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Hey, Caster. Yor're too late. Phil Valentine started talking about stockpiling incandescent bulds several years ago on his radio show. Made references then to storing up light bulbs and weapons on his "compound'' and doing blackmarket sales until the tree huggers and the lite police caught up with him. But I'd bet that two industrious guys like you could corner the "Blacklite and Fuzzy Elvis" poster market.

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Guest NashvegasMatt
Hey, Caster. Yor're too late. Phil Valentine started talking about stockpiling incandescent bulds several years ago on his radio show. Made references then to storing up light bulbs and weapons on his "compound'' and doing blackmarket sales until the tree huggers and the lite police caught up with him. But I'd bet that two industrious guys like you could corner the "Blacklite and Fuzzy Elvis" poster market.

gotta love uncle phil. extrie good.

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You know why the new bulbs give some a headache right? It's the newest in technology.....for mind control! Yep, the feds are banning all forms of light except for their prescribed, mind altering lighting and the sun [any they're working on that].


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I have a friend that uses CFL's exclusively, but never buys them anymore. Most of the name brand bulbs come with a warranty. My friend will save the reciept, and mark each bulb with the reciept number and date of purchase. He say's they never last as long as they are supposed to, so he sends them back for free replacement.

For the most part, I don't mind the CFL's, and I have been buying them when my old bulbs die. I dislike how they take a while to warm up. I'm used to the light coming on full power right away. I also don't like the color of the light. Maybe it's just my brain being accustom to the the incandescent color. Probably kids from today will see an incandescent bulb 20 years from now and think they look wierd.

What I really don't like is the Govt. telling me I HAVE to buy them.

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