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Blackhawk Shoulder Holster System

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I was being somewhat tongue in cheek, bu surely you know the controversy regarding the Sherpa?

The right bit of crud in the mechanism and the gun locks in, but worse, the finger release can slip right into trigger on quick draw, has happened enough to be banned from some of the big training schools.

- OS

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bnoland

The incidents I have read about accidental discharge issues out of the serpa has been people accidentally pulling the trigger after clearing the holster. I have not found any where the holster itself caused the discharge. I personally use one on duty.. Level 3 with a sig 229. I have had no issues in training or shoot/don't shoot situations at work. Atleast no issues with accidental discharge. I do have to keep a close eye on the screws that secure the holster to the mounting platform on my belt.

I am not a fan of any shoulder holster personally. Don't like the fact that it is pointed so close to my chest when holstering and unholstering. I am very careful to be off the trigger but accidents happen.

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Dont know about any problem with draw but i finally picked up the holster. Blackhawk took my money then put it back. No response as to why. few days later called and they said they were on back order. Next day stopped at Green Military in Donelson and they had them. Was able to try on whcih was good because i had orderd the large but the med fits just right. Took it home called blackhawk and canceled that order. Review: fits and feels like any other shoulder holster, the ammo carry is interchangeable for other items. My only problem is the holster i have is for a walther p99 and i carry a p99 compact. So the holster sticks out further than i would like. I am going to try to cut the holster down to fit the compact and see if that is any better. Pics comming soon.

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I used to have a serpa for my Glock 30 that was made for the bigger Glock...21? In any event, I just took a saw and cut off the end, and then lightly sanded it and it worked like a champ.the end of the barrel came right to the edge of the holster and i liked it. Never had a negligent discharge with it, but I did worry once I read about foreign onjects possible causing the gun to be stuck in the holster...never happened to me though.

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Guest friesepferd

I'm glad it looks like it may work for ya.

Me personally... I just cant get myself to wear a sholder holster. I know a lot of people do, but for me, no thanks.

Rule #1 is doint point a gun at something your not willing to destroy. If anyone is standing behind me, my gun is pointed at them.

I know its in a holster, but for me that doesn't matter. I dont care if a gun is holstered, I dont care if a gun is unloaded, really I don't even care if its unloaded, mag out, and the slide locked back... I'm not going to let a gun be pointed at someone. I think maybe my only exception to that rule is if a gun is unloaded and in it's case (or of course if its actually dissasemled).

I know that if the other rules are being obeyed, than it wont matter, but thats why we have multiple rules. They way people get shot is when someone is dissobeying all (or most) the rules. So I try my hardest not to dissobey even one, as its always possible that another one wil accidently get dissobeyed (via plenty of things, like slipping and falling, etc)

Anyways, I ramble, but my point is that I'm glad it works for you, but I just couldn't wear one.

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