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Man robbed, beaten outside CoolSprings Galleria

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That crap can happen outside of a church, or anywhere else for that matter. A more correct statement is that's why I don't go places unarmed and why I don't make myself look like an easy target nor do I look like someone you want to approach if I don't know you, and I've put some people who meant me no harm packing when they got closer to me in public than I wanted them.

Not saying it's entirely the victim's fault, but c'mon... personal vigilance has to come into play sooner or later.

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I'm glad for all the malls that are posted against HCP holders...I suspect that entices the crooks to ply their trade where they are most welcome and keeps them away from the businesses I frequent!

More seriously, I agree, unfortunately, that this kind of stuff can happen anywhere at any time; after all, isn't that why we went to the trouble of getting our HCP and even more trouble of actually carrying??? It's the world we live in now - the law enforcement/justice system/prison system can't protect us because there aren't enough cops or enough courts or enough prisons to capture, prosecute and then keep the scum locked up.

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Not every entrance is posted so just enter through one of the unmarked entrances and you're good to go.

None of the department stores are posted. None of the entrances from the department stores to the mall are posted.

I don't read anywhere in the TCA that indicates a parking lot posting would be legal, just entrances to buildings and attached patios. Am I missing something regarding parking lots?

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None of the department stores are posted. None of the entrances from the department stores to the mall are posted.

I don't read anywhere in the TCA that indicates a parking lot posting would be legal, just entrances to buildings and attached patios. Am I missing something regarding parking lots?

I believe you are missing something.

Someone (person/business, etc) owns the parking lot and has the right to post their "property" against firearms being on their property. Of course, they are supposed to be subject to the rules regarding what constitutes a proper posting.

You probably see inconsistent/sparse signage because these shopping center parking lot owners don't really care about firearms on their property nearly as much as they want to escape liability if someone has a firearm and something bad happens - they can just "point their sign" and say "not our fault".

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Not every entrance is posted so just enter through one of the unmarked entrances and you're good to go.

This. I took the wife and kids up on Saturday. Got there about 4:00. Just missed this action. I saw no postings going into the lot. Went in through Belk absolutely no signage there. Had the XD .45 compact in my High Noon IWB in tow. That poor sob needed a golden sabre security system.

Edited by adamween
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How would anyone even know you are armed unless you announced it by improper concealment? :cool:

Come on...seriously?

HCP holders are supposed to be law-abiding citizens. Law-abiding citizens don't break the law (that's why we call them law-abiding)...if your knowingly carry a firearm on a property where you know the owners have posted against firearm carry then you are breaking the law whether you are "discovered" or not.

All that aside, why would anyone ever carry into a place of business where their firearms aren't welcome and actually give such a business ANY of your money whether anyone "knows you are armed" or not?

Edited by RobertNashville
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Come on...seriously?

HCP holders are supposed to be law-abiding citizens. Law-abiding citizens don't break the law (that's why we call them law-abiding)...if your knowingly carry a firearm on a property where you know the owners have posted against firearm carry then you are breaking the law whether you are "discovered" or not.

All that aside, why would anyone ever carry into a place of business where their firearms aren't welcome and actually give such a business ANY of your money whether anyone "knows you are armed" or not?

Yes... Seriously. There is no need to get all upset about my post (although the wink didn't help), I was not advocating breaking the law. I would never do that, especially on a public forum such as this. I was merely asking a question, and making a suggestion that all HCP holders should utilize proper methods of concealment.

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Yes... Seriously. There is no need to get all upset about my post (although the wink didn't help), I was not advocating breaking the law. I would never do that, especially on a public forum such as this. I was merely asking a question, and making a suggestion that all HCP holders should utilize proper methods of concealment.

Did I wink??? :cool:

You start talking like that and this will turn into another open vs concealed carry debate.

I agree that proper concealment avoids a lot of potential trouble but I still don't give my money to any business that isn't as equally welcoming of my firearm as they are of my money; at leat not if I canhelp it. :)

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None of the department stores are posted. None of the entrances from the department stores to the mall are posted.

I don't read anywhere in the TCA that indicates a parking lot posting would be legal, just entrances to buildings and attached patios. Am I missing something regarding parking lots?

At every main parking lot entrance, there is a small, legal TCA posting. By law, they can post the parking lot - then they don't need to post building entrances, etc. Once you carry past a legal sign, you are breaking the law and subject to punishment (if detected).

Unfortunately, the signs at Cool Springs are very easy to miss.

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Not every entrance is posted so just enter through one of the unmarked entrances and you're good to go.

Most of the mall entrances are not posted but the parking lot is. I'm unaware of any entrances to the parking lot that aren't legally posted.

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Not posted at Pennys.

Sigh... See post #18.

They don't have to post the mall entrances if the parking lot entrances are posted. You can't legally get to the mall entrance without passing a sign if all the parking lot entrances are posted.

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Guest uofmeet

It is sad that this has happened. Our Justice Systems/Prisons have failed. This is why maybe we should consider public hangings again.....Maybe not for this particular case, but you get the idea....Some people need to see the consequences......

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  • 6 months later...
Guest dfsixstring

I seldom get to Nashville. I came with my family today for the sole purpose of hitting Cool Springs. I live by the TN/AL state line and typically go to Huntsville, AL. The malls there don't prohibit CC. I was surprised that Cool Springs does. Not a good feeling.

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