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Fake or Real?

Guest Smitty

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I recently noticed a trailer for a new game coming out called Slavery the Game. I couldn't believe it. I think it's a hoax, but I thought I would see what others think. Either way, this will definitely offend people. I do not approve of it at all.

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I thought this thread was going to be about something completely different....

Me too.

I was expecting to get to pick between to sets of pictures and decide which is real and which isn't. Then we could all have a good laugh at the end. Maybe I should start that thread later.

the website in the video is real, probably still a hoax for public shock effect.

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Guest Lester Weevils
I wonder if the opening credits will have two white guys talking...."Well we gotta get these slaves in here, we gots a country to build. Shucks, I guess it was a bad idea after all to kill off all them indians. We coulda used them!"

One can hear plenty of wrong stuff in history class, but I recall a history teacher claiming that the spanish conquistadores in South America began importing black slaves because the Indians tended to die off too quick under hard labor slave conditions. Dunno if it is true. If it is true, a weird pragmatism to an inhumane practice.

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Looks like a media design project. We did similar things in graphic design, with an assigned theme someone might make a twist on it and do a parody. This person who made it is mocking most of the modern game industry with their slavery game trailer, and nothing more.

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One can hear plenty of wrong stuff in history class, but I recall a history teacher claiming that the spanish conquistadores in South America began importing black slaves because the Indians tended to die off too quick under hard labor slave conditions. Dunno if it is true. If it is true, a weird pragmatism to an inhumane practice.

I have actually heard that before. I was just lazily slandering my white ancestors.

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Looks like a media design project. We did similar things in graphic design, with an assigned theme someone might make a twist on it and do a parody. This person who made it is mocking most of the modern game industry with their slavery game trailer, and nothing more.

I think you are right, kinda like grand theft oil.

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Guest lostpass
One can hear plenty of wrong stuff in history class, but I recall a history teacher claiming that the spanish conquistadores in South America began importing black slaves because the Indians tended to die off too quick under hard labor slave conditions. Dunno if it is true. If it is true, a weird pragmatism to an inhumane practice.

I think the survival rate for a native in the Americas was under a year in slavery while Africans were able to make it five years on average. The difference was that Africans were much more disease resistant because they had been using animal husbandry for years. Heck, it wasn't like Europeans were running into Africa and snatching up slaves, they waited on the ships and traded with Africans for slaves. If what I've been told is true.

It is also my recollection that the plantations in south america (sugar cane and cocoa) were where the slave trade really dominated.

Which kind of makes sense. Where is the economic incentive to drag folks all the way from Africa to the new world if you could exploit the new world natives? I think slavers wouldn't have any problem with enslaving the folks already there if it would save a lot of coin. Or even a little coin.

That's the argument I've been exposed to anyway.

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