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Sarah Palin's Alaska


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Guest TargetShooter84
The Simpsons are on at 8:00. It will be more entertaining.


OP said 8pm CENTRAL meaning it'll be 9pm our time since you're in seymour....haha

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Guest REDDOG79

I don't see this as a great idea of helping her in a future presidential run. It may cement her support among those that already like her but I think it will alienate most others that have not made up their minds.

I am watching The Walking Dead

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I didn't know there was anyone left who hadn't made up their mind.

You've got the Saturday Night Live set who couldn't tell the difference between SP and Tina Fey.

You've got the "it's on TV/in the paper" set who bought the hatchet job pushed by both the left and the 'professional politicians' on the right.

You've got the left and far left who were terrified of the proto-tea party politician.

And you've got the tea party conservative who saw someone willing to rip new orifices in both parties because it was the right thing to do.

I don't think you could find 3 honest folks who really haven't made up their mind yet.

Hey, it's Alaska - the last great outdoor frontier - and there are some here that would rather watch cartoons??? Nope, no irrational bias here.

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Guest malbolja

I enjoyed the scenery but the show was a yawn for the most part. From the couple of commercials I saw I was expecting more of a nature show and less of a Palin family reality show.

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Guest TargetShooter84

I saw parts of it but I was too busy being glued to Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads (in India) but I would flip to the SP show on commercial breaks....more of a yawn show it seemed like.

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I watched it and actually liked it. Nothing really new or unusual about the show but it was entertaining mostly because of the scenery. Also I think it will show a more down to earth side of her and her family. Now whether it will help or hinder any further political career it is hard to say. I don't believe that the show was harmful or scandalous like some would hope it wpuld have been.


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Guest bkelm18

Going to be honest here, Sarah Palin is a joke. She'd be nowhere if it hadn't been for John McCain and well, she's still nowhere and going even further nowhere fast. I know some of you are all excited about a possible presidential bid, but seriously.... SERIOUSLY? The country made up their mind about her in 2008. Whether it was media/political bias or not, it is what it is. Now she's just riding the Tea Party wave trying to stay relevant. This reality TV show sure isn't going to help.

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I've said before and I will say it again, she has absolutely zero chance of winning a Presidential bid in '12. What she can do is act in the role of kingmaker for a Republican candidate and be a part of melding the TEA Party folks under the larger R umbrella. She might actually be a really good choice to replace Michael Steele as Chair of the RNC.

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Guest strelcevina

Pain is desperately trying to build same Ronald Regan romantic cowboy reputation

I believe it will be Pain vs Clinton in 2012 elections.

Perfect chance for woman to be elected president .

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Guest Archminister01

Whats funny is that this woman hasn't proven herself to be the thief and money driven fool that those already in office are and yet she catches more flack then most. Obama ran a very charming and charismatic campaign, won it and has taken up where previous presidents left off and continued driving this nation into the ground. All I am saying is that maybe we need what the mainstream media is portraying as a nut job to actually succeed. It is obvious that she doesnt give a fly rats ass about what folks think about her otherwise she would have buried her head in the sand a long time ago. I say kudos to someone that has the balls to keep doing what they believe in the face of whatever scrutiny is being faced. it tale a lot of integrity to stick to your guns in that kind of situation regardless of your sex. God knows the fellas on the hill currently could use some. I am not necessarily pro Palin, but I do respect her tenacity and drive. If you look at what she did in Alaska while governor, you will see that she put them all in there place and told big oil stfu. I personally would watch her show over most mentioned above except Walking Dead (zombie fanatic here also) over obnoxious cartoons, but to each there own.

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Guest Archminister01
The very fact that the left continues its relentless attack on her means that the lady is doing something right.

Agreed. Nobody gets this much attention from those already in place unless they are raising a few hackles. Its simple playground tactics used by five year olds. Discredit someone you feel threatened by. Ohh from the mouth of babes.

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You're damned right I'd love to see her as President. I'm only sorry I missed her show.

There will always be those who say someone can't win this or that race, but so far,

Mrs. Palin has been very successful in politics. I doubt she is worried whether she can

win or not. I think she is more focused on achieving other goals, at the moment.

Just by some of the comments on here tells me she is succeeding.

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Pain is desperately trying to build same Ronald Regan romantic cowboy reputation

I believe it will be Pain vs Clinton in 2012 elections.

Perfect chance for woman to be elected president .

Never happen since there is a sitting Democratic president.

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