Chuck cubes?

Short ribs?

Outside of the normal chili spices, is there one that is regional to this state?


I am asking, went to a couple of "gatherings" and the chili was very loose and was made with ground beef. I know in Texas they use beef stew meat, same here?

Do you all prefer thick or thin

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My wife and I make it with ground beef but it's a very thick chili as well. And very hot.

+1 You also find a lot people use venison instead of ground beef. Generally it is a coarse ground meat instead of a fine grind. It seems to hold up better.

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Guest carbonarcher

I am making a vat right now!LOL! I seem to lean towards Chipolte, I love the smokey flavor it lends to the chili, not to mention the scotch bonnets for the added heat! I usually go very thick! What kind of beans do you all go with?

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Guest carbonarcher

So I am gathering the norm is to go with a coarse ground style meat? Do alot of people go with a mix? I love venison my self. Do you go 50/50 or what is the ratio?

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I generally prefer to make mine with diced stew meat or a 50/50 mix stew meat/ground round. The batch I have simmering now is 100% ground round, as I have 1/2 a freezer full of ground round.

It's thick and hot.

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Guest carbonarcher

Wow! Thanks for the great info! What about spices? I know we can all say "HOT" smokeyhot, 5alarm hot, suttle hot?

So what knind of hot peppers you use? I would like to hear about your spices too!


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Crying going down and scream when coming out? LOL

Ugh, on the "back" end of that right now, but not from Chili, from the Krystals with cheese I had last night at around midnight! LOL!

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Guest Carryin Counselor

I use venison (less greasy than beef), pintos, and black beans in mine. As well as the usual tomatoes and chilies (if u like hot). I also like to add a small can of beer. I think it really helps strengthen the flavor of the chilli as it cooks.

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My wife doesn't like her chili as hot as I like mine, so I add a small dose of Dave's Insanity Sauce to my bowl to liven it up a bit. Still, the chili she makes is hotter than my kids prefer. They'll toughen up or go hungry. :lol:

Love me some Dave's. I have 12 different flavors of Dave's sauces in the fridge right now. Unfortunately Temporary Insanity is the hottest. Ran out of Insanity.

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Guest carbonarcher

I can even tell you how it happens, first you eat, then mouth is on fire, then the crying, drooling, then you turn pale! LOL! People don't realize that people die from these chilies, not from the heat. They die, and have a heart attack due to the shock setting in! Spoolie, I am sure that you know, these things are NO JOKE! They will hurt you real BAD!

I know

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