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Key West hotels

Guest m&pc9

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Im looking at getting out of this effing snow in a few weeks. I would like to go to Key West and stay a few days.

Do you know of a place to stay that is reasonable priced and no bed bugs? I would like to be on a beach but I guess anyplace on the Keys will be close to a beach.

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Unless things have changed in Key West the beaches there fairly well suck. The island is a coral rock and beaches would be man made. We went there some years ago and only found one workable beach and it stunk like dead fish. There were topless girlies so it was kind of a trade off, LOL.

Basically in Key West you walk up and down Duvall Street and drink. Take a lot of money.

Islamorada seemed a lot nicer IIRC. Marathon seemed nicer. Stay in one of those places and drive down to Key West for a day.

And all hotels suck, nasty dirty places. Good luck with it.

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I go to KW a couple of times a year. Wife & I lived there for a while and that's where we got married. I concur with above. It's a southern tourist town and the beaches are not very good. It's fun to visit but staying up the Keys may get you more for less. We normallly rent a house as opposed to a hotel. There is no maid service but we prefer it.

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We go once or twice a year and been for last 18 years. It is expensive this time a year and they jack up rates for special events. We go in nov. for boat races and rates go up. Kinda have to decide what you want to do between street walking, people watching, scuba or snorkling, drinking, beach time. How long your staying and how many people is a factor also. We usually fly direct into KW but the drive From miami down is great also. Be glad to help you with any suggestions. We've stayed pretty much all over the island and perfer the truman annex but thats race week and its for a whole week. Ya want to hear sticker shock we stayed at Ocean Key back in the day, many years ago. Last year I believe ocean front room race week was going for $600 + a nite Needless to say this is not in my budget.

Edited by laktrash
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Very little to do in all the Keys 'cept eat and drink, if you're not dealing with the water: fishing, sailing, diving.

I used to go down for a month every year, middle of Dec to middle of Jan.

Mainly fished. And drank. Camped at Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge pretty cheap, kept boat in water there during stay.

Bahia Honda state park just to north, can hang out day use on their beach, usually booked up for staying there though.

Key West just 45 min drive to south, Marathon 30 min north.

New Year's Eve in Key West is quite an event.

The police used to run vans up and down whole Keys to take you home drunk, probably still do.

- OS

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+1 on staying in Marathon or Islamorada as opposed to Key West proper. +10 on snorkellinj John Pennecamp State Park.

To echo what some others have said, if you are going to experience the party that is Key West, go for it. If you're going for the beach, you'll find better beaches for a lot less money a little further north.

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Is the water too cold for snorkeling this time of year?

We have family around Orlando and was going to visit and I have always wanted to go to Key West. So I want to go there for just a couple of days to unwind and drink a Margarita or a thousand and lay in the sun. And I like to snorkel but thought the water was too cold. I will look at Marathon or Islamorada.

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If you opt for Key West, look into staying at the Truman Annex. It is about two blocks off Duvall and has parking which is a premium in Key West and the prices are reasonable. Park the car and rent a scooter. There is a beach in a State Park almost right behind the Truman Annex which is not a bad beach. I highly recommend taking the day trip to Fort Jefferson. It is a fun day and has some excellent snorkeling. Then sit back and relax and channel your inner Hemmingway (go tour his house as well), and be sure and eat at LaTratoria on Duvall......Fantastic Peppercorn Filet......MMMMMMMMMMMM

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"If you opt for Key West, look into staying at the Truman Annex. It is about two blocks off Duvall and has parking which is a premium in Key West" agree with duckhunteresg

+1 truman annex gated after dark beautiful and private most everything is walking distance. We don't get a rental car anymore. Just catch a cab and walk every where. Parking and rental car is waste of money. "IMO again depending what you want to do" Just a few of the options in key west

Craig & Cindy's Truman Annex Shipyard Condos

Search Results for Key West Vacation Rentals from Compass Realty, Truman Annex Key West FL

also some bed & breakfast available

Edited by laktrash
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