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Guns and Leather Grand Opening (Today)

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Lucky me, Guns and Leather recently opened their new store just blocks from


I stopped by their Grand Opening, and man was there a crowd. I thought they

were opening at 9:00am, so I got there a few minutes early. I guess I was a

little late, because their parking lot was full, along with the parking lots

belonging to the surrounding businesses.

I was expecting the entire store to be shoulder-to-shoulder gun nuts, but the

inside is much bigger than it appears from the outside. They have plenty of

space. The counter space was packed with drooling customers, but I was still

able to easily do all the browsing and drooling I wanted.

Unfortunately, due to some major issues with my daughter in the recent past,

my finances wouldn't allow me to take advantage of the deals they were offering.

I sure would have liked one of those Sigs or S&Ws they had. There's always

hope with the drawings for door prizes. :D

I was in a rush to get back home, so I forgot all about taking a peek at the

indoor range. Being so close to this new loaction, I'll stop by sometime next

week to take a peek.

Thank You and Congrats to the folks at Guns and Leather. I'm looking forward

to the day I can do business with you again.:D

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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I'm jealous of the floor space they have over there haha.

Thanks for the kind words TDR. Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who has done business with us in the past - wouldnt be where we are without you guys.

Also, we got alot of new blood workin up there. If anyone has ANY problems out of our new employees, we need to know, no matter how small. Need to nip this stuff in the bud early. =)

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Also, we got alot of new blood workin up there. If anyone has ANY problems out of our new employees, we need to know, no matter how small. Need to nip this stuff in the bud early. =)

There is this guy named Daniel that works in the Greenbriar shop that is always causing me trouble... ;)

I stopped by the store last week. Nice place - I commented to Dennis about the 'roominess'. He mentioned that he was working on filling up some of the open space. I did see some familiar faces along with some new blood.

It may be in Hendersonville, but its still Guns and Leather. At least to me, that's a good thing except for my checking account!

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Also, we got alot of new blood workin up there. If anyone has ANY problems out of our new employees, we need to know, no matter how small. Need to nip this stuff in the bud early. =)

I've stopped by several times already and everyone has been very helpful and nice. Good to see that Mark is managing the place. He's a super guy!

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